Need a fitter with an Ortho background

Hi all, had a lady stop in that was a past patient of Dr Andy Pruitt, unfortunately Dr. Pruitt has retired and she has some fairly severe foot issues and is looking for a Orthopedic doc with cycling or fit experience to help her resolve these. She has tried it all and nothing seems to work. She has Pathological high arches with intense pain when cycling. She is not looking to race just wants to be able to ride.


Somewhat assuming she is located in the Boulder area, so is she looking to travel further afield?
Was she riding when she was a patient of Dr Pruitt or is this a recent thing, is the foot thing something Pruitt also worked with.
also, who/what dr. diagnosed her and with exactly what foot condition

Somewhat assuming she is located in the Boulder area, so is she looking to travel further afield?
Was she riding when she was a patient of Dr Pruitt or is this a recent thing, is the foot thing something Pruitt also worked with.
also, who/what dr. diagnosed her and with exactly what foot condition

She is not based in the Boulder area but is willing to travel, Dr Pruitt worked with here and she was attempting to go back to him and found he had retired. I do not know who diagnosed her but will ask.

How about a trip to Manhattan?
Happy Freedman
Hospital for Special Surgery

He is on this Forum, you can pm him

Sent her an email asking about the diagnosis background.

Heard back from the client and now have a better history. She was fit by Dr Pruitt to address some issue not related to her feet. At the time he noted her high arches and let her know that down the road it would likely cause problems. This has occurred and the client has seen two orthopedic specialists, both of which had no answer other than telling her to take up swimming.

well, “high arches” isn’t a valid diagnosis of anything. Charcot’s Disease is one thing, or other foot deformities are. If she truly has a medical condition of the foot, it may be more about getting a shoe that fits properly.

She may only need a cycling-specific footbed with improved arch support. Everyone needs proper support of the arch, some need more than others.

If she is comfortable sending pictures, I can have a look and give an opinion. My email is All will be in confidence with her.

Most doctors will say “don’t do that activity”, if they are confronted with a special need in regards to a sport that are not familiar with.

There are specialists who do work with people who enjoy cycling but have special needs. If she has needs that are beyond the ken of someone like me (bike fitter with no medical background), then she should go see Happy.

Hi Jim
Let me know if I can be of service can be of service.
Happy Freedman
Orthotic Consultant
Bike Fitting Specialist
Prosthetics and Orthotics/DME
Hospital for Special Surgery
510 East 73rd Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10021

646.797.8343 fax

Hi Jim
Let me know if I can be of service can be of service.
Happy Freedman
Orthotic Consultant
Bike Fitting Specialist
Prosthetics and Orthotics/DME
Hospital for Special Surgery
510 East 73rd Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10021

646.797.8343 fax

Happy I am going to forward your info to her.