New Canyon- US sales?

I could not find a way to buy one (ship one) in the United States. Has anyone heard anything for US sales?

There are no direct sales to the US yet. There was a bunch of buzz earlier in the year that direct sales would be starting soon but no concrete info since. Ex:

There are lots of past threads discussing other ways to get a canyon mostly involving forwarding companies. Your best bet is to probably wait and hope that they finally launch in the US.

Just got this response from the Canyon rep online.

Support Martin: At this time, Canyon has no definite plans regarding sales and distribution in North America. Should this change, we will be certain to communicate this through our social media and email channels. To keep in touch with happenings at Canyon, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and sign up for our Newsletter.

supposedly they are looking at partnering with existing US LBS locations as drop-points/ builders/ warranty touchstones for their bikes and continue to direct sell them. Sort of what Trek is evolving to.

supposedly they are looking at partnering with existing US LBS locations as drop-points/ builders/ warranty touchstones for their bikes and continue to direct sell them. Sort of what Trek is evolving to.

I don’t get it. The only difference from the standard LBS model would then be the processing of the credit card.

If I just want a frameset, just send me a damned frame. I don’t want to have to drive to an LBS to pick up a frame. Waste of their time and mine.

they aren’t selling frame-only.

I assume they want a presence so they have a builder/ supplier and place for buyers to get warranty service. Sure you might be able to build the bike, but most people wouldn’t have that ability. So they take it to a LBS who doesn’t know that bike and might read the builder manual. I have read the manual, its not that ‘complete’. Parts break, get lost, etc, buyers have questions and Canyon is on the other side of the world hearing about issues. The internet forum drumbeats grow louder about Canyon’s slow response time, slow shipping replacement parts, missed races, blah blah blah… Sounds like a nightmare without a strong US presence in distribution, warranty and sales.

they aren’t selling frame-only.

I know. I’m just stating what I want. Not just from Canyon.

I understand that bike builders probably aren’t a big enough market to care about, though.

But Canyon sounds like a nightmare even ignoring North America entirely. Sounds like they’d better spend a year sorting out their European processes.