No more angry banter threads?

Seriously? Where will you draw the line between friendly chiding, justified criticism, healthy debate, malicious slamming? Let me guess, you’ll invoke Justice Stewart’s standard.

Angry banter threads are few and far between (so it seems to me), and they generally seem to run their course. I don’t recall any of them including defamatory statements, hate speech, or any other forms of unprotected speech, so I guess I don’t see the need to exert such control over expression . . . but that’s just me. This has the potential to be a very sad day in the history of ST.

If I ever screw up in a big, public way, I think I would deserve to take my lashes in public as well.

well that ruined my work day

There is quite a bit of it in the LR. Usually racism or anti-Islam statements by the same 2-3 posters. Some of them get pulled remarkably quickly. It’s highly likely that they were pulled so fast that you never saw them.

Not sure if this new policy is applied in LR or not.


Has ST jumped the shark?

Just think of the retort now available, if only we could capture the high-class voice inflection:

“Your comments, sir, border on angry banter!”.

Who actually gets angry? That would be pretty weak.

I fart in your general direction.

I fart in your general direction.


I’ve never seen any angry banter. What are you guys talking about?

I fart in your general direction.


Your mother wears combat boots!

I’m not sure about angry banter, but there are some industry types and very stellar athletes that post here maybe once or twice but get soured on the ‘slowtwitch experience’ thanks to be railed on by a few ‘resident experts’ and you never hear from those people again…which sucks.

I’ve never seen any angry banter. What are you guys talking about?

Is an Angry Banter, like the Angry Badger sale a former Michigan Bike Sporting store had on its trainers?

I guess angry banter is like porno … You know it when you see it.

I am getting a lil angry you posted a thread like this . Okay I am not angry at all. Now let’s all hold hands disagree to agree and sing kumbay ahh together . After that maybe a good verse of Krishna Krishna :0) altogether now.

Really? You think it’s a sad day when we lose a 4 page thread of people piling on a guy for being a bit self righteous?

I’ve seen Angry Birds.

You septics are so thin skinned. No wonder your pros are all so soft when it comes to the big races. (No, I did not forget the pink.) Wonder who will be the first north american RD who hits the jackpot by making it a condition of entry that all competitors must wait short of the finish line until the last arrives so they can all cross together holding hands. Wouldn’t want anyone to have hurt feelings now would we???

I guess his Word really was gold.

You septics are so thin skinned. No wonder your pros are all so soft when it comes to the big races. (No, I did not forget the pink.) Wonder who will be the first north american RD who hits the jackpot by making it a condition of entry that all competitors must wait short of the finish line until the last arrives so they can all cross together holding hands. Wouldn’t want anyone to have hurt feelings now would we???

Easy there, convict.

Everyone is a winner around these parts.

You septics are so thin skinned. No wonder your pros are all so soft when it comes to the big races. (No, I did not forget the pink.) ??

But you did forget the dictionary…