Nikki Haley, should she stay or should she go?

After loosing last night she said she’s staying though her state, S Carolina. I think she’s got to stay in no matter what. Trump is about to implode. To miss quote Pink Floyd,‘‘the worms are eating into his brain’’.

Last night in his victory speech, Trump was cursing and calling her out. He was saying ‘‘we just won Nevada’’. I thought there was some significance to this, but the Nevada primary isn’t for a few weeks. He’s gone. This is what happens when you keep banging Adderall for years. Pretty soon, he will just babble incoherently and the mages will cheer, but some people are paying attention.

I say, Nikki’s got to stay.

Seems ridiculous it could be over after two states. Then again, I’d guess a state like New Hampshire is less MAGA than most.

If she’s staying until SC, she needs to continue beyond SC. She’s about to get embarrassed there in her home state so for her own political fortunes, and for the way-greater-than-zero-percent-chance that Trump implodes or matriculates to prison, she needs to keep making her case. Specifically, that she, not Trump, can beat Biden in the general election. She’s got plenty of cash and wealthy donors, the hopes and momentum of the never-Trump GOP, and strong support from independent voters.

She just needs to go all in, maybe not as acerbic and direct as Christie (though I was here for it) for self preservation reasons, but she needs to be the alternative when the sociopath becomes inarguably and undeniably unelectable.

If she’s staying until SC, she needs to continue beyond SC. She’s about to get embarrassed there in her home state so for her own political fortunes, and for the way-greater-than-zero-percent-chance that Trump implodes or matriculates to prison, she needs to keep making her case. Specifically, that she, not Trump, can beat Biden in the general election. She’s got plenty of cash and wealthy donors, the hopes and momentum of the never-Trump GOP, and strong support from independent voters.

She just needs to go all in, maybe not as acerbic and direct as Christie (though I was here for it) for self preservation reasons, but she needs to be the alternative when the sociopath becomes inarguably and undeniably unelectable.

So is Biden a done deal at his point?

but the Nevada primary isn’t for a few weeks.

I hate to do the thing where people rationalize Trump’s verbal diarrhea. We’re jacked up here in Nevada. There’ll be both a caucus and a primary. There was a new law passed after the 2020 election mandating Presidential primaries. Haley is participating in the primary, and will probably win it.

The state GOP is just openly flouting the law, and will assign delegates only from the caucus. Trump is in the caucus. All the minor candidates pick the primary because you have to pay the party $55,000 to join the caucus. Reduced to $35,000 if you fundraise for the state GOP.

So though he hasn’t officially won yet, the party elites have effectively handed Trump Nevada’s delegates in advance. Nevada will be a non-contest, denying most GOP voters a chance to provide their input. To participate in the caucus you have to drive out to Fallon, NV, which is something most people don’t want to do, or have the time to do.

Someone probably tried to explain this “victory” to Trump, and he imagined great crowds of supporters voting for him in Nevada, and thinks he “won.”

You should read up on what’s happening in Nevada. This isn’t trump being a loony old man.

She has to stay: she is by a couple of orders of magnitude the least worst GOP candidate.

But isn’t the decision ultimately not that of the candidate per se, but of the money available (or not, as the case may be) to the candidate’s campaign. I have no idea how much she is sitting on, or how robust her relationships are with her donors.

All that said it looks like findings of fraud, rape, and a criminal conviction or two are already hard baked into most of the support in Trump’s base. Bizarroworld. The exit ramps for Trumpster are either near literal implosion or SCOTUS ruling him ineligible.

I hope she stays in and Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck (though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.

If she’s staying until SC, she needs to continue beyond SC. She’s about to get embarrassed there in her home state so for her own political fortunes, and for the way-greater-than-zero-percent-chance that Trump implodes or matriculates to prison, she needs to keep making her case. Specifically, that she, not Trump, can beat Biden in the general election. She’s got plenty of cash and wealthy donors, the hopes and momentum of the never-Trump GOP, and strong support from independent voters.

She just needs to go all in, maybe not as acerbic and direct as Christie (though I was here for it) for self preservation reasons, but she needs to be the alternative when the sociopath becomes inarguably and undeniably unelectable.

So is Biden a done deal at his point?

In what sense?

Biden beating Trump? If the election were tomorrow, yes, but we’re talking about two elderly men under considerable stress so I take nothing for granted.

If you mean Haley beating Biden, the poll or polls suggest she will, by a wide margin. Take those for what they’re worth, but I think she offers the fresh turn of the page most independent voters and probably a small minority of Republicans are looking for at this point. But the GOP fealty to the Cult of Trump will cost them yet again, and honestly I don’t see the fever breaking until he’s dead or imprisoned. He’s delivered loss after loss after loss and it’s staring them in the face yet again, and they just can’t quit him.

I hope she stays in and Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck (though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.


If she’s staying until SC, she needs to continue beyond SC. She’s about to get embarrassed there in her home state so for her own political fortunes, and for the way-greater-than-zero-percent-chance that Trump implodes or matriculates to prison, she needs to keep making her case. Specifically, that she, not Trump, can beat Biden in the general election. She’s got plenty of cash and wealthy donors, the hopes and momentum of the never-Trump GOP, and strong support from independent voters.

She just needs to go all in, maybe not as acerbic and direct as Christie (though I was here for it) for self preservation reasons, but she needs to be the alternative when the sociopath becomes inarguably and undeniably unelectable.

So is Biden a done deal at his point?

In what sense?

Biden beating Trump? If the election were tomorrow, yes, but we’re talking about two elderly men under considerable stress so I take nothing for granted.

If you mean Haley beating Biden, the poll or polls suggest she will, by a wide margin. Take those for what they’re worth, but I think she offers the fresh turn of the page most independent voters and probably a small minority of Republicans are looking for at this point. But the GOP fealty to the Cult of Trump will cost them yet again, and honestly I don’t see the fever breaking until he’s dead or imprisoned. He’s delivered loss after loss after loss and it’s staring them in the face yet again, and they just can’t quit him.

I mean Biden is for sure the Democrats nominee?

l have no idea how much she is sitting on, or how robust her relationships are with her donors.

I read that the Koch bros have backed her. And such wonderful people too, they use a corrupt twist of bankruptcy law (the Texas two step) to hide their massive piles of cash while their victims slowly (hopefully quickly) die of cancer. 'Merica is so beautiful!

Families condemn Koch brothers over ploy to avoid asbestos compensation

The more certain it is that Trump is the GOP nominee, the more it seems sure Biden will run. At least those are the signals coming from the White House. While nothing is guaranteed it’s by far Biden’s easiest path to reelection.

I hope she stays in and Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck (though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.


When I was just getting started in the manufacturing world I was told that “sometimes all you can do is live to fight another day” when it comes to plant operations.

That is what I hope someone is telling NIkki - just stay in the race and make it to the next fight. With some many variables in play around Trump - legal, financial, and eligibility, she could wake up one morning and be the only game left in town. You never know.

I hope she stays in and **Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck **(though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.

I agree with all that you said. As to the bolded part - he truly seems to be getting worse. I read that the other night he posted 42 times to social media starting around 1:00 AM. The stress of the lawsuits, campaigning, grifting, and the late nights are taking a toll. Hopefully it takes a dramatic turn that even the faithful maga won’t be able to deny.

Haley has said that she will pardon trump. I will not vote for her in the presidential election because of that - and I’ve read comments from others who have said the same thing. If he has a stroke and is too disabled to defend himself at trial, or rant on social media, - then a pardon would be acceptable, though probably not necessary.

I hope she stays in and **Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck **(though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.

I agree with all that you said. As to the bolded part - he truly seems to be getting worse. I read that the other night he posted 42 times to social media starting around 1:00 AM. The stress of the lawsuits, campaigning, grifting, and the late nights are taking a toll. Hopefully it takes a dramatic turn that even the faithful maga won’t be able to deny.

Haley has said that she will pardon trump. I will not vote for her in the presidential election because of that - and I’ve read comments from others who have said the same thing. If he has a stroke and is too disabled to defend himself at trial, or rant on social media, - then a pardon would be acceptable, though probably not necessary.

SDG is our resident remote cognitive diagnosis expert, I’m sure he’ll be along soon to give us an evaluation.

CNN suggested last night that she didn’t have a lot of money left.

She also needs to consider what a significant beating in her home state (which according to the polls she will get) will do to her political future.

Further, there is no scenario in which she becomes President. If something happens (short of him passing away) that keeps Trump from being the nominee, he’ll burn the entire party down. Be it a conviction or something else, he’ll turn his supporters on her and that will be the end of her chances of winning the general. If Trump’s people sit out, she loses. She needs his base to win.

In my mind, the only real question left regarding who is on the ballet is if Manchin or Liz Cheney decide to run a third party bid.


She also needs to consider what a significant beating in her home state (which according to the polls she will get) will do to her political future.

Are you suggesting she should drop out before the SC primary?

As I said, I think her best bet is to take the L and press on. She can’t let what’s guaranteed to happen in SC define or derail her political career, and she can’t skip it. I think for this reason she’ll be on the ballot in Michigan.

Wasnt bernie winning after two states? I remember people here talking about how they could vote for Bernie but not Biden - and the democrats had moved sooooo far to the left.

Trump is going to win the nomination, but he can always implode. Especially if he has to pay punitive damages to carrol.

I hope she stays in and Trump becomes a babbling incoherent wreck (though obviously that won’t deter most of his supporters), and/or he’s disqualified from running. At the least she should stay in long enough to be the established alternative for any scenario where Trump is gone.

This is where I get confused. Let’s say Trump roles on, but say he gets so excited by Super Tuesday wins he has a heart attack and dies. Leaving Hailey the last one standing. At the convention, her still being around doesn’t really mean anything does it. The party can just pick someone else? Or say the courts say Trump is ineligible, his delegates don’t go to Hailey and the party can just pick who they want? Is that correct. If so I’d love to know where this is headed.

I think Hailey had the best line from last night. The winner of the next election will be from the party that is the first to move on from their current old candidate. (This is not a quote, I am paraphrasing because I couldn’t find it quickly.