NHL Legend #33 Zdeno Chara crushes Clash Endurance Daytona

at 6’9" and 235lbs he crushed it! 5:03:45 and Swim 41:00, Bike 2:32:05, Run 1:42:45

How did all the other STers enjoy the event? We were 3,400+ athletes registered across all the events of the weekend and hope we put on a good show!


Would be interesting to see pics of him on the bike.

Dre, how were the participation numbers this year with no pro field?

Would be interesting to see pics of him on the bike.

No pics but he blew by me on the bike looking strong lol.

Would be interesting to see pics of him on the bike.

I was one of the guys in charge of transition and while I don’t have a pic of him on the bike, I will say that both of his wheels pretty much touched the ground while the bike was racked! To make it even funnier, his training partner is Becca Pizzi, who is 5’ or so. Spent quite a bit of time talking to both of them and they were incredibly nice, even if I did fanboy out a bit getting to meet Big Z!

Dre, how were the participation numbers this year with no pro field?

Across all events we were up about 12%! 3,394 all in!!!

Reg numbers were
Jingle Jog 1,203


  • Two start times for sprint tri/du/relay = 894
  • Kids Tri = 94
  • Bike only events (Test Track and Redline Relay) = 283


  • USAT Long Course Nationals Tri/Du/Aquabike/Relay = 920

We really focused on the age groupers and their experience and I think it showed.

Likely a first ballot Hockey Hall of Famer in a few years when he’s eligible.

I can swim faster than him…wooo hoo!

(it’s probably the only thing I can do better than him)

As a Slovak, he is great friends with Peter Sagan. He’s been a cycling nut for years. Also a legendary workout guy—could do something like 30 pulls-ups in his prime. Has done a handful of marathons this year in good times.

An awesome force as a D-man. Second best Bruin defenseman of all time (after Bobby Orr, duh).

As a Slovak, he is great friends with Peter Sagan. He’s been a cycling nut for years. Also a legendary workout guy—could do something like 30 pulls-ups in his prime. Has done a handful of marathons this year in good times.

An awesome force as a D-man. Second best Bruin defenseman of all time (after Bobby Orr, duh).

Ray Borque would like a word.

Would you really consider Chara a “legend” ? Outside of Boston I think your typical hockey fan wouldn’t even know his name.
Real hockey people will recognize him as a strong defender, but certainly not someone who would be up there with the absolute greats.

He’s definitely going to the HoF. All-time leader in games played, multiple winner of hardest slapshot in the league, an absolute beast in his prime years when he was in a bad mood. And he captained the Bruins to a Stanley Cup, which Bourque sadly could not do. As a Montreal fan, I hated the guy from the day he showed up in Ottawa, and considered whether or not he ought to be thrown in jail for the Pacioretty incident, but man was he good.

Plus he was an element in one of the worst Islanders’ trades in history (for Yashin), and that’s saying something.

I’m thrilled that he’s racing tris, and would also love to see his bike.

30 pull-ups at 6’9” is really impressive to me.

RD, I thought that the race was incredible - super-well organized, super-positive volunteers, sensational setting. My sole complaint is that I think that the podium winners on Sunday - the national championship races - should have received national championship medals as has been in every USTA national championship ever until this race. The helmets are cool, but they are not national championship caliber awards. I hope that is changed for next year. Many thanks for a sensational weekend!!

When he played locally for the Ottawa Senators him and bunch of the team would ride road bikes a lot so that makes sense. at 235 lbs that is a great time. In 2004 when Lance was winning the ITT up Alpe d’Huez Chara and a bunch of Senators were out there riding the big cols. I think he had a pretty credible time too and it was when he was 27 not 46!!!

30 pull-ups at 6’9” is really impressive to me.

30 pullups at 235 lbs is insane. The 6’5" leverage of long arms is helpful, but I think Michael Phelps around half a foot shorter and 40 bls lighter ONLY did 28. That’s saying something for the guy who for some time had many butterfly world records (and in effect the 100 fly is a pull up and core strength-endurance contest) so we could say doing pulls ups WAS Phelps main event on dryland, and for Zdeno it was just a side show.

If he goes to the hall of fame I’d say that says more about the lowering criteria to get in there and the heavy emphasis on “culture of personality” now. (Hardest slap shot contest should certainly not be a criteria) as they say in golf: drive for show, putt for dough

There us a reason he only wonthe Paul Norris trophy once. He simply wasn’t a well rounded defenseman.
People get real passionate around the Boston, but an objective, knowledgeable hockey fan would not regonize him as an all time great

As a Slovak, he is great friends with Peter Sagan. He’s been a cycling nut for years. Also a legendary workout guy—could do something like 30 pulls-ups in his prime. Has done a handful of marathons this year in good times.

An awesome force as a D-man. Second best Bruin defenseman of all time (after Bobby Orr, duh).

From one Slovak to another Na zdravie!

RD, I thought that the race was incredible - super-well organized, super-positive volunteers, sensational setting. My sole complaint is that I think that the podium winners on Sunday - the national championship races - should have received national championship medals as has been in every USTA national championship ever until this race. The helmets are cool, but they are not national championship caliber awards. I hope that is changed for next year. Many thanks for a sensational weekend!!

For sure something we’ll work through with USAT. Miss on our part and luckily easy to fix for 2024. The helmets are something we have always done with our roots in NASCAR. Those are not going away as they athletes have been very clear they LOVE them. We can add medals for Nats podiums in addition to our helmets. We had one design for sprint and added the Nats logo for Sunday.

Thanks for the tip to improve in a positive manner and I expect to see you in 2024?


Feel like this should have gotten more coverage!

Very impressed with his run – weather was gross with a 70+ dew point. Easily a sub-1:40 effort. Maybe down to 1:35ish, depending on how he paced it.