I am relatively new to Triathlons but I have a great deal of experience in cycling racing and road running. This year is my first year doing Tris “seriously” and I have had some good success. In my age class (M3034) I got a 4th, 5th and 2 9th’s. I am peaking for the Timberman 1/2 in August in NH. Ultimately I want to race in Kona (who doesn’t?). Originally, I was thinking about doing Lake Placid next July in an attempt to qualify for Kona but now I am thinking of perhaps doing the Florida Ironman instead and then Hawaii. If you were me, and you wanted to do Kona in 2007 - which is the better qualification route? (btw…I am in New England so Lake Placid is much closer.)
Not knowing your complete athletic abilities (other than your placings, but those could have been small locasl tris):
Chill out about the Kona thing. How about setting a goal of just doing as well as possible for your FIRST IM. If you qualify then great, if now it is not a huge let-down and you have gained tremendous learning for your next IM.
What are your strengths? Placid is hilly on the bike and run…florida is pancake flat. I wouldn’t say between the two races given that one or the other is an easier qualifier. All depends on who shows up on race day at any particular venue.
I’d say if your goal is to qualify pick the course and time that best suits your strengths. In preparing for the race focus on specific race course prep to get you in the best shape of your life. You can’t worry about who shows up…rather…worry about you showing up with the best race under your belt.
I did not mean to be a smart ass. If you do a forum search I think you will find lots of information regarding just that subject. IMLP vs IMMOO vs. IMCDA vs. IMAZ.
Listed in order…my strengths are bike, run, swim. I NEVER swam over 25M until February of this year and I recently did a Tri with a 1M swim and managed a 23:00 which felt nice. With a bit more practice and experience, I think I can make my swimming a solid leg. I am a solid runner and I have done several sub 3 hour marathons but I need more practice with off the bike running. Lastly - the bike is my strongest leg and I usually expect to one of the top 5 in my age bracket but so far my longest bike has been only 28 miles. I have a 1/2 Iron in August which I expect to be a true litmus test. Timberman is hilly too, so perhaps I can pick the Ironman after that?..
Use Timberman as a test but I think it’s best to wait until next year and focus on Placid…which in my opinion is a bikers course. By that I mean…those who don’t toast themselves on the bike and save it for the run are truly rewarded.
In addition, it would give you time to develop the cycling endurance that will allow you to successfully pull out a good run.
That being said…if you have the time, money and desire…do both. Use Florida as a test run to get the feel of doing an Ironman but don’t go into it with the idea of qualifying. Then use that experience to pull off Placid next year.
Can’t really speak to which one is easier. The only way I’m getting to Kona anytime soon is the lottery, and I’ve never even entered that… One thing you might want to consider is how close LP is to Kona. There is only, what, about 4 months between them. That isn’t very long time between IM’s for a rookie. I’m sure the more experienced folks can handle it, but it might be rough for a first-timer. If you do Florida and qualify, then you have almost a full year to train for Kona and make that your A-race for the year…
If swimming is your weakness, keep in mind that Lake Placid translates to “calm lake” whereas in the Gulf at IMFL you never know what conditions you might get. There could be some serious currents. Just a thought.
If swimming is your weakness, keep in mind that Lake Placid translates to “calm lake” whereas in the Gulf at IMFL you never know what conditions you might get. There could be some serious currents. Just a thought.
I was just getting set to post the same thing. In FL, you will be up against some seriously fast AGers. Many hungry people who mostly didn’t get to go to Kona that year, since they are so close together.
I’d definitely say LP, but keep in mind that LP06 is a qualifier for Kona06 about 8-10 weeks later, not Kona07. Be ready for the expense of 2 races back-to-back.
My reasons for LP:
Swim - Mirror lake is calm and you’ll have the famous bouy line
Bike - a strong cyclist who paces the first loop correctly can make great headway in the hills on the second loop
Run - its a tougher course for sure, but if you’re in sub3 shape and don’t overextend yourself on the bike, you should do well - train hills!