Non-Trek Dealers Fitting 9.9 Speed Concepts

I’d like to hear from fitters who are not Trek dealers and what your experiences have been providing fits for customers who roll in with a high end Speed Concept. It took me a while to obtain an OEM bolt kit for the aerobar-to-basebar extension. I’m now on the hunt for “stems” (for lack of a better word). I’ve spoken to oneTrek dealer who is ordering all their SCs pre-built with the medium high, medium long stem and calling it close enough.


I’ve only fit one and luckily he was at a good starting point. I and most non-shop fitters will not stock brand-specific parts, and as such will have an increasingly difficult time with the proprietary front ends several companies are moving toward. I am more increasingly finishing fits on these bikes with "I’m sorry, you were sold the wrong size bike/wrong front end/wrong bike period and I can’t help. I hate that answer but won’t lie to an athlete. Best case: “go back to the dealer, get and install a XXmm stem and XXmm rise kit.”

Brian, I too have helped guide an athlete to resolution by putting them on my fit bike, get them into a quality position then doing a calculation as to what OEM stem/spacers would be right for them to acquire when they return to the dealer. That calculation isn’t always easy but it’s a place to start.


I have fit a couple of individuals. Both were fit on an exit and then then the measurements were transferred. In one case we were able to use the stem that came on the bike, the other required the customer take their bike back to the Trek dealer to order the appropriate parts. I think its going to become a more common isse with more and more proprietary aerobar and stem systems.

This has been happening so often with our clients that the local Trek chain has decided to stop fitting and send their clients to us before selling them an SC (shop pays the fit fee). They don’t want to do the fittings anyway, the client can be sure of an unbiased result, and the shop(s) no longer have to exchange bikes that don’t fit. Everybody wins. No 9-series SC should be sold without being preceded by a fit.

I have had all the above issues arise. I am fortunate that my studio is 1 1/2 blocks from a trek concept store so parts are not a problem, other than that I have to send in the customer with a prescription. The only awkward part is when the bike did not come from the aforementioned trek store.

I am upfront with my Trek, Felt, Blue and other clients. In fact with all my integrated front end clients that I may not have all the appropriate parts in stock at time of fitting. I do pack rat a ton, and call frequently to get extra proprietary bits and pieces to have on hand but ultimately you can only stock so much. Best you can do is use your sizing cycle and take excellent notes to help the client and the potential 3rd party shop to know what needs to be changed and why. I find that most shops I deal with are willing to help when the why is clear to them. I use the same procedure I use with ISP clients, fit bike first (retul scan) and double check that the position can be translated effectively. Then work with what we have or two stage the fit once the necessary parts are made available.

SC fits typically end up being a two stage process for me. If I can’t do what I need to with their existing “stem,” we schedule a follow-up to finish with the correct stem installed.

Most fits on the SC are successful with the medium or medium long stem. Any customer who walks in with this bike should have the full spacer and bolt kit received from his dealer. If you need any assistance in the future respond or contact me at the store.


Are these still the options for stems?

Low/Near: 10mm rise, 50mm reach
Low/Far: 10mm rise, 100mm reach
Mid/Near: 45mm rise, 60mm reach
Mid/Far: 45mm, 100mm reach
Tall/Near: 75mm rise, 80mm reach
Tall/Far: 75mm rise, 110mm reach

SC RXL 50X10
SC RXL 100X10
SC RXL 60X45
SC RXL 100X42
SC RXL 80X75
SC RXL 110X75

first number is reach. second is height.

these are the options available on Trek’s Tech site.