New Snow White Movie

Apparently generating a lot of controversy.

Can’t say I’ve ever seen the original or read the fairy tale.

Are the dwarves of Snow White suppose to be human dwarves or dwarves of the Tolkienesque variety?

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Can’t say I’ve ever seen the original or read the fairy tale

Are the dwarves of Snow White suppose to be human dwarves or dwarves of the Tolkienesque variety?

They don’t say, but I’m guessing the latter

To be honest, I’m more upset that they took the little people out of Time Bandits

Robin Hood: And you’re a robber too. How long have you been a robber?
Strutter: Four foot one.
Robin Hood: Good lord! Jolly good. Four foot one? Well that-that-that is-is- a long time, isn’t it?

I really don’t care who is cast anymore. Remakes are hit or miss based more on the writing and directing in my opinion. But CGI’d dwarfs, I do think we’ve gone a bit too far with CGI-ing everything.

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Snow White not being white no problem. Not sure about Snow White being “not rescued” by the prince. Why make it a Snow White movie at all then. Just make some modern teen novella a screen play then.

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Snow White not being white no problem. Not sure about Snow White being “not rescued” by the prince. Why make it a Snow White movie at all then. Just make some modern teen novella a screen play then.

That’s what I was thinking, if you’re going to change the essense of the story just write a new story, but I guess than you lose out on the name recognition.

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Snow White not being white no problem. Not sure about Snow White being “not rescued” by the prince. Why make it a Snow White movie at all then. Just make some modern teen novella a screen play then.

The prince really doesn’t do all that much in the original fairy tale. Just comes by and thinks, “ooh, hot chick, I’m in love.”

I hope they include this part.
And when she entered she recognised Snow White and she stood there in fear and terror, unable to stir. But iron slippers had already been set over a fire of coals, and they were carried in with tongs and placed before her. Then she was forced to put her feet into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell to the ground dead.

Some years ago, Disney did a version of Snow White which completely rewrote the story. There still were dwarves (including Vincent Schiavelli from Buckaroo Banzai as one of the Seven, who were named as the days of the week, assigned a color in ROY G BIV order, and possessed of magical powers) but much more than that

Around the same time, Disney also produced a film version of Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire, who had already written a little thing called Wicked, which basically launched the “retelling of children’s stories” phenomenon

Terry Gilliam got in on the action with The Brothers Grimm in 2005

Apparently generating a lot of controversy.

Can’t say I’ve ever seen the original or read the fairy tale.

Are the dwarves of Snow White suppose to be human dwarves or dwarves of the Tolkienesque variety?

I saw the animated movie of the 70s? Definitely Human type. Not sure when the Snow White story was first written, but the Tolken stories are probably newer or at least within 10yrs of each other creation wise, so not an influence at all.

I get that. I just wonder what harm is there in a young woman hoping for a prince charming? He doesn’t have to be an oaf who is overbearing. In the pantheon of things affecting young people’s mental health these days it seems rather low on the list. It would be great if young men these days aspired to be somebody’s prince charming rather than being self absorbed.

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Snow White not being white no problem. Not sure about Snow White being “not rescued” by the prince. Why make it a Snow White movie at all then. Just make some modern teen novella a screen play then.

That’s what I was thinking, if you’re going to change the essense of the story just write a new story, but I guess than you lose out on the name recognition.

Yeah, did not read the whole article, and if they are CGI’ing in the dwarfs, dont… I hated that part of the new Wonka movie.

But yeah at what point do you just give it another name. Snow White is brought back by the kiss of a prince and well snow white… Why not just call it something else?

Also I can’t believe Disney keeps doing these live action remakes of cartoons, now lilo and Stich life action… I guess they make what people watch, I just can’t believe there is interest in that.

The woke controversy for most of these Disney live action remakes is largely due to the fact the actress playing Snow White isn’t snow white. Or the actress playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid wasn’t a redheaded white girl.

Hispanic Snow White and Black Ariel is somehow the apocalypse for some people.

Snow White not being white no problem. Not sure about Snow White being “not rescued” by the prince. Why make it a Snow White movie at all then. Just make some modern teen novella a screen play then.

That’s what I was thinking, if you’re going to change the essense of the story just write a new story, but I guess than you lose out on the name recognition.
And that is the fundamental problem with Snow White. As a story it just doesn’t work with modern sensibilities. The whole point of the story is beauty is the only power women have and specifically that beauty is defined as having the palest skin, reddest lips and darkest hair. The only way to maybe make it work while revamping it is to set it in feudal Japan. And if they want to make one where the princess is much more proactive (rather than the dimwitted damsel that is Snow White) they should just go with a different story like Thousandfurs.

I think Disney is giving themselves more trouble with these remakes than they are worth. Disney has always had a policy for the actresses who play their characters in the park to match the physical appearance of the characters as closely as possible. When they did that with the first live action remake of Beauty and the Beast it came across as not adding much. So when they switch that policy in The Little Mermaid, audiences were just confused. Mulan was a much better approach in that they made significant changes to the story while keeping the basic concept.

I think Disney is giving themselves more trouble with these remakes than they are worth. Disney has always had a policy for the actresses who play their characters in the park to match the physical appearance of the characters as closely as possible. When they did that with the first live action remake of Beauty and the Beast it came across as not adding much. So when they switch that policy in The Little Mermaid, audiences were just confused. Mulan was a much better approach in that they made significant changes to the story while keeping the basic concept.

It hadn’t occurred to me that even the original Disney Snow White was in part a rewrite of the Brothers Grimm tale, since they tend to be pretty dark. I’ve found the Brothers Grimm audiobook on Youtube, going to listen to it, it’s only 20 minutes long. Although not sure about sitting through the original Disney version to compare.

I get that. I just wonder what harm is there in a young woman hoping for a prince charming? He doesn’t have to be an oaf who is overbearing. In the pantheon of things affecting young people’s mental health these days it seems rather low on the list. It would be great if young men these days aspired to be somebody’s prince charming rather than being self absorbed.

No harm in it, that’s just not the story they wanted to tell.

It’s also not a story about a strong young woman. She is pretty dense actually. But making a story about a dumb and gullible heroine probably isn’t the way to go.

Getting fired up about a movie based on a fairy tale before it comes out just seems kind of odd.

Also I can’t believe Disney keeps doing these live action remakes of cartoons, now lilo and Stich life action… I guess they make what people watch, I just can’t believe there is interest in that.

Disney cartoons like Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Beauty And The Beast, Lilo & Stitch were fun for kids in the late 90s, as you pop in a video tape and they’d be quiet for an hour & a half or so

Those kids are in their 20s now, and the cartoons don’t engage them as they once did, but they still want to experience the stories. So, Disney’s redoing them to bring the money in all over again

And, if those “kids” have kids of their own now, they’ll put out the $ for a Disney+ subscription to stream the originals, and keep “The Circle Of Life” turning

I think Disney is giving themselves more trouble with these remakes than they are worth. Disney has always had a policy for the actresses who play their characters in the park to match the physical appearance of the characters as closely as possible. When they did that with the first live action remake of Beauty and the Beast it came across as not adding much. So when they switch that policy in The Little Mermaid, audiences were just confused. Mulan was a much better approach in that they made significant changes to the story while keeping the basic concept.

It hadn’t occurred to me that even the original Disney Snow White was in part a rewrite of the Brothers Grimm tale, since they tend to be pretty dark. I’ve found the Brothers Grimm audiobook on Youtube, going to listen to it, it’s only 20 minutes long. Although not sure about sitting through the original Disney version to compare.
Three major differences. First, Snow White is even more of an idiot in the original tale and is tricked three times by the Evil Queen. Second, in the movie, they use “true love’s kiss” to awaken Snow White. In the story she gets dropped and the apple bit gets knocked out of her throat. Finally, the story has a whole third act consisting of the wedding between the prince and Snow White that the Evil Queen crashes.

I hope they include this part.
And when she entered she recognised Snow White and she stood there in fear and terror, unable to stir. But iron slippers had already been set over a fire of coals, and they were carried in with tongs and placed before her. Then she was forced to put her feet into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell to the ground dead.

That reads like a children’s fairytale if it were written by slowguy.

I hope they include this part.
And when she entered she recognised Snow White and she stood there in fear and terror, unable to stir. But iron slippers had already been set over a fire of coals, and they were carried in with tongs and placed before her. Then she was forced to put her feet into the red-hot shoes and dance until she fell to the ground dead.

That reads like a children’s fairytale if it were written by slowguy.

I listened to it. So Snow White is a child in the story which explains why she’s so gullible. There’s a weird fixation on the numbers 3 and 7. The attraction of the Prince is creepy by modern standards given that Snow White is something like 11 or 12.

I guess the moral of the story is don’t be a jealous murderous step mother (apparently actual mother in the earliest versions of the story) or you’ll end up dying a horrible death.

The whole point of the story is beauty is the only power women have and specifically that beauty is defined as having the palest skin, reddest lips and darkest hair.

I don’t think that’s actually the “whole point” of the story.

The story is more about how vanity is evil and will end you up in a pair of red hot iron shoes.