Nina Kraft wins IMKY at 46

46 is just a number. Congrats. Ninja.

10 years ago and your point is?

She doped 10 years ago, openly admitted her cheating, and served her time. So…?

10 years ago and your point is?

That obviously EPO hasn’t had any negative long term effects on her performance!

Unfortunately that means nothing Jack - what people will hear about is she is the oldest ever IM winner. That’s the reality. And that means the reality for me is a few more years in the sport as wifey is dead set on being the oldest ITU WC Series winner and IM winner…so the goal posts just got moved! IMNZ2017…got a ring to it eh ?!

Any wins after her EPO admission should have an “*” next to them. I personally believe that once you cheat in a sport you should not be allowed to complete in that sport ever again.

EDIT: for people that could not follow what I meant. USING PED’s IS CHEATING and you should be banned for life.

Any wins after her EPO admission should have an “*” next to them. I personally believe that once you cheat in a sport you should not be allowed to complete in that sport ever again.

So you don’t believe once one served their penalty, that they should be allowed to race? Curious to how you view crime. If one shoplifts, should one never be allowed to shop again? What if one get’s caught speeding. Should license be pulled forever? What about a college kid that gets a MPI, should they never be allowed to touch alcohol again? etc. etc.

Congrats I guess. Beyond the EPO issue it also made me think about the strength of the women’s field, with only 4 going sub 10 hours.

Define “cheat”.

She served her penalty, was prohibited for a reasonable period of time, so she should be allowed back in. That’s a long time ago.

I met her after her 2007 IMFL win. She could not have been nicer. I have spoke with her several times since then and she is a sweet heart.

I think the penalties are way to soft on drug use in sport. Maybe if the penalties were a lot more sever in your examples these items would not be so prevalent in our society.

Take your example of speeding. How many people would speed if the penalties were say $5000 and 1year suspension from driving?

BUT we are talking sport here and last time I checked it is not a CRIME to cheat in sports.

She used a banned substance to win = CHEAT. Pretty simple. I do not believe in any sport when you cheat and still benefit years later that you should be able to compete still. Just my view so she will always have an “*” next to her name as far as I am concerned.

46 is just a number. Congrats. Ninja.

Agreed! I was at Louisville for one of her previous victories and she is a great person.
Is she actually 46 yet or closing in on it? Awesome to see the limits pushed back. Cannot wait to see others do the same. Now I can just wish PNF would come out of retirement one more time…

Pity Carlson decided to use a backhanded put down in the Weekend Box.

If sports like triathlon & cycling were serious about eradicating PEDs they would have implemented stronger penalties years ago. A 2-year ban is not enough to discourage athletes from rolling the dice.

I was in Kona the year Kraft got popped and not only did she cheat with PEDs, when she was interviewed in the penalty tent, she complained that the referees were anti-German and that’s the reason she got a drafting penalty. Her deliberate actions also stole from Natasha the elation of knowing she was the winner on Ali’i. In my opinion, she has no class and is bad for our sport.

Right or wrong, when I saw that she won today, I immediately assumed that she doped again and has managed not to get caught.

So your saying that using any banned substance = cheat = lifetime ban? What about drafting, that gives more of an advantage than a lot of banned substances. In order for the penalties to br fair, that’s a lifetime ban too. Accepting outside assistance? Lifetime ban. Dropping a swim cap in transition? Crossing the centreline? Exceeding the speed limit on the bike course on that tricky section at Oceanside 70.3?

She doped 10 years ago, openly admitted her cheating, and served her time. So…?

To you and Runguy: it’s not enough that she be allowed to race again–you also think the rest of us shouldn’t be allowed to point out her doping history, and speculate on how it may help her current performance?

Always Curious - said it much better than I did below.

PED = death sentence

Drafting = light sentence

Dropping a cap in transition = slap on the wrist.

So your saying that using any banned substance = cheat = lifetime ban? What about drafting, that gives more of an advantage than a lot of banned substances. In order for the penalties to br fair, that’s a lifetime ban too. Accepting outside assistance? Lifetime ban. Dropping a swim cap in transition? Crossing the centreline? Exceeding the speed limit on the bike course on that tricky section at Oceanside 70.3?

We’ve had this discussion many times before:
Dropping a cap, crossing the centerline, etc., are spur-of-the-moment decisions, and should be penalized least.Drafting is strategic cheating during the course of the race, and should be penalized more.Doping is premeditated long-term lying, cheating, law breaking and deception done multiple times outside the race venue to gain a season-long advantage. The depth of the intent to cheat is much, much greater, and should be penalized much, much more.

There can be no real discussions when you can’t distinguished between the degrees of cheating and the corresponding degree of punishment.

It’s the same with the children in your house. It’s the same with the criminal system. Certain infractions, you slap someone’s hand. Certain infractions, you throw away the keys.