Nickname help

I gave my little sista at work Brittany the nickname “B-side” because her name starts with a B and the b-side is where some of the best rock is. Well my other little sista Katie wants a rock inspired nickname. Ideas?

Too bad Kid Rock is such a douche, cuz that woulda worked.

lemon squeezer…

Ok just gotta say, to me B-side means you are looking at her ass constantly. Is it just me? well whatever gets you through the day. But wow you gots the chicks fighting over you!
Kid Rock is such a douche that he goes beyond douche and so is cool I think. Love him! K Fed is just a douche though. But you could call her K Med if you happen to be in a field like that …K Bed if that is what you think of while not thinking about the other one’s ass, or, its not rock and roll but I love being called Special K. Thats mine but I will let you use it.
Maybe you can have a rock and roll name with one of your pretend work GFs, and a cereal name with the other one?
But if you start calling a special brutha at work-Capn Crunch, then Id say take a step back and evaluate it all! :slight_smile:


Katy Lied - a great Steely Dan album.




“Ok just gotta say, to me B-side means you are looking at her ass constantly. Is it just me?”

They are both 16. That is just nasty.

Brittany made her a name tag that said “K RAWK” like a radio station. Makes me giggle.


ok, kbee I call you out. Kidrock…puhleez! he is the ultimate in white trash, shouldn’t even be in the millionaires club, yuck!

As for a name, yeah, B-side or whatever Tibbs is not right. K…I will have to think about here.