Need a team for Calbogie

Anyone here up for forming a slowtwitch team for Calbogie? I’am primarily a cyclist and could put out some smokin’ times for the bike, I can swim but I’am not the best and I’am a half-ass decent runner.

Anyone here man (or woman…I guess) enough?


I’ll still be aiming for a good race on the Sunday but if you need team members to make it so…I know I’ll gete flamed to the deepestt reegions of hell if I didn’t throw my hat into this ring. I could do a couple of laps of the swim to make up for you doing a weak one…also a cyclist but I’d take a backseat on this one if Mikel signs on and covers us for the bike and run. Keep me posted

That would be awesome if we could make a team, I could probably do 1 or 2 laps of the swim, as much cycling as possible and 1-3 laps of the run, we would need someone who could swim…

We would have to figure out how to properly even out the laps considering you can’t do 2 consecutive laps at once.

PM me if your still up for it.

What is “Calbogie”?

Calabogie is a race being held next weekend in the Ottawa valley region of eastern Ontario.
And litespeed if we can get Mikel to go for it we could do it this way
swim K/M/K/L/K (a lot of swimming for me but if I get the time in between to rest I should be good…again…as long as you don’t expect to win the thing
bike (I’ll need to rest right off the bat after 3 swim laps so I think the following would work best)M(with the most rest goes first)L/K/M/L
this gets me in for one lap of the bike but I figure you guys are better at it than me anyway and I should save something for the run and Sunday race.
run K/M/L/M/L not sure if we wanted to shuffle the deck between the bike and run to work it out better but I am sure you and Mikel are both way better runners than I am…sure of it. Best to get me out of the way first then you can assess the damage control and decide how hard you want to go.
All of which depends on if Mikel wants to do the event or not.


I sent you a PM in regards of the race

totally brain dead on my previous post…we need to out the details of doing six laps…not 5…damn…I can only swim so much. And you guys can give me one more lap of the bike but a second on the run might not be such a good idea.

if it’s not this weekend i’ll do it.

bummer man…it is this Saturday…next year though.

Anyone here up for some swimming??

we’re not gonna represent ST well if no one else signs up…you know that TNO people are secretly planning on a team.

Love to do it guys, but we are starting our holidays and going away Saturday morning. Really pissed about it because it looks like a fun race.

You guys doing Wasaga? I am going, hope to see you there.



When are you going up and coming back? Where are you staying?

I might be in, but I have to check with She Who Must Be Obeyed and look into logistics.


Heading up Friday…sometime (time is the one thing that is flexible in my life)…staying at the Calabogie Peaks resort…two nights…back at some point on Sunday (likely leave the race pretty soon after finishing since it is about a 5hr drive for me).

Check your PMs. I won’t be able to make it. Sorry.


Litespeed - I sent you a Pm as well on why I will not be able to make it to the race this weekend. Sorry.
