No love for St. Anthony's?

It’s race week and no talk of St. Anthony’s? I, for one, am looking forward to it.

I love St Anthony’s. Just too much of a gamble to travel down to Florida for a biathlon every other year. Good luck to all that are racing this weekend.

It’s race week and no talk of St. Anthony’s? I, for one, am looking forward to it.Got a couple of minutes on ProTriNews (@29:30):
WPro: Becharas Foley McCarthy Alexander Lopes
MPro: Quenet Schafer Dubrick McQueen West Lagerstrom
Start list:

Is this still a pro race, anyone know amount of $$ on offer?? This used to be one of the really big stops on many pros calendars back in the day, glad to see it is still going. I remember the days when Cameron Dye would just smash the bike and defy any runners to catch him. Some great battles and athletes over the years…

But yes I also remember swims being cancelled, or cut in half (what is that, if you can swim half, why not all?) Used to be a very big amateur race too, how many they getting these days? Be good if some of the old iconic races could hang around, perhaps even regain some old glory…

It’s still a pro race but the prize purse has been reduced over the years. $50k purse in total combined. Winner gets $10k. Pays 8 deep. $500 primes are available for fastest s,b,r splits.

AG race isn’t as competitive as it once was. Once USAT introduced the USAT scoring qualification for an elite license, AG folks stopped chasing those pro races trying to get within 8% of the winner.

True story. Last year, after the race had been turned into a duathlon, I’m standing in the overcrowded coral waiting for the run to start. I hear a guy behind me speaking English in a heavy Russian accent. I turn around and it’s Alex Rukosuev. He was racing as an age grouper carrying a few more pounds like all of us.

I moved to CO, so am no longer in close proximity to the race. Did they change the bike course? It used to be a nightmare with 90 and 180 degree turns on brick roads. Add the rain and wind every other year or so and it go slippery and very hairy.

Thought is was great that they brought it up but kind of weird they wouldn’t make predictions. They brought it up to raise it up but then didn’t really commit to it idk.

But yeah $50k combined prize purse for an Olympic, with the $500 premiums. ~50 pros in the field this year. Looks like a decent enough forecast. Windy & a little hot/humid depending on what you’re used to. Mass race gets 3k+ between the different races. Bike course has a lot of turns. It’s nice to see a non-branded race still doing well like this.

I moved to CO, so am no longer in close proximity to the race. Did they change the bike course? It used to be a nightmare with 90 and 180 degree turns on brick roads. Add the rain and wind every other year or so and it go slippery and very hairy.

Same bike course as far back as I can remember with a ton of turns, two 180’s and speed humps out by the golf course. Last year the winds were so bad the swim was canceled due to the Coast Guard restricting small watercraft in the bay. Rear Disc wheels were banned for the age groupers which left me scrambling to find a rear wheel the day before the race. The wind gusts in between the buildings downtown were no joke.

I’m looking forward to seeing what Faith Duncan can do in her first Pro race. She just pulled a double winning the draft legal and Olympic races at USAT Collegiate Club Nationals in Mission Viejo two weeks ago.

The race used to be an IM Hawaii qualifier and was considered the North American professional season opener. It was one of the few Olympic distance triathlons that was also an IM qualifier.

High of 86 with 16mph wind for Sunday. Hopefully the winds come up in the afternoon.

Any info on the water temperature?

Any info on the water temperature?

according to NOAA its 76.1 as of 9:48 am on Tuesday 4/23

The next few nights, it’s supposed to get down into the 50s. Should keep the water temperature below 78 degrees. Let’s hope we have a swim.

72-74 during the race, mid-60s projected dew point. Not great but not the worst. Anybody know how bad the wind was last year to cancel the swim? Supposed to get up around 20mph overnight and be around 15 during the race. It’s supposed to be from the east which seems ok for a race that mostly moves north and south.

Also do people have any suggestions on where to (safely) ride before the race? I’m going to be racing. Will have a car. Open to driving outside of St. Pete’s to get on some decent roads to do some pre race riding.

72-74 during the race, mid-60s projected dew point. Not great but not the worst. Anybody know how bad the wind was last year to cancel the swim? Supposed to get up around 20mph overnight and be around 15 during the race. It’s supposed to be from the east which seems ok for a race that mostly moves north and south.

Also do people have any suggestions on where to (safely) ride before the race? I’m going to be racing. Will have a car. Open to driving outside of St. Pete’s to get on some decent roads to do some pre race riding.
We had gusts up to 45mph last year. Pretty hefty.
Bay looked not too bad actually in the morning, but the decision to cancel the swim was made anyway.

To get a training ride in, I recommend Fort Desoto state park. Not much traffic, little bumpy road, but nice and flat.

I checked the historical data from Weather Underground. The winds were from the west at 20-25 MPH with gusts of 30-45MPH. I had a hard time with the gusts.

Sounds like the swim will be on if the current weather holds then. I saw Ft De Soto on Strava. It’s not too bad with cars there to be in the road? The bike path looks tight from what I was looking at. Just have 2 rides I need to do when I get down there but want to hit a few hard reps on my Friday ride.

Appreciate the help in the last 2 posts.

72-74 during the race, mid-60s projected dew point. Not great but not the worst. Anybody know how bad the wind was last year to cancel the swim? Supposed to get up around 20mph overnight and be around 15 during the race. It’s supposed to be from the east which seems ok for a race that mostly moves north and south.

Also do people have any suggestions on where to (safely) ride before the race? I’m going to be racing. Will have a car. Open to driving outside of St. Pete’s to get on some decent roads to do some pre race riding.

Wind was BAD last year. It buckled and destroyed a bunch of the expo tents. While the bay looked fine the morning of the USCG had posted a small craft advisory which means the race couldn’t put support craft on the water.

Its still early on but the way I read the forecasted wind and tide charts there’s the potential for choppy water conditions based on wind/tide conditions