New v2 Formswim goggles coming April 2nd

Formswim have put a teaser video up on instagram -

Appears to be a new v2 of their googles but with a builtin OHR sensor.

We have had it… we will be dropping our review the second we are allowed :slight_smile:

We have had it… we will be dropping our review the second we are allowed :slight_smile:

Ooooo - is the review dropping on the same day?

Guess that’s why Ray has been doing so much swimming.

Are you allowed to tell us if they fit differently? I want to love my Forms, but they just don’t fit me quite right. Conversely, I love the fit of the Magic, but I can’t OWS and sight with them!

That’s cool. Interested to see the review. Probably won’t buy the product but will follow the review sympathetically

Actually a lot of swim tech coming out now. Hand sensors EO sensors and form

I am now swimming with speedo pure focus goggles. Absolutely great vision and hopefully more durable seals than arena cobra core

what the swimmers use have both good fit and vision

I swim in public lanes and I need good peripheral and forward vision for lanes next to me and in my lane so I don’t have a freak out when a swimmer just pops into my vision and I don’t have a bit of notice of them

I would potentially wear some kind of hand sensor if I could put a plate at he bottom of the pool near the wall, that would give me my pace and stroke rate, and maybe HR , but I usually just peak at the clock

But nothing better than just going to the pool with a drink bottle and goggles and swimming

The previous Russian 200IM record holder was Zhilkin. At the ISL when training he just said get me out in 2 hours he just swims by himself. Did 9.5 8.9 9.1 just swims. 9k is around 1:21 100s just swimming. Also did a 48 100 free.

Definitely buying new ones.
I’ve used Form v1 for 3 years now, still work just fine, not leaking even. But barely can see through them really

Definitely buying new ones.
I’ve used Form v1 for 3 years now, still work just fine, not leaking even. But barely can see through them really

I’m in the same boat. Almost bought a new pair last Black Friday since the subscription had lapsed and a new subscription wasn’t that much less than a new pair of googles+subscription.

Definitely ready for a new pair now.

FORM Smart Swim 2 | Smart Swimming Goggles with Heart Rate Monitor – FORM Australia (

Now with 2 months premium not 12 months. Slightly smaller pod, less battery and optical heart rate (reading from temple).

Wow - so no more 12 mths of premium included - only 2 months ‘trial’ of the premium features… that’s not so great…

I like the look of the new goggles thou!!

For the life of me, I can’t think of a more useless piece of sporting equipment.

Someone tell me why I should consider a pair, please.

All of the features are described pretty well on their website.

Would you even listen to someone trying to tell you :slight_smile:

Interesting idea!

Well the only ‘good’ bit of news I see from the new v2 goggles is that they now offer an annual subscription for $99 - which is a nice saving over the $15 per month.

I see all the USD, AUD and CAD stores are showing the new goggles - nothing yet for GBP or EUR yet…

  • UPDATE - Available everywhere as at 15:30 CET

A new thing inbound for both goggles - open water direction bearings:

  • A Revolutionary New Feature for Open Water Swimming - Introducing SwimStraightâ„¢

Was really looking forward to these and ready to purchase day 1… but unfortunately without the 12 months of subscription included, I’m going to have to pass for now. Way too expensive.

I love my form goggles but not sure there is any justification on upgrading when I already have a HR sensor setup and working, and no current issues with my goggles. I guess it makes sense to package with HR, but with an already good external solution it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. I also don’t want my battery life going to that, but I guess on the bright side only one device to charge.

  • A Revolutionary New Feature for Open Water Swimming - Introducing SwimStraightâ„¢

I look forward to getting this update! This could save at least 5-10s/100m by not lifting my head for sighting ever 2-4 strokes. It may also save seconds/minutes by helping me reduce the overall distance I swim when I zigzag. My eyesight is pretty poor and if the buoys are more than 100/150m apart I can’t see them.

Was really looking forward to these and ready to purchase day 1… but unfortunately without the 12 months of subscription included, I’m going to have to pass for now. Way too expensive.

Got to admit, with 12mth included it was going to be a no brainier for me too.

The 2 months only hurt…
But found a -15% code, plus the 2 months and the reduced 12month sub - makes it slightly better…

Reply to the thread in general- Can anyone explain how SwimStraight would work on an open water swim course with turns, etc? It seems like it might be useful on the “out” leg, but what happens after that? I can’t imagine stopping to calibrate mid swim.