Nikki Haley bends the knee

Fully expected this. Pathetic.

Who’s next, Christie?

Wouldn’t surprise me.

Disgusting but typical for all these Hannibal Cheeto Lovers

Disgusting but typical for all these Hannibal Cheeto Lovers

Republican Party fully united 5 months before election

RFK west and stein on lots of ballots

Dem coalitions fracturing left and right

Genocide Joe getting FJBd from both sides

A geriatric imbecile and a cackling DEI disaster on the ticket.

Yeah I can see why u three are butthurt

Wake me up in Sept !!!

Can’t wait until he taps her for VP and you all lose your minds !!!

Your “Wake me up in Sept” plea would be more believable if you didn’t post about Joe Brandon 30 times a day.

Roseanne Barr is on your team too, Tyler.

Your “Wake me up in Sept” plea would be more believable if you didn’t post about Joe Brandon 30 times a day.

I’m just copying Nutella’s “wake me up in Sept” he’s totally not worried right now… mostly because his agenda is to push European style socialism far more than his agenda is Biden.

But seriously, when they try to substitute “moonbeam” Gavin and Gretchen “shiny face” Whitmer which one do you think should be the top??

Roseanne Barr is on your team too, Tyler.

on the team. Hell Roseanne be driving the Trump train. You should get on while there are still seats left. We got a spot saved for you right behind the drivers seat. You and Roseanne can shriek and swear all over town!!! I imagine this is not the only thing you and Rosie have in common.

A remarkable supercut of Haley and Trump praising one another.

We know that trump is always full of sh*t, but it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping:

No honor among thieves (or, in this case, among the certifiably insane).

A remarkable supercut of Haley and Trump praising one another.

We know that trump is always full of sh*t, but it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping:

No honor among thieves (or, in this case, among the certifiably insane).

Lots and lots of promises have been mad in the dark. Sad how all these cultists have been duped into believing anything trump has to say.

it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping

I don’t know why. If anyone is surprised by this, they simply haven’t been paying attention, or else they’re ridiculously, painfully, comically naive.

Haley was a Trump critic, until he was the nominee when she supported him, and then she was a proud member of the Trump administration, and then she was critical of Trump, and then, and then, etc. She is and has been, predictably, malleable to whatever the current political environment dictates.

Disgusting but typical for all these Hannibal Cheeto Lovers

and a cackling DEI disaster on the ticket.

let’s try to be less overtly racist here on this forum. you can be racist. just don’t express your racism in the words you type here. thanks in advance for your attention to this.

it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping

I don’t know why. If anyone is surprised by this, they simply haven’t been paying attention, or else they’re ridiculously, painfully, comically naive.

Haley was a Trump critic, until he was the nominee when she supported him, and then she was a proud member of the Trump administration, and then she was critical of Trump, and then, and then, etc. She is and has been, predictably, malleable to whatever the current political environment dictates.

were you expecting principles?

it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping

I don’t know why. If anyone is surprised by this, they simply haven’t been paying attention, or else they’re ridiculously, painfully, comically naive.

Haley was a Trump critic, until he was the nominee when she supported him, and then she was a proud member of the Trump administration, and then she was critical of Trump, and then, and then, etc. She is and has been, predictably, malleable to whatever the current political environment dictates.

Well, l guess l am naive.

I know trump was/is a true unadulterated scumbag. But I thought that Ms Haley had like 3% of decency left. But l guess l was totally wrong.

With these conservatives, it is always power and self interest over country.

Maybe it has always been that way. But when it is explicitly spelled out for me, it is still kind of a shock.

“I don’t think America can survive another 4 years of Donald Trump” -Nikki

I guess she doesn’t care. It’s been a good run.

Who’s next, Christie?

I don’t think so. That would surprise me. Unlike Haley, who is a well-lubricated weathervane.

Wouldn’t surprise me.

Haley wants a future in the Republican Party. Christie has no future in the party in terms of electoral politics.

Staying relevant in the GOP demands two things. One, that you don’t alienate the majority of their voters (who support Trump), and two, that you perpetuate the idea that the absolute worst thing that could ever happen is for a Democrat to beat a Republican. So given her aspirations, this was inevitable.

She’s a follower, not a leader. Always has been.

A remarkable supercut of Haley and Trump praising one another.

We know that trump is always full of sh*t, but it is Haley’s about face that is just jaw dropping:

No honor among thieves (or, in this case, among the certifiably insane).

I misread your post and thought you were saying that there was something wrong with Haley’s face. I was disappointed that her face looked normal the whole time. lol

“I don’t think America can survive another 4 years of Donald Trump” -Nikki

I guess she doesn’t care. It’s been a good run.

And when she’s asked about this comment she’ll say she “knows” we can’t survive another four years of Joe Biden, or some similar mealy mouth shit.