No sugar deprivation the week of a race ... thanks desert dude

I just realized how much more I enjoy race weeks now that I don’t have to worry about eating few cookies the week of a race. Desert dude showed me the error of my ways after another American Zofingen dnf last year. Thanks big guy, though bored with all the extra time, at least I’m not getting all those headaches from lack of sugar.

Bring on the swim; I’m not scared anymore. Well, at least not if they let me wear the wetsuit.


Jeez, I think I’d drop dead if I eliminated sugar from my diet!

Donuts donuts donuts. Part of any good race week taper.

Does that mean you’ll give AmZof another go? Gonna be a REAL smackdown this year. I’m looking to take Tetsuoni to the woodshed at Worlds, and then school both him and ML at AmZof…

JM’s definitely going to be bringing the pain, though, if he can hold onto the Swedish legs he’s about to acquire…

well swimming is about the only thing I’ve been doing so bring it baby! In fact I’m about to head to the pool.

Does that mean you’ll give AmZof another go?

Well, since you never responded to the below post back in April, I’m thinking now you might be scared I have everything figured out now.
*Anyone with cahones would show up to the Mohonk Preserve in mid-October. *
I had to check out your signature line to see if this was aimed at me personally or the audience at large. I’m hurt. You know how much I want to put the jinx to bed, but only if you sponsor me. Come on; you are the guy with a real job, retirement pay and can drive there in your car. So, I’ll make you a deal. You buy me a plane ticket into the airport of greatest convenience to you, I’ll ship my bike out to you well in advance, you pick me up on your way North and I’ll go against my better judgement (and against my vow to never return) and try that race one more time.

There, how you like dem apples?


Ooops. Sorry I missed that one.

I’d take you up on it, except that Uncle Sam wants significantly more of my 2008 paychecks than I paid in. And I emphasize SIGNIFICANTLY!

That was a lovely April gift. NOT.

Perhaps we can make a plan for next year?

Oh…and I guess this thread means I can have several of the oatmeal raisin cookies I just baked since I’m racing Triple T a week from now! :wink:

Yeah, well, the dear Uncle did me no favors either. They skimmed 20K off the sep payment and then, because it comes in a lump sum, charged me taxes as if I made 110,00 in 2008. The State of Utah was worse. I need to stop being a resident there. I’ll make up for it in '09 when I only make 15,000. :slight_smile: I’m not getting rich subsitute teaching, that’s for sure.


Why would anybody cut back anything the week before a race? Yer gonna burn it all off, and then some.

The whole reason I even bother to train and race is so I can eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want.

(well that, and schooling ex-Marines at AmZof. :wink:

“(well that, and schooling ex-Marines at AmZof. ;-)”


But you will still have to enjoy the view of my arse @ AmZof

Why would anybody cut back anything the week before a race? Yer gonna burn it all off, and then some.

Yeah, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Cut back on sugar. Go in light. It backfired in all my long races last year. I bonked in every one of them. Plus I think I need to eat more during the race. Of course, I’ve gained five pounds over the winter and I think it might actually be due to consistent swim training. I’ve already done more “swimming” ie Vasa, this year than all of last year. I finally got back in the pool and it worked; I’m faster than ever, but I’m still carrying those five extra pounds around on the run.


You? I though you were wimping your way through the F1 course.

Did you man up for long course again? :wink:

If so, I got something for you too…

But you will still have to enjoy the view of my arse @ AmZof

You’ve probably never seen the view of your own arse, and I hadn’t seen yours until I passed you, but I hate to break it to ya - it’s not that enjoyable.

There’s more smack going on about A-Z and that race is in October…did you guys forget that Eganski is going to spank ML tomorrow at Harriman Half Ironman???

CdW, forget about A-Z…come and race Demi Esprit and you can probably break 4 hours if ML can do 4:08!

CdW, forget about A-Z…come and race Demi Esprit and you can probably break 4 hours if ML can do 4:08!

You clearly did not read the reason I’m not going back–other than lack of desire to be trodden underfoot again. No job, no money, no travel. :frowning: Otherwise I would have gone back to duathlon nationals.

As for Demi Esprit, that IS where I plan to make my sub 4 hour attempt when my swim has progressed to the point where it won’t be a liability. The Vasa has been my friend and I expect to keep improving with some actual pool time racing my kids.


Sugar deprivation is over rated.

The very first triathlon i ever won i ate a whole pack of double stuffed oreos the night before. i enjoyed every single one. So eat junk and win races.

Every great race I’ve ever had was preceeded by a fantastic dessert the night before. I consider it topping off the glycogen stores.