New LG Vorttice Helmet

Anyone Seen This? Looks interesting. I love my Rocket Air, might have to check this one out.

Hmmphhh…kind of cool how they disrupt the airflow with the wedges after the dimples.

Too bad it appears to be designed around a position with one’s head sticking way up in the air stream…

I wonder how it works for a position with the head “dropped and turtled”? (Which is probably going to get one more gains than just swapping to this helmet…)

that fit is just LOL.

its an interesting helmet though. im curious to the amount of ventilation compared to the rocket air.

I know this is an old post. But what is wrong with this position?

Lots of noggin up in the air (above the shoulders)

Lots of noggin up in the air (above the shoulders)

yes, plus the shifters sticking a mile from his extensions.