Just wanted to say hello to all on here. I’ve been only been doing tri for about 3 years now and have gotten really addicted to it. I only wish I would have got into it 20 years ago( im 46 now). Anyhow I learn everyday and am looking forward to learning more from this forum. I’ve completed all 4 tri distances to include IM Florida in 2014 and IM Muskoka 2015. No fulls next year but signed up for IM Ohio 70.3. I’m a Marine vet and have worked in a prison in Ohio for 21 years. Well that’s me and hello all!
Hello and welcome to Slowtwitch. Enjoy all it has to offer: good, bad, ugly, and incorrect.
Thank you for your service
Just wanted to say hello to all on here. I’ve been only been doing tri for about 3 years now and have gotten really addicted to it. I only wish I would have got into it 20 years ago( im 46 now). Anyhow I learn everyday and am looking forward to learning more from this forum. I’ve completed all 4 tri distances to include IM Florida in 2014 and IM Muskoka 2015. No fulls next year but signed up for IM Ohio 70.3. I’m a Marine vet and have worked in a prison in Ohio for 21 years. Well that’s me and hello all!
Looking forward to learning more? Everyone on ST is supposed to know everything already.
On a more serious note, welcome, and thank you for your service!
I’m a 47 year old Marine Vet. I’ve been doing triathlons on and off for 15 years. There is a lot of good information on Slowtwitch. I was a 0811 back in the Corps. What was your MOS? Welcome to Slowtwitch.
Thanks all!
I was an 0311 from 87-91. 1st batt 6 th mar.