No Alcohol January 2024

Well, Hello there Everyone!

Greetings from DC!

It’s that time of year, where I come back to the forum to put on my coaching hat for the next month and change. As always, I’m here to offer up my personal anecdotes to help those of you on the fence to participate to opt in, and to also air my grievances up front (hey isn’t there another challenge here that does that…?).

I did the math, and 2024 will mark a decade of Dry Januarys for me. They’ve all looked slightly different over the years, but there’s one way this one will be far different than the others. I’m proud to say that I’ve been able to do it with enthusiasm for so long, and the years definitely got easier as time went by. Some of that was muscle memory, some of that was easy January goings-on and recently a LOT of that had to do with all of YOU who helped keep me accountable. So, thank you!

If you’ve been following along on the forum you know that one of my biggest challenges during this month has been being married to a person who absolutely did not participate in this month. It always caused a lot of stress, seeing things from a cleaned lens from the outside looking in for this period. And no amount of pleading, encouraging, etc could move that needle with either him or his family. Alcohol-fueled and alcohol-involved episodes escalated to the point where I found my threshold. Actually my threshold pressed hard into my ribs, squeezing the air out of me. So, I left.

It’s been an interesting year. I’ve lived mostly by my standards of drinking which I’ve established here over the years- never drinking alone, choosing which days to partake based on rest days, quality over quantity, etc. So, it was an adventure for me. I discovered amazing wines before symphonies, had beer than never tasted so good after the Wednesday Night Hammerfest, and achieved a state of zen-like calm and buzzed-like joy that I hadn’t experienced in a long time without feeling any “need” to drink. Therapy probably also helped tremendously with that last part. But, here I am, ready to blow the whistle at midnight on Monday morning and start this challenge for us again.

This time, I’ve got behind the scenes reinforcements. Shock of shocks, I’ve met someone who also not only does Dry January, but also Dry February, and Dry March. It’ll be interesting having someone be the angel on my shoulder for a change! I don’t plan to make it through March, but I will attempt to go until at least my birthday at the beginning of that month (which will also be a combined “Jubilation Day” party).

So, who’s in?
Let’s start the year off on the right foot, in control of one of our controllables and investing in ourselves early on.

One of the main success points that we have every year is the teamwork and camaraderie. We all cheer each other on, either publicly in this thread or privately through our DMs. I’m grateful that it’s the one time of year that we can all put our differences aside (Blumie vs Sam Long, Cervelo vs Specialized, etc) and do something good for ourselves.

If you’re playing along for the first time, or are just now coming out of your post-holiday fog and need a refresher, here’s how this goes:

  1. I’ll be posting a check-in here every day throughout January. Feel free to read along, nod silently in agreement, or check in yourself for accountability. If you don’t feel comfortable checking in publicly, I offer you my personal pompoms and private message inbox every day you need it.

  2. Take this extra time to tune into your body. We all love data- keep track of your resting HR and HRV, hours slept, quality of sleep, how many chocolate chips you snarfed because you’re missing your after dinner ritual, and how well you’re otherwise staying hydrated. There are lots more metrics too, so share with the class what you’re experiencing!

  3. The goal of this month is to evaluate your relationship with alcohol. Some people will come into this thread to tell us that drinking is wrong and gross and we’re awful humans for enjoying a nice single barrel bourbon every so often (come on, this IS the ST forum after all), but many others will share inspiring stories about their sobriety and encourage us to fulfill our promise to ourselves this month and potentially beyond. And, several of us will also discuss our favorite beverage of choice- the one that gets us through this month, and the one we’re looking forward to after this period ends. Quality over quantity is a common theme here.

  4. If you manage to succeed in staying dry for 31 days, that’s 8.5% of your year spent sober. Woohoo! And if you follow my trajectory, it’ll be 62 days dry to kick off the year!

Are you ready? Let’s goooooo!

I don’t drink alcohol but I will join and give up my precious Mary Jane

In. Again.

Thanks again for doing this and sharing your plight. Sounds like you will be better off and happier. I wish you well.

As for me, I have kept off 18 of the 20 pounds I lost with last year’s kick-off! So, I’ve figured out my diet but I still have work to do on my relationship with alcohol. Looking forward to this year’s challenge.

In again for 2024. Last year was my first and it stretched well past January and led to me being the fittest I’ve ever been in my life. Here’s to another dry January and even better fitness leading into my first season of 70.3 racing.

I’m in for the first time. Looking forward to it.

YESSSSS! You won’t regret it! My advice to the newcomer-

Lean on us when it gets hard.

Lean IN on yourself to really figure out the why and how of your relationship with alcohol. We have some key words that we’ll bust out over the month like “witching hour” and you’ll know exactly what we mean.

Make your own journal for the month either here or offline. Pair it with your watch data. It’s pretty damn fascinating.

I don’t drink alcohol but I will join and give up my precious Mary Jane

That counts for something! Let’s go!!!

In. Again.

Thanks again for doing this and sharing your plight. Sounds like you will be better off and happier. I wish you well.

As for me, I have kept off 18 of the 20 pounds I lost with last year’s kick-off! So, I’ve figured out my diet but I still have work to do on my relationship with alcohol. Looking forward to this year’s challenge.

You are very sweet, thank you. I am definitely WAY safer, happier, and mostly saner.

And I’m SO PROUD OF YOU for keeping that kettlebell off of you! Let’s get after it again!

In again for 2024. Last year was my first and it stretched well past January and led to me being the fittest I’ve ever been in my life. Here’s to another dry January and even better fitness leading into my first season of 70.3 racing.

WAY TO GO! I’m excited for you to dive into long course racing!

Last year, in the midst of the hurricane, I had the best tri season of my life. Top 10 AG in nationally acclaimed road races, broke tapes, qualified for IM 70.3 worlds again, and looked freaking stunning in the process because I was in the best shape of my life. I’m so ready to feel that way again after this annual reset.

I’m in.

In fact, I’m looking to stop drinking well beyond January.

I love red wine, but every time I have a glass it just wrecks my sleep and recovery. I find myself awake around 3-4am and my HRV drops about 6pts.

Doc, thanks for hosting again this year, you are an inspiration. 2023 was my first Dry January and it went well. As you suggested, it’s a good opportunity to consider one’s relationship with alcohol. I am in for 2024!

I’m in too. Got a bit of an early start after Christmas.

Done this the past few years and it’s a great way to drop some weight. I also seem to put in my best power numbers in late January/early February after a month booze free. Likely going to extend beyond January as well. Thanks for putting this together!

Those are some big changes! Congrats on taking a huge (and scary I’m sure!) step forward!

I’m in again and planning to go until at least mid-February when we go away for a family vacation. I feel like I got to a point this past year where having a couple drinks at night became the rule rather than the exception, and I don’t want that to be the case anymore. I’ve also put on a few pounds and I’m making a concerted effort to shed the weight and get back to an overall healthier lifestyle in 2024.

It’s always nice to know there’s a group to commiserate with when things get difficult!

No alcohol period

I’m in.

In fact, I’m looking to stop drinking well beyond January.

I love red wine, but every time I have a glass it just wrecks my sleep and recovery. I find myself awake around 3-4am and my HRV drops about 6pts.

Stop being my twin 😜

I have fallen in love with some serious French wines over the past year, but good lord they did a number on my sleep. I’m glad that symphony season and triathlon season don’t really overlap.

Doc, thanks for hosting again this year, you are an inspiration. 2023 was my first Dry January and it went well. As you suggested, it’s a good opportunity to consider one’s relationship with alcohol. I am in for 2024!

YES! Welcome back! Year two gets WAY easier!

I’m in too. Got a bit of an early start after Christmas.

Done this the past few years and it’s a great way to drop some weight. I also seem to put in my best power numbers in late January/early February after a month booze free. Likely going to extend beyond January as well. Thanks for putting this together!

Woohoo! Jealous of your early start! I had already planned on partaking on NYE so it just looks like a normal week here otherwise.

Those are some big changes! Congrats on taking a huge (and scary I’m sure!) step forward!

I’m in again and planning to go until at least mid-February when we go away for a family vacation. I feel like I got to a point this past year where having a couple drinks at night became the rule rather than the exception, and I don’t want that to be the case anymore. I’ve also put on a few pounds and I’m making a concerted effort to shed the weight and get back to an overall healthier lifestyle in 2024.

It’s always nice to know there’s a group to commiserate with when things get difficult!

Thank you! It’s felt like a leap this year, which has been fun and scary.

And for those who are on the fence- THIS RIGHT HERE is the number one reason I’ve seen people join. It’s changed lives on the back end of this.

You’ve got this!

I am IN !

Used to do this years ago might as well start again

I am IN !

Used to do this years ago might as well start again

YES! Welcome! You’ve got this!

I’m in again. This will be year 3. Or maybe 4? Thanks for your leadership and cheerleading on this. And, like you, this year will be the 1st for me to Dryuary with a partner - my spouse. I convinced her to do it with me, no separation/ new partner required! But best wishes and good vibes to you on your significant life change!

Getting some nice champagne for NYE and then… I’ll see how far I get after the 1st month…