Never Again (2)

After experiencing yesterday’s total solar eclipse, I got to thinking of things that I will likely never see/do again:

  • view a total solar eclipse
  • line up in person to purchase tickets to a concert or sporting event
  • check out a videotape from my local Blockbuster/video store
  • get home delivery of a newspaper
  • do a long-course other forum activity
  • drink poor quality wine/booze
  • work full-time in an office
  • skydive or bungy jump


Use a rotary phone to make a call.

Send a fax

I just moved office buildings. I used to enjoy chatting with one of the facilities staff from my original building. It’s a little weird to think I’ll likely never see him again.

Eat dodo eggs.

Don’t know about the dodo egg being offered. But I will never eat a balut egg if they are offered, not me mom. One was plenty.

Throw coins in a toll booth basket.

First thing that came to my mind: I will never again fly a long solo cross-country flight as a student pilot in a brand new C172S with just 25 hours on the HOBBS. That’s one of my best memories.

Never be a virgin again.

Never say never.

Hand write a letter.

Hand write a letter.

How about hand written thank you notes? Can’t believe I am the only one still sending those from time to time.

Never be a virgin again.

Actually, I’m pretty sure that it is possible. I dated a girl named “Angel” who told me that she was a virgin. We had sex on our first date. It turns out that she had lost her virginity quite a few times before we met. She was especially susceptible if the guy wore a uniform or sang in a band. I learned from her that virgins could pass along something that required you to go to the county health clinic for shots.

I think I’ve written my last check.

Get married.

Get divorced.

Emergency break through telephone call.

(aka nuclear option when your teenage drama reaches a level that supersedes the homeowner’s right to use the phone they pay for uninterrupted.)

Ride a rim brake bike. 23c tires.

I think I’ve written my last check.

I write one every few years at the DMV. I typically fuck up the first one and have to write out a second. I tell them sorry this is the only time I write checks anymore. They chuckle and say it’s common there to fuck up the first attempt.

Watch a black and white, only, television.

I think I’ve written my last check.
Put a check in an envelope.
Put a stamp on the envelope.
Say “the check’s in the mail.”