Not acclimating to the heat -- PART 2

Kept track of my numbers this weekend for my 25k run.

Temps were reasonable starting at 20C (68F) and steadily rose to 28C (82F). I noticed some humidity, but it wasn’t too bad. Wasn’t able to hold my goal pace of 7:50 miles, but rather avg’d 8:06. I know I wasn’t completely hydrated and recovered from the Saturday ride and brick, overall I felt a little fatigued but generally good.

Numbers were as follows (I used:

pre: 159 lbs
post: 152.4 lbs
intake: 38 oz
output: 4oz
time: 128 mins
sweat rate: 63 oz/hr

Ironman Perform - 26oz
water - 12 oz
GUs x 3
4 SaltStick capsules

Not sure if I can intake 63oz an hour, but I guess I had better try. I wish the day had been as hot as the previous to be more comparable, but…

Any further thoughts?

2 salt tabs every 30 minutes. And dude, this isn’t hot at all.

Isn’t that a lot of salt? If you don’t take them, do you usually cramp or just fatigued?
I just think for that long on training you don’t need to take any salt especially at 68F-82F but I am no expert with this stuff so I am also interested to hear others openion.

That depends on the humidity and dew point. Up north, low to mid 80’s can be HOT.

We are wearing a jacket in this weather.

You don’t need to replace all of the water you lose, and trying to do so will probably lead to hyponatremia which is worse than dehydration. It doesn’t sound like you had a bad run. You didn’t hit your goal, but you say you felt generally good but fatigued. Maybe it was the fatigue from Saturday’s brick that kept you from running your goal and not the heat.

Yeah, I agree it wasn’t that hot. The point of the matter is despite the heat, or lack thereof, I sweat a lot. Last year, my big training day (3k swim, 150 bike, 15k run) before IMWI it was in the high 80s I lost 13lbs. Granted, I knew even less about hydration and nutrition then I do now.

I am currently playing with what happens when I take salt vs. when I don’t. Typically on a hot long run I just feel like I am bonking, I believe I am taking in enough calories, but as I am learning that doesn’t mean squat if I am loosing too much water and the viscosity of my blood is thickening.

At least I now have a general idea of how much I am loosing, and I will certainly try to take 2x pills every 30 mins and see how that goes.