Nashville shooter manifesto

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this. Any opinions? I definitely find it interesting that usually in these cases they have no problem releasing this stuff, but since this person referred to people he wanted to kill as ‘crackers’ and said ‘f$&@ their white privilege’, suddenly the authorities want to keep things quiet.

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this. Any opinions? I definitely find it interesting that usually in these cases they have no problem releasing this stuff, but since this person referred to people he wanted to kill as ‘crackers’ and said ‘f$&@ their white privilege’, suddenly the authorities want to keep things quiet.

It doesn’t fit the narrative for some folks

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this. Any opinions? I definitely find it interesting that usually in these cases they have no problem releasing this stuff, but since this person referred to people he wanted to kill as ‘crackers’ and said ‘f$&@ their white privilege’, suddenly the authorities want to keep things quiet.

It doesn’t fit the narrative for some folks

The Covenant School and the parents of some of the victims are fighting in court to prevent the release of the manifesto. Seems like the authorities should wait for a court ruling.

Stick your conspiracy theories back in your pants.

There is an ongoing legal battle on whether the writings should be released to the public, with both sides of the aisle posing strong arguments. On Monday, Oct. 16, the Court of Appeals heard why both Covenant families and Metro Government believe they have the right to weigh in on whether the so-called manifesto is released.

There is no timeline on when the court will decide whether or not parents and Metro government will get to weigh in on the release of these documents. A separate judge will decide if, and what parts of the documents will be released.

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this. Any opinions? I definitely find it interesting that usually in these cases they have no problem releasing this stuff, but since this person referred to people he wanted to kill as ‘crackers’ and said ‘f$&@ their white privilege’, suddenly the authorities want to keep things quiet.

It doesn’t fit the narrative for some folks

Which narrative? That guns are way too easy to obtain for people with mental health issues and any attempt to remedy that is met with stiff resistance from the gun crowd?

That one?

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this. Any opinions? I definitely find it interesting that usually in these cases they have no problem releasing this stuff, but since this person referred to people he wanted to kill as ‘crackers’ and said ‘f$&@ their white privilege’, suddenly the authorities want to keep things quiet.

It doesn’t fit the narrative for some folks

The narrative that we shouldn’t judge all gun owners based on the actions of one crazy one?

What narrative? This happened not even 8 months ago. It seems reasonable to hold that back until the investigation and court proceedings are done. I’m not sure of the value of ever releasing it. Does the public interest outweigh it potentially being used as inspiration by subsequent mass murderers. I think it defitinely has academic and investigative value but the politicization of it is unseemly.

From what I’ve read, there’s nothing surprising in it, except maybe the level of detail in the “death day” timeline - mentally ill/personality disordered person attacks and kills those who are perceived to have victimized them in an act of rage and revenge. Typical.

Did you even read it? It is hardly a “manifesto”. Most of it is rambling, her schedule for the day, and her hate for the school. The leaked 3 pages prove that all the screeching and wailing that it must be some kind of transgender manifesto was complete nonsense.

Can’t believe there isn’t a thread on this.

You can’t believe that people might be a bit skeptical about something released by Stephan Crowder, the guy who berates his pregnant wife and exposes himself?

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so bad. I never took his side, nor did I say I took his side. Your little brain jumped to conclusions. I was asking if he was charged for beating his wife. But you thought that meant I was taking his side.

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so bad. I never took his side, nor did I say I took his side. Your little brain jumped to conclusions. I was asking if he was charged for beating his wife. But you thought that meant I was taking his side.

It is clear you are trying to deflect from the fact that he treats his wife like shit. He also lies and spreads conspiracy theories. Lots of conspiracy theories. This is where you get your news?

Do you feel a little foolish taking Crowder’s bait? It is clearly not a “Manifesto”, or as Tyler called it a tranifesto. Anyone who takes a few minutes to skim the 3 pages can see that the spin that Crowder, and the rest of the outrage machine, are putting on it is nonsense. It is the writings of a very troubled person who had easy access to guns.

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so bad. I never took his side, nor did I say I took his side. Your little brain jumped to conclusions. I was asking if he was charged for beating his wife. But you thought that meant I was taking his side.

It is clear you are trying to deflect from the fact that he treats his wife like shit. He also lies and spreads conspiracy theories. Lots of conspiracy theories. This is where you get your news?

Do you feel a little foolish taking Crowder’s bait? It is clearly not a “Manifesto”, or as Tyler called it a tranifesto. Anyone who takes a few minutes to skim the 3 pages can see that the spin that Crowder, and the rest of the outrage machine, are putting on it is nonsense. It is the writings of a very troubled person who had easy access to guns.

I think crowder treating his wife like shit has nothing to do with the manifesto or whatever that was. It was people like you who are trying to change what this thread was supposed to be about. I don’t know a lot about this, but is there any questions on the weather this is fake or not? I assumed that it was legit? But if it’s fake, then I can understand bringing crowder into the conversation

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so bad. I never took his side, nor did I say I took his side. Your little brain jumped to conclusions. I was asking if he was charged for beating his wife. But you thought that meant I was taking his side.

It is clear you are trying to deflect from the fact that he treats his wife like shit. He also lies and spreads conspiracy theories. Lots of conspiracy theories. This is where you get your news?

Do you feel a little foolish taking Crowder’s bait? It is clearly not a “Manifesto”, or as Tyler called it a tranifesto. Anyone who takes a few minutes to skim the 3 pages can see that the spin that Crowder, and the rest of the outrage machine, are putting on it is nonsense. It is the writings of a very troubled person who had easy access to guns.

I think crowder treating his wife like shit has nothing to do with the manifesto or whatever that was. It was people like you who are trying to change what this thread was supposed to be about. I don’t know a lot about this, but is there any questions on the weather this is fake or not? I assumed that it was legit? But if it’s fake, then I can understand bringing crowder into the conversation

You asked the question why there wasn’t a thread. The reasons are simple

  1. Crowder is a right wing troll with a long history of spreading misinformation
  2. Anyone who reads the three leaked pages can see that it isn’t a “Manifesto”. Crowder pushed that lie and you fell for it. Instead of buying Crowder’s spin you should have just read the three pages…then you would have had the answer to your question as to why there wasn’t a thread.

Come on now, naplover is just asking questions. Your harsh response to him may hurt Tyler’s feelings and force him to vote for Trump again.

He beat his pregnant wife?! Has he been charged with anything for this?

I knew you would take the side of the guy who treats his wife like shit.

I’m sorry your reading comprehension is so bad. I never took his side, nor did I say I took his side. Your little brain jumped to conclusions. I was asking if he was charged for beating his wife. But you thought that meant I was taking his side.

It is clear you are trying to deflect from the fact that he treats his wife like shit. He also lies and spreads conspiracy theories. Lots of conspiracy theories. This is where you get your news?

Do you feel a little foolish taking Crowder’s bait? It is clearly not a “Manifesto”, or as Tyler called it a tranifesto. Anyone who takes a few minutes to skim the 3 pages can see that the spin that Crowder, and the rest of the outrage machine, are putting on it is nonsense. It is the writings of a very troubled person who had easy access to guns.

I think crowder treating his wife like shit has nothing to do with the manifesto or whatever that was. It was people like you who are trying to change what this thread was supposed to be about. I don’t know a lot about this, but is there any questions on the weather this is fake or not? I assumed that it was legit? But if it’s fake, then I can understand bringing crowder into the conversation

You asked the question why there wasn’t a thread. The reasons are simple

  1. Crowder is a right wing troll with a long history of spreading misinformation
  2. Anyone who reads the three leaked pages can see that it isn’t a “Manifesto”. Crowder pushed that lie and you fell for it. Instead of buying Crowder’s spin you should have just read the three pages…then you would have had the answer to your question as to why there wasn’t a thread.

So you don’t like crowder. I get it. Is what he released real or fake? If it’s fake, I can see why there wouldn’t be a thread. No one has claimed that it was fake, so why are you bringing crowder into this

Yes I read it. This person has some hatred for ‘crackers’. I assume you’re dumb, but are you dumb enough to believe that if this person wrote about ‘n_______’ that this wouldn’t have been released earlier?

There has not been confirmation that it is legitimate.

Yes I read it.

And you still called it a “manifesto”? You really should not be calling other people dumb if you think that is a manifesto. 3 pages of nonsense and you, and Crowder, only found a couple words to stoke your need for fear and grievance.

What makes this even more pathetic is this “manifesto” is supposedly much longer. Multiple pages and diaries…and couple words is all they can find to support their claims? They have been screeching and wailing about a “transfesto” for months and this is it?

Yes I read it.

And you still called it a “manifesto”? You really should not be calling other people dumb if you think that is a manifesto. 3 pages of nonsense and you, and Crowder, only found a couple words to stoke your need for fear and grievance.

What makes this even more pathetic is this “manifesto” is supposedly much longer. Multiple pages and diaries…and couple words is all they can find to support their claims? They have been screeching and wailing about a “transfesto” for months and this is it?

So you’re mad about whatever this was, only being a couple of pages long? That’s what you’re so mad about? Were you not hugged as a child?