National General - An Allstate Company

I feel like I am being jerked around by these guys. I filed the claim against their driver on 6/24/24. My first indication that this was going to be a problem was I was shifted to a company called Integon General Insurance which handles their high risk clients.

Since then I have received 3 different letters asking for more information (which I filled out and mailed back the next day), and then last night a letter stating that I have been unresponsive to their phone calls. I have a cell phone. I would know if they called me and I missed it.

I called the number on the letter I got last night and it was the wrong number. I gave the claim ID number and they transferred my call. I was on hold for 3 hours and then I finally put my number in so they could call me back.

I’m trying to decide whether to escalate this within the insurance company, or call a lawyer. For reference, I have the collision on 4K video, with all the telemetry that my car records embedded, and that has been sent to them when I filed the claim. The video shows me stopped and their driver crossing the centerline to hit me head on. It looks like he was aiming for me. As far as I’m concerned, fault is not in question.

Any idea or suggestions? Anyone delt with these people?

Get all the documentation you have, sum it up in a short letter. Get the claims department email address and start with

“This is a complaint. You have 30 days to respond to this claim or I will for this complain to the Texas Department of Insurance.”

And if they don’t follow up, file the complaint.

I feel like I am being jerked around by these guys. I filed the claim against their driver on 6/24/24. My first indication that this was going to be a problem was I was shifted to a company called Integon General Insurance which handles their high risk clients.

Since then I have received 3 different letters asking for more information (which I filled out and mailed back the next day), and then last night a letter stating that I have been unresponsive to their phone calls. I have a cell phone. I would know if they called me and I missed it.

I called the number on the letter I got last night and it was the wrong number. I gave the claim ID number and they transferred my call. I was on hold for 3 hours and then I finally put my number in so they could call me back.

I’m trying to decide whether to escalate this within the insurance company, or call a lawyer. For reference, I have the collision on 4K video, with all the telemetry that my car records embedded, and that has been sent to them when I filed the claim. The video shows me stopped and their driver crossing the centerline to hit me head on. It looks like he was aiming for me. As far as I’m concerned, fault is not in question.

Any idea or suggestions? Anyone delt with these people?

why are you personally dealing with this?

Your insurance company should deal with this on your behalf.

Your insurance company should deal with this on your behalf.

This. File a claim with your current insurance company and let them fight it for you. They have a lot more lawyers.

Since the video shows that it isn’t your fault, your insurance company is going to pay for ALL of the damages and then subrogate against the other person’s company because they know they’ll win. They earn your trust and loyalty, and get all of their money back after subrogation.

Your insurance company should deal with this on your behalf.

This. File a claim with your current insurance company and let them fight it for you. They have a lot more lawyers.

Since the video shows that it isn’t your fault, your insurance company is going to pay for ALL of the damages and then subrogate against the other person’s company because they know they’ll win. They earn your trust and loyalty, and get all of their money back after subrogation.
I take the above as a given. In fact, the lack responsiveness could be that they don’t expect to dealing with you directly.

Yes Jack, you just file it with your insurance company. You don’t have to worry about your deductible, they should take care of that for you.

Were you hurt? This sounds serious.

Yes Jack, you just file it with your insurance company. You don’t have to worry about your deductible, they should take care of that for you.

Were you hurt? This sounds serious.

I’ll respond to you but answer everyone. Nope, not hurt. He hit the brakes and swerved at the last moment, so a glancing blow. It didn’t inflate the airbags, but it did trigger the dash cam’s accident detection mode, which is why I have the pretty video and all the telemetry. There is an advantage to driving a track prep Miata sometimes. Its a solid and tough little car, and the SCCA recommended telemetry amazed the policeman that investigated the accident. He watched the video and told me there really weren’t any questions he needed to ask.

I reported to State Farm first and they told me to file a claim with these guys. I did give them a copy of the police report and the video. The agent told me they could do it for me but it would be better if I did it myself. I would have to pay the deductible on my policy. In hindsight that would have been the smart thing to do, but here we are.

I suppose it is not too late to give it back to State Farm. NY has some strange laws when it comes to accident claims.

I know each state has different laws, so what happens in one state may not happen in another.

I had a motorcycle veer into me last year. He left the scene of the accident, but left behind a bottle of vodka, his cell phone and a prescription that showed his address; and a couple of witnesses who told their story to the police.

I filed with my insurance and they made me whole, except for the deductible. His insurance company (AllState) called me and got my statement. They said that they would accept responsibility. They paid back my insurance company and a month or so later I received a check for my deductible.

Jack, as you know I’m also in NY and also on Long Island. In the past 10 years I’ve been rear ended twice on the Expressway so I have a good idea how this is supposed to work

It’s time for you to call a lawyer. Your insurance company is supposed to handle this for you. They are not supposed to charge you the deductible and they are supposed to get reimbursed by the other insurance company. They are also supposed to, by law, tell you that you are entitled to a lawyer that they will pay for and that they are supposed to pay any medical bills you have including PT or chiropactic.

Your lawyer will tell you the same thing. You are not supposed to be trying to handle this yourself, that’s what you’ve been paying your insurance company for all this time.

I also know a really good body shop in Bethpage, they really know how to handle all of the financials and they do a great job. My truck came back looking brand new. Let me know if you want their name.

Get all the documentation you have, sum it up in a short letter. Get the claims department email address and start with

“This is a complaint. You have 30 days to respond to this claim or I will for this complain to the Texas Department of Insurance.”

And if they don’t follow up, file the complaint.

Fuck’em, file the complaint. The nice lady at the Illinois insurance regulators told me once they ask for the paperwork and documentation from the Insurance company things seem to happen quickly.

The email comes later and threatens lawsuit and copy the nice lady in Ausitin on that email.

I have learned something new today.

Get all the documentation you have, sum it up in a short letter. Get the claims department email address and start with

“This is a complaint. You have 30 days to respond to this claim or I will for this complain to the Texas Department of Insurance.”

And if they don’t follow up, file the complaint.

A friend of mine (fellow adjuster) had his house damaged by a hurricane. His adjuster came out and said that they were paying for XYZ. A month later, he still had no check and no estimate. He called the company and they said that they were only to pay for ABC which was less than XYZ. It drug out for a couple of months until I told him to file a complaint with the Florida Department of Insurance. He did that, and within a week it was resolved. It is amazing how quickly they can reach a decision when the DOI is involved.

I have learned something new today.

Yeah, me too. I sure looks like the OP’s agent was just being lazy. It sounds like total BS for the agent to tell them it would be better for him to do it himself. What they really meant to say is “It would be a lot easier for me if you did all the legwork on this claim yourself.” F that.

It’s time for you to call a lawyer. Your insurance company is supposed to handle this for you. They are not supposed to charge you the deductible and they are supposed to get reimbursed by the other insurance company. They are also supposed to, by law, tell you that you are entitled to a lawyer that they will pay for and that they are supposed to pay any medical bills you have including PT or chiropactic.


That’s not a step I’d take right away. A good lawyer won’t take this case and a lousy lawyer isn’t really any easier to deal with than a stubborn insurance company.

So… With all the other shit going on in my life, one thing appears to have worked out. His insurance has accepted 100% responsibility and issued me everything but the check (in the mail). The check is light, but the shop said it is just an estimate and they will work to get the money needed.

The delay was the driver of the other car was lying to his mother claiming I ran the stop sign and hit him. The police report was not detailed enough to determine fault and they were about to deny the claim when someone noticed there was a dashcam video of the crash. They watched that and case closed.

I can not encourage the use of a dashcam enough. $300 and it has saved me thousands. Of course, if you are a crazy driver it does just the opposite, but that’s a chance you take.

What dashcam do you use and/or recommend?

I’m running a Garmin Mini 2, but that is primarily because of 3rd party support from Fly’n Miata that provides a kit that installs it seamlessly in my car. It looks factory. There are other dashcams on the market that do more for the same price, but for me esthetics were everything and overriding.

If your car didn’t come with one, but later or fancier models did, there is good chance that is also an aftermarket that is being licensed by the manufacturer but installed by the dealer. Do search and see what everyone else is installing. The 2024 and later Miatas have a dashcam, and it is a rebranded Garmin Mini.

Glad to hear the good news.

So… With all the other shit going on in my life, one thing appears to have worked out. **His insurance has accepted 100% responsibility and issued me everything but the check **(in the mail). The check is light, but the shop said it is just an estimate and they will work to get the money needed.

The delay was the driver of the other car was lying to his mother claiming I ran the stop sign and hit him. The police report was not detailed enough to determine fault and they were about to deny the claim when someone noticed there was a dashcam video of the crash. They watched that and case closed.

I can not encourage the use of a dashcam enough. $300 and it has saved me thousands. Of course, if you are a crazy driver it does just the opposite, but that’s a chance you take.

It doesn’t sound like you had any injuries. But if you did, I would suggest you run everything through your own health insurance first to get the insurance reduced fees and expect them to not be near as congenial when it is time to settle that piece.