Not your typical Slowtwitcher

So, I’ve got the opposite problem of most STer’s - I think my seat is too LOW. Is there a scientific method to finding the correct height, or is it trial and error?


You know of a more scientific method than to post pictures and let hundreds opiniate about it?!

Ha. Me and my bike shall remain a mystery.

mine is also too low, so i was told this past weekend. :slight_smile: (i set an appt to get better fit, i’ll just totally screw it up if i try myself!)

You actually posted a picture of you a while back… :wink:

I am trying to avoid a fitting b/c $$$, but it may end up being necessary. Poo.

Are you going on the Marathon ride?

I’ll take a look at your form (I mean that in the most harmless way possible :wink: ) and if it’s low we can tweak it on the ride.

DAMN! Nobody was supposed to remember that!! And I forgot about that - ha. Well, my BIKE shall remain a mystery at least.

Check out our link at:

Measure your inseam and saddle height as stated and get back to me or ST. We can tell you if you’re in the right ballpark.


do it the old school way. raise the seat till your butt stops bouncing at a high cadence, but before your hips rock. Then check it against the standard formulas to make sure you are reasonably close.

Are you going on the Marathon ride?

I’ll take a look at your form (I mean that in the most harmless way possible :wink: ) and if it’s low we can tweak it on the ride.

I wish I could go on the marathon ride, but it sounds like a long day and I’ve got exams coming up. I may be out there with some friends who will be back to Brookline before 11am. So if we run into each other on the course, I’d love any suggestions. Thanks!!

mine is also too low, so i was told this past weekend. :slight_smile: (i set an appt to get better fit, i’ll just totally screw it up if i try myself!)
I heard a fit expert will be coming to Cincy soon…

I think I’ve tried reading that article about a dozen times. Each time it makes my head hurt.

I’d much rather fork out the cash and let someone else do the math on that one.

Check out our link at:

Measure your inseam and saddle height as stated and get back to me or ST. We can tell you if you’re in the right ballpark.


Sweet - thanks! I’ll do it tonight or tomorrow :slight_smile:

yes, and i hope to do some riding with that person and friends…:slight_smile:

F your exams!

No worries… We’ll get your position dialed on a group ride one of these days.

Thanks! Gotta get dialed before Timberman.

Here’s my non scientific method. I believe that your larger muscle groups should be the ones tiring first - that means your quads. I find when I lower my saddle, the quads get used more, and tire more easily than when I raise it too high, and find my hip flexors wear out very quickly.

I start with it high and lower it to the point where the hip flexors aren’t overburdened. If they go first, you find all of your other muscles are still itching to get working, but you’re done. When you lower it to the point where your quads burn before they do, you’re there.

That is only how I do it.

there you go! your buds will help you out! :slight_smile: