New worksheets, manual from F.I.S.T


There are several new tools a-whirring in the world of F.I.S.T. Bike Fit. First, the tools. Further down prospective attendees will see when the next workshops take place.

First is our Generic Fit Bike Manual, which is my FIRST shot at describing how it is I use any of the current crop of modern fit bikes (and how x/y-adjustable fit bikes differ in use and in theme from angular fit bikes). This manual is here:

Next are new worksheets, and a little explanation is in order. We’ve undergone a protocol change that doesn’t change the output, but speeds up a F.I.S.T. fit session. We no longer measure fit coordinates after each trial. Instead, we note SX, SY, HX and HY from the fit bike after every trial is finished, so that we can rediscover the position of a prior trial. We only measure all the fit coordinates when the fit is concluded. The new worksheets are designed with this in mind.

For those unfamiliar with our worksheets, these are designed both as working scratchpads for the fitter during the fit, and a deliverable to the consumer when the fit is concluded. It contains fields for finished fit coordinates, and it contains fields for a number of complete bike solutions. On the tri bike worksheet there are several fields for “ITEM + DIM.”, and we leave it at this because tri superbikes have their own component nomenclatures, such as: Trek Speed Concept size L low/far stem, 35mm pedestal, wing rearward.

Here are print-ready road and tri worksheets:

Same worksheets, but without the Slowtwitch logo, so that you can place in the area your own logo:

Feel free to use these worksheets, if it suits your purpose, assuming you’re a F.I.S.T-trained (trained by us) fitter.

Yes, I’m working on mechanical drawings, and bills of materials, for the 2 new incline tables underneath the GURU Gen 1 and Purely Custom fit bikes you see pictured in the Fit Bike Manual. I’ll get them done sometime this month, and I’ll publish them, at which point go to Home Depot and then knock yourselves out.

Good manual. I had missed this. Just read it once through. It’s the best summary you have done. I’ll read it again and criticize for sure!

The links to the road fit worksheets do not seem to be working. Are they in a new location?

i’m working on that today. we moved over to new servers, and we moved to a new URL standard (https) and i’m having a bit of a time with links. so i’m going to FTP a new folder up to our servers with those assets. give me a day and i’ll send a general note to everyone.

Any update on revised linkage? Or did I miss a separate thread.

Bueller? Bueller?

this is a HORRIBLY formatted web page. working on it. this serves me right for trying to bone back up on html code. but there it is, for FIST fitters.

superfantastic boss, thanks!

The links for the Road Bike worksheets are not working (both logo and logo-less)…the rest of the links are good.

I am unable to access any of the documents. Have these been updated?


thanks Dan, this is great.

When is your next seminar out in CA?


there’s a link in Dan’s response to me btw


I completely missed that. Awesome - thank you!