New Shop: Fit System Choice?

Hey all,

I’m in to process of opening a new shop and would like opinions on fit systems and schools. I’ll have access to an experienced fitter (Guru & Retul certified) when I open for scheduled fits, but would like to get myself up to speed.

1: What school/schools would you start out with for a new fitter?

2: What fit system/systems would you invest in?

There are some obvious outside factors that can influence this decision, such what bike brands are being carried and what they offer to dealers, but I’d like to get more of a “blank slate” opinion from experienced shop owners and fitters. I’m interested in what will set us up for the best possible fit experience for our customers.

Thanks for your help!

Well, can’t believe none of us have chimed in yet. :slight_smile:

If you will already be working with a credentialed fitter, then he/she will be bringing that school of thought with them. That is to say that that person will be the sum total of all instruction and practical expertise, and if they’ve been to more than ‘one’ school, that sum will be greater. I would not go so far as to say that any ‘school’ is better than another, as basic methodologies are not so different.

You and your fitter may come to an agreement that there is some specific training that they feel lacking in - triathlon, shoe/pedal interface, or just basic physiology. But if they have already been thru Level 1 Guru and Retul they should be ready to go. Caveat that certification may not go hand in hand with competency - that comes with experience and consistent results (1,000 hours? 100 riders?).

For more info, the Medicine of Cycling Conference Bike Fit Consensus Statement is a great place to start. You are wanting the best experience for your customers, this is not something to be set up in your store like slatwall. What you are looking for is an integrated business mission/employee/sales solution/customer setup.

I would not buy into a fit system that was in total exclusion of all brands except one. A good fit is good on any bike brand; a bad fit on any bike brand is bad.

Thanks for the advice Anne.

I just finished up with Trek Precision Fit level 2 in Scottsdale AZ with Paraic. I couldn’t be happier with the experience. Very very good instruction. Now I just need to get experience so I can begin to apply all the knowledge they dropped.

If anyone is curious, The guys at CycloLogic are very good at what they do.

It’s not the system that makes that makes fitters good its experience. Do you pick a surgeon based on the brand of scalpel they use? Training is a start, understanding bicycle geometry is key.
In addition to the larger schools there are individuals who do shop training. You may want to look at Craig Watson aka BIKES BIKES BIKES .He makes store house calls
Best of luck

I’m going to second what Happy said. No matter how fancy the tools or system is, it will do no good for you. Although there are still athletes out there that believe they do get "fit"by a machine or a computer😒 I find that we need to let them know it is not the system that makes a fitter it is our experience😊

I’m with Happy and Anne. I’ve got bits and parts from most major fit-systems, and none compare to hard work and an emphasis on outcome based services. I advise against buying/using technolgy to make the process go more quickly. Common complaint from clients previously elsewhere is that they did not feel like the technician was giving them enough attention/time for the amount of money spent.