Not authorized to view page?

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.


I genuinely like discussion. I have had my opinion changed here in the LR with discussion.

Coming in hot with insults just doesn’t gain anything.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you. I’ve been here for at least 20 years, but don’t post much. I had BK on ignore from years ago, but I would see his insufferable posts when I wasn’t signed in or when people would quote him. His return plus one other excessive insufferable poster actually made me want to leave the forum. It’s not up to me, but I’d be fine with banning people whose overall goal seems to be to insult, agitate, and make this place worse for everyone. I wish people wouldn’t engage with the obvious trolls, but that’s obvious up to them.


**I genuinely like discussion. I have had my opinion changed here in the LR with discussion. **

Coming in hot with insults just doesn’t gain anything.

I think that is why so many here react the way we do to tyler and BK. Most of us are willing to have a discussion with people we don’t agree with as long as we believe that it is an honest and genuine discussion. It doesn’t seem like we can get that from those two, no matter how many words they type.

I’m not going to waste my time on someone who is posting just to get a reaction, or who I don’t feel is genuine. And that goes for all sides of a conversation.

I think that is why so many here react the way we do to tyler and BK.

i try to give a little more leeway to confirmed righties, because we have fewer of them and i don’t want to lose a diversity of voices. but we lost a couple of lefties to bans last week and they were far less likely to drop a steaming turd of a post on the heads of our community. so my fuse is a little shorter now and being a rightie isn’t going to give you a free pass to be an ass.

I think that is why so many here react the way we do to tyler and BK.

i try to give a little more leeway to confirmed righties, because we have fewer of them and i don’t want to lose a diversity of voices. but we lost a couple of lefties to bans last week and they were far less likely to drop a steaming turd of a post on the heads of our community. so my fuse is a little shorter now and being a rightie isn’t going to give you a free pass to be an ass.


I think that is why so many here react the way we do to tyler and BK.

i try to give a little more leeway to confirmed righties, because we have fewer of them and i don’t want to lose a diversity of voices. but we lost a couple of lefties to bans last week and they were far less likely to drop a steaming turd of a post on the heads of our community. so my fuse is a little shorter now and being a rightie isn’t going to give you a free pass to be an ass.

I wish I could find it quickly but didn’t you publish in a thread about behaviors and languages that you would not tolerate here, regardless of political leaning?

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you.

I think that is why so many here react the way we do to tyler and BK.

i try to give a little more leeway to confirmed righties, because we have fewer of them and i don’t want to lose a diversity of voices. but we lost a couple of lefties to bans last week and they were far less likely to drop a steaming turd of a post on the heads of our community. so my fuse is a little shorter now and being a rightie isn’t going to give you a free pass to be an ass.

I have noticed that and appreciate your efforts to allow for a more balanced conversation. And as someone who probably benefited from that grace before getting disgusted with trump and the Republicans - I really appreciate it. lol.

Hopefully, Harris will win, trump will be out of the picture (and in prison), and we can return to more typical LR conversations about politics. He has polluted our society for far too long.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.


It seems the only way to remain a flag waving ‘rightie’ these days is to be an unhinged trump supporter.

There are plenty of left leaning folks, myself included, who will happily criticize the left and Biden. Because we want the party that more closely aligns with our values to be as good as possible, and there is clearly a lot of room for improvement.

However, on the right I don’t typically see that anymore. If you criticize Trump or the Republicans many failings you’re now considered a leftist. There is no room for dissent. It’s complete cult mentality.

Most of the reasonable conservatives here have either backed away from the Republicans or just left the forum entirely. The only ones left carrying water for the party are True Believers and trolls like Tyler, BK etc.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

I am not reluctant to engage a turd dropping BK. Like you, why sever an internet relationship over a disagreement. I understand your motive to calm the water, and hopefully his explanation and apology are made publicly. If he elects the PM mode and quietly goes into LR retirement, could you post of his elected departure. It might help persuade the lurking, mature thinking, remaining righties to actively join in if they know the why to his departure. Blast radius being what it is.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you.

I think obvious gaslighting should warrant a warning and then a ban, if persisted. Hopefully the other persistent gaslighter and steam turd dropper will go the same way.

Most of the reasonable conservatives here have either backed away from the Republicans or just left the forum entirely.
I used to think I was very conservative. I got disillusioned with the Republican Party in '92. But I still think I’m R leaning. However, this clown show is embarrassing. Trump, MTG, and Boebert cannot exit the stage quick enough.
I’ve been hoping for a third party for a long time- fiscally conservative, socially a bit more liberal.

And I’m well aware that the current Republican Party is not fiscally conservative.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you.

I think obvious gaslighting should warrant a warning and then a ban, if persisted. Hopefully the other persistent gaslighter and steam turd dropper will go the same way.

In fairness, Nutella would probably fall under this banner as well.

Declaring Biden put his personal ambitions to the side for the good of the party, etc… I mean come on, nobody believes that.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you.

I think obvious gaslighting should warrant a warning and then a ban, if persisted. Hopefully the other persistent gaslighter and steam turd dropper will go the same way.

In fairness, Nutella would probably fall under this banner as well.

Declaring Biden put his personal ambitions to the side for the good of the party, etc… I mean come on, nobody believes that.

Count me as one more nobody in the belief that he did exactly that.

I’ve been at ST for 17 years.
I asked BK a simple question.
Now if I click on a thread he created, I see that I’m not authorized to view post.
I’ve never seen that before.

Oh well, it’ll save me some time.
Ironic that I’m right leaning and get blocked. I guess I’m not right enough.
Note to self: just buy into propaganda and stop thinking for myself.

i moved his two threads he started today from view. you don’t get to sail in, drop a deuce on the community that embraced you for years an transparently lie to that community with impunity. explanation and apology required.

Thank you.

I think obvious gaslighting should warrant a warning and then a ban, if persisted. Hopefully the other persistent gaslighter and steam turd dropper will go the same way.

In fairness, Nutella would probably fall under this banner as well.

Declaring Biden put his personal ambitions to the side for the good of the party, etc… I mean come on, nobody believes that.

Count me as one more nobody in the belief that he did exactly that.

Which is why Slowman gets the flowers for his moderation style.

Declaring Biden put his personal ambitions to the side for the good of the party, etc… I mean come on, nobody believes that.

why do you think he dropped out of the race? hillary threatened to publish his browser history?

Declaring Biden put his personal ambitions to the side for the good of the party, etc… I mean come on, nobody believes that.

why do you think he dropped out of the race? hillary threatened to publish his browser history?

I think it’s fair to say that Pres Biden is stepping aside under significant pressure from the party, donors, and other influential Democrats (Obama, Pelosi, etc). I think it’s fair to say that he’s stepping aside because they’re telling him that he can’t or won’t win reelection, that funding will dry up, that the best chance to keep Donald Trump out of office is to get a different candidate, etc.

I think the praise for selflessness would have been more earned if he had recognized these factors earlier and paved the way for the next wave over the past several years, rather than waiting until his administration was in political extremis as a result of the poor debate and interview showings.