This is a great addition to Adamo saddles also, note the back rest!
I’m more interested in that frame. What in the heck is that??
Delta 7. came out about 3 years ago. I think they had a big display at one of the bike shows and made a big splash but they had a pretty high profile breakage incident. Its carbon, but I never saw the point other than as a design exercise. It was a light frame but no lighter than other conventional frames. Obviously not more aero, not cheaper to manufacture, etc.
Obviously not more aero,
Huh? The air flow through the frame, not around it. That has GOT to be more aero!!
That bottle cage looks gay.
You’ve got to be shitting me.
the back rest needs to be more forward
where’s your mount for the deli tray?
…is it UCI legal ?
…is it UCI legal ?
Absolutely not.
that bike is amazing. it is trying to maximize the things that could go wrong.
will the frame snap?
or will the lugs fail?
or maybe the steerer tube?
if not that we can crack the seat post for sure!
It’s got campy on it, so when it explodes, it explodes in the most expensive way possible.
that bike is amazing. it is trying to maximize the things that could go wrong.
will the frame snap?
or will the lugs fail?
or maybe the steerer tube?
if not that we can crack the seat post for sure!
A neighbor of my parents has one. It gets so filled with crap in bad weather that he mounted huge fenders to it because it was such a pain in the ass to clean. He’s been riding it daily for years though, and seems happy with it.
Originally they were going to supply covers for the tubes for crappy weather. Don’t know if they ever did, but doubt anyone attracted to the bike in the first place would want to hide it.
Seats too low :).
Wowser. It’s like the Shaggy DA ran afoul of Stephen Hawking.
I’m just in awe.
Why is there a satellite dish support attsched behind the seat?
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Hilarious. Love the back rest. should add a back massager to that.
Looks like some sort of spanking machine: