Need new Computrainer DIN cable HELP

Hi all, hope someone can confirm or suggest. My old and up until now trusty Computrainer decided that things were off tonight and lo and behold the DIN cable broke… Can any one confirm if they have found that any standard 8 pin male to male DIN cable will work? I found on on Amazon Canada that looks like it should work. Any advice confirmation or other suggestions are appreciated

There are a fair number of people selling compatible cables on eBay, typically under $20us. That’s the easiest solution these days.

Hi all, hope someone can confirm or suggest. My old and up until now trusty Computrainer decided that things were off tonight and lo and behold the DIN cable broke… Can any one confirm if they have found that any standard 8 pin male to male DIN cable will work? I found on on Amazon Canada that looks like it should work. Any advice confirmation or other suggestions are appreciated

those amazon cables should be ok; otherwise you could go to a guitar shop with your broken cable and ask the guys there

thanks for both suggestions, I have the one on amazon ordered and fingers crossed. The guitar shop was a good idea, I did not think of that, thanks again for the suggestion. I know I could count on Slowtwitchers for thoughts.

Just fwiw, I ran repair shops in various guitar stores for roughly 1/2 my life. The Amazon or Ebay route will be less expensive. They’re selling these things for little enough money that I just bought one when mine went down, and I’m perfectly capable of fixing/making them myself.