Nassau County NY, yes the same place that gave you George Santos, bans trans athletes from all county facilities

I want to start by saying that I don’t think trans woman have any place in woman’s sports. But this really isn’t about that. It’s about politics and trying to get the D’s to publicly defend trans woman in competition.

And there are no trans woman competing in Nassau County

The county executive, Bruce Blakeman, signed an executive order banning all teams for all county facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams;

That’s a pretty broad stroke to stop a non-existing problem. I used to swim at the Nassau County Aquatic Center. It’s huge facility with all different kinds a people. Steve Tarpinian’s Swim Power team trains there. Now if they want to continue, they’ll have to sign a pledge to keep trans people off of their team. The pool is in Eisenhower Park. There are always running races in the park. Now will the race directors have to sign a pledge to keep trans people out to their races.

I do not think that trans woman should be competing against natural women, but I do think they have every right to train and race in an open division. This is not really about that. It’s trying to put the D’s on the spot.

Once again the R team has nothing to offer so all they can do is find another wedge issue to fool the voters into thinking that they represent their interests.

I agree that trans women have no place competing against biological women in sports. It goes against the entire point of having men and women separated in sports, which is done to allow women a fair chance of competition.

I’m not sure that the lack of current trans women competing is a reason not to address the issue. It is very likely that a trans woman/girl will want to compete in the future. This prevents that, which is apparently what you want to see.

So I’m slightly puzzled by your objection to an action that supports your stance. Sure, pushing for an open division where trans women can compete is a potential solution to give them a place to compete, but that can still potentially happen.

I’m also always puzzled by those who support trans women’s right to compete against biological women. Rarely, if ever, do they address the elephant in the room, which is the inherent unfairness to biological women. They talk about the rights of trans women, and they talk about “bullying” trans women, but they never address the unfairness to biological women of allowing trans women to compete against them.

So I can’t get too worked up about this. Sure, maybe this is essentially an effort to create outrage over a current non-issue, but I have much more sympathy with this ban on trans women competing against biological women than I do with those critics who say this is trans-phobic or bullying, while ignoring the obvious unfairness of not protecting the rights of women.

And, what makes you say (imply?) trans women can’t train at the facilities? They don’t need to “train in an open division” to train. They can just go and a train and not race. They can enjoy swimming, or running or whatever activities they want to, but they can’t compete against biological women because they aren’t biological women. But sure, introduce an open division too…

The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males.

Did you bother reading the article you posted?

You’re not representing the executive action properly. It doesn’t ban trans athletes from all facilities and it doesn’t say that teams cannot have trans athletes on their teams.

The executive action strictly limits trans individuals on from competing on female teams and team representatives must affirm that they are not placing trans athletes on their female teams.

It specifically says in the article that the order only applies to female sports and not to co-Ed sports or boys sports where biological women can compete against boys.

I also share much of Kay’s view including that I see no problem with them preemptively taking the proverbial bull by the horns here.

The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males.

Did you bother reading the article you posted?

Damn you beat me to it.

I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it’s only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It’s like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it’s only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It’s like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

So is the block quote I provided inaccurate? It seems you actually would agree with the policy quoted, but don’t like the messenger so are going off the handle.

Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

That is not what it says at all.

I read the first article about this last night. Then I saw it on CBS news this morning. Then I found the Post article. Team leaders and race directors will have to sign a pledge to keep trans women off of their teams.

This is just another wedge issue to for the bankrupt R party and it’s only brought up to ratchet up the hate a fear. It’s like taking a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito.

This is just more miss-handling by this buffoon who has nothing to offer except his name on big signs all around the county.

So is the block quote I provided inaccurate? It seems you actually would agree with the policy quoted, but don’t like the messenger so are going off the handle.

This is unfortunately the current state of politics. Both sides of the aisle are letting the extremists have the loudest megaphones and that makes it easy for the others to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I will say that the republicans are taking the charge on this on many fronts. It does nothing to help fix the solutions. Though I’m not sure they all want to fix things.

The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males

If we know anything, it is that “repub leaders” are not to be trusted in any way, shape, or form. They have proven to be unadulterated liars again and again.

The devil will be in the details. I want to see the exact wording of this “pledge” that teams will be forced to adhere to.

This county bars teams from publicly owned facilities unless they sign a pledge to keep all trans people off of their teams.

One thing I dislike is government laws using people to do the dirty work of discrimination. This particular law puts the burden on teams to exclude trans-athletes or lose the right to use public facilities. I consider that an ugly move that makes teams personally engage in unlawful and hurtful discrimination. Remember Texas’ anti-abortion law that relies not on the government but on private citizens to enforce? Vigilante laws really turn my stomach.

To what extent trans athletes participate in any sport (non-competitively, low-level competition, mid-level competition, high-level competition) should be determined by the governing bodies of sports, not the families of kids on teams or coaches.

Regardless of competitive/non-competitive participation of trans athletes in sports, this law appears to broadly exclude the entire population of people from publicly owned facilities. Public facilities are for the public, and it is highly improper to exclude an entire class of people from using the public facilities.

Regarding the elephant in the room, I realized early in my athletic career that there are many measures of success in sports. To this day, I love discovering that truth each time I participate in sports. We can have rules controlling who competes against whom. Those rules should be carefully drafted by sports’ governing bodies to allow for the maximum benefit to all athletes. We should be writing rules carefully— not asking teams to exclude trans athletes entirely.

Aren’t public schools publicly owned facilities also? There are many states in the country that don’t allow for trans females to compete against biological females.

And for the third time now in this thread this actions doesn’t prohibit trans individuals from being in their teams nor does it ban them from the facilities. It bans them from competing against biological females. Trans individuals are all still welcome to compete co-Ed or against males.

It’s weird that this point isn’t clear enough. It’s all right there in the OP link and windy even pasted the exact wording in a very short easy-to-read reply.

Discrimination via vigilantism: The executive order states that sports leagues, organizations, teams and other entities in the Long Island County must expressly designate teams based on an athlete’s sex assigned at birth, when applying for a “use and occupancy” permit at a Nassau County Parks property for a sporting competition or event on all levels.

Permits will not be given to any event or competition that allows transgender women or girls to compete in girls’ or women’s sporting events. The order allows transgender men and boys to play in competitions for men and boys.

Bottom line: the whole team is denied access to the facility (for competition or event on all levels) unless the team excludes trans athletes.

As I stated above: vigilante discrimination is a particularly ugly thing to introduce into a team. The teams are not the proper people to make decisions about who can play. We have governing bodies for a reason.

Blakeman, a Republican, said he believes the designation of separate athletic teams or sports based on sex assigned at birth “is necessary to maintain fairness for women’s athletic opportunities.”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha !!!

Because, you know, repubs have always been champions of more and fair athletic opportunities for women. (Well, kind of: the ones where women are barefoot and pregnant!)

That’s comedy gold!

Permits will not be given to any event or competition that allows transgender women or girls to compete in girls’ or women’s sporting events. The order allows transgender men and boys to play in competitions for men and boys.

Bottom line: the whole team is denied access to the facility (for competition or event on all levels) unless the team excludes trans athletes .
These two paragraphs contradict each other. I’ll let you find where.

The teams are not the proper people to make decisions about who can play. We have governing bodies for a reason.

I disagree as I believe since the athletes and coaches are the ones directly affected by the issue then they are exactly the ones to decide what they believe as fair and equal and deserve a say. After all, the governing bodies are supposed to legislate the will of the people and apparently the constituents in this area have spoken up.

This social issue is about fairness in competition and to think teams don’t already make decisions or at least voice opinions on what is best for the sport is naive. Just because you disagree with that opinion doesn’t make it wrong.

But again this doesn’t prohibit teams or trans individuals from competing or entering the buildings. At all.

I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness. I competed against my two older brothers growing up, and I realized very early that they had advantages because of their gender. Believe me, I would have kicked their asses had I been a boy! A girl in sports needs rules to ensure fairness.

I support efforts to find compromise and fairness. The word fairness means without discrimination of favoritism. In order to arrive at the proper balance, everyone will have to compromise to some extent. We’re not going to give broad, blanket favoritism to any single group.

MAGA are not motivated to find fairness. They are different. They look to upend the rule of law in order to advance their interests.

Here, we have an attack on the rule of law! It is not proper to ask teams to exclude teammates in order to go to a competition. That’s shittiest and meanest way to effectuate a public policy.

Public policy should be effectuated by carefully crafted rules, not executive orders that empower discrimination.

As we try to find fairness, we need to be very careful about the route we take. We need to preserve the rule of law.

I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness.

Reading that double negative, so you are assuming that RINOs are genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness?

Because, if that is what you are assuming, unfortunately, that is a profoundly faulty assumption. Fairness is the very last thing on this moron’s mind …

The Republican county leader said his order only applies to female competitive sports — not co-ed sports, or sports where biological females want to compete against males

If we know anything, it is that “repub leaders” are not to be trusted in any way, shape, or form. They have proven to be unadulterated liars again and again.

The devil will be in the details. I want to see the exact wording of this “pledge” that teams will be forced to adhere to.

Feel free to provide the text

I’m not going to assume that RINO aren’t genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness.

Reading that double negative, so you are assuming that RINOs are genuinely motivated by a desire for fairness?

Because, if that is what you are assuming, unfortunately, that is a profoundly faulty assumption. Fairness is the very last thing on this moron’s mind …

I am splitting republicans into two groups here: those who respect the rule of law and those who do not.

I think there are RINO who have sincere concerns about fairness. I think they are able to appreciate the rights of trans people in sports, although they might disagree with me about where the line should be drawn insofar as competition. I think they would disavow efforts to exclude trans athletes from sports entirely.

With regard to MAGA, these republicans don’t understand/ don’t value the rule of law. The rule of law is the basic building block of our country, and these people don’t feel any special respect or reverence for it. Most people understand that we should preserve the rule of law even if that means we endure a degree of unfairness because we know that we will eventually move closer to fairness. That is the hope and promise of “in order to form a more perfect Union.” We know there is a way to achieve fairness and it requires the rule of law.

Feel free to provide the text

Yes, looking forward to you providing it.