New Hampshire is now in play

2024 Presidential Election Polls: Biden vs. Trump - 270toWin

somebody(s) might want to be woken up before Sept.

nothing to see here


NV AZ GA… and NH =272



Maybe, but PA goes Trump before NH does so it would be moot.

What you do see in NH is strong RFK Jr. support.

Good to see we are back to believing in the accuracy of polls.

Maybe, but PA goes Trump before NH does so it would be moot.

What you do see in NH is strong RFK Jr. support.

AZ NV and GA are moving outside the margin of error.

That leaves Rep side at 268-269 unless one wants to argue a flip of a 2020 red

That leaves about 8 states Biden needs to run table on. You’re picking a different one. Ok.

Good to see we are back to believing in the accuracy of polls.

Nope. Now when we don’t like them we say

  1. you’re looking at the wrong polls and
  2. wake me up in Sept when they matter.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Good to see we are back to believing in the accuracy of polls.

I don’t particularly have faith in modern polling, especially this far out from November, but as a Democrat and rabid anti-Trumper I will say that it is fair to be concerned.

On one hand I think, in the end, women will make the GOP pay the price for Dobbs, bigly.

On the other hand, the lack of enthusiasm for Biden among other key voting blocs is staggering.

I think the much broader problem is just the age of the indviduals running and the limited pool from which they come

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

I’ve vacationed there once for a week although in fairness I guess our beach house was in Newburyport MA

If I hadn’t I presume that makes me unqualified to post the results of a current poll??

The critical thinking of Biden cultists around here is sinking in tandem with his poll numbers. It’s devolving to very odd and unrelated questions and bitter personal attacks. Sad.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

From inside a cult, the rest of the world looks like a cult. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dozen Biden flags to go mount on my boat for this weekend’s Biden boat parade.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

Just like Dear Leader, the cultists project themselves onto others with their accusations.

Georgia will go to Trump super close last round but this time around the margin will be big enough even with ”errors” it will be confirmed and not have to got to the courts.
The blueness of Georgia is centered in Atlanta outside of that it’s pretty much red.The influx of yankee carpetbaggers has had a huge influence in the past decade in Atlanta.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

From inside a cult, the rest of the world looks like a cult. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dozen Biden flags to go mount on my boat for this weekend’s Biden boat parade.

ah yes, the “we all wish we had somebody else” angle.

You mean the same position that 95% of conservatives took here from the time Trump came down the escalator until they left the room in disgust over the fact that you and your ilk would ride them mercilessly as “if you don’t call him Hitler/MAGA you are a cult member”

I must have missed you and your gang’s position that you wished he had stepped aside in the dull roar of your supporting defending or distracting from every move he’s made in the last 3.5 years while he ran the country into the ground.

Why aren’t you all calling for it today? There’s still time. Oh that’s right you all are in your heads, right? just not here in writing.

I get it. You and Diesel are Biden cult members. Which “isn’t really a thing”. But Trump cult members are “really a thing” and anybody who doesn’t call Trump the Devil is a member.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

From inside a cult, the rest of the world looks like a cult. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dozen Biden flags to go mount on my boat for this weekend’s Biden boat parade.

ah yes, the “we all wish we had somebody else” angle.

You mean the same position that 95% of conservatives took here from the time Trump came down the escalator until they left the room in disgust over the fact that you and your ilk would ride them mercilessly as “if you don’t call him Hitler/MAGA you are a cult member”

I must have missed you and your gang’s position that you wished he had stepped aside in the dull roar of your supporting defending or distracting from every move he’s made in the last 3.5 years while he ran the country into the ground.

Why aren’t you all calling for it today? There’s still time. Oh that’s right you all are in your heads, right? just not here in writing.

I get it. You and Diesel are Biden cult members. Which “isn’t really a thing”. But Trump cult members are “really a thing” and anybody who doesn’t call Trump the Devil is a member.

Georgia will go to Trump super close last round but this time around the margin will be big enough even with ”errors” it will be confirmed and not have to got to the courts.
The blueness of Georgia is centered in Atlanta outside of that it’s pretty much red.The influx of yankee carpetbaggers has had a huge influence in the past decade in Atlanta.

I would say same is close to being true in NV and AZ. Hard to come back from these growing margins.

Which means Trump needs one more state.

but it’s OK, the gang who wishes Biden would just step down so they can put up an alternative are just going to nap until Sept. When they wake up they can blame this on Trump and his “cult”. Because 3,75 years wasn’t enough time to evaluate Biden’s results and begin to call for an alternative.

You’ve never spent time in this fine Granite State, have you?

Biden cultists

That isn’t a thing.

Most (perhaps almost all) of the posters here wish he had stepped aside, and would never claim he’s above the law, has absolute immunity, or would attack the U.S. Capitol on his behalf, and so on.

At best he’s seen as tolerable and better than the alternative.

From inside a cult, the rest of the world looks like a cult. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a dozen Biden flags to go mount on my boat for this weekend’s Biden boat parade.

ah yes, the “we all wish we had somebody else” angle.

You mean the same position that 95% of conservatives took here from the time Trump came down the escalator until they left the room in disgust over the fact that you and your ilk would ride them mercilessly as “if you don’t call him Hitler/MAGA you are a cult member”

I must have missed you and your gang’s position that you wished he had stepped aside in the dull roar of your supporting defending or distracting from every move he’s made in the last 3.5 years while he ran the country into the ground.

Why aren’t you all calling for it today? There’s still time. Oh that’s right you all are in your heads, right? just not here in writing.

I get it. You and Diesel are Biden cult members. Which “isn’t really a thing”. But Trump cult members are “really a thing” and anybody who doesn’t call Trump the Devil is a member.

I don’t know man, my 401(k) is doing amazing. 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!

Georgia will go to Trump super close last round but this time around the margin will be big enough even with ”errors” it will be confirmed and not have to got to the courts.
The blueness of Georgia is centered in Atlanta outside of that it’s pretty much red.The influx of yankee carpetbaggers has had a huge influence in the past decade in Atlanta.

I also think the GOP will be more competitive on the ballot harvesting side of things and close the gap by a sizable margin.