If anyone is out there from Nashville, i’m looking for a recommendation on a place to eat friday as me and my buddies pass through town on a road trip. Key points are:
a) affordable
b) vegetarian friendly but also stuff for the carnivores
c) in a part of town where we can spend a bit of time checking out the town… (not on the outskirts so we never see the city)
Local vegitarian friendly fare can be gotten at Fido, Bongo Java, and Grins. All are owned by the same guy. Fido is off of Hillsboro Rd. in Hillsboro Village, near Vanderbilt and Belmont Universities, so cool for college stuff. Nearby are bread joints and The Village Coop, for chicken and beer. Grins is on Vandy campus and is 100% veg. Bongo Java is near Belmont and is more of a coffee shop. West End is one of the main drags, near Vany and the Parthanon. All of these locations are 4 miles or so from ‘downtown.’ Downtown (Broadway and 2nd Ave.) is honkey-tonk badonk-a-donk ville, and everything has meat. Even the greens are cooked in meat. Shoot, even the after dinner mint is made from beef. Plus, the places are touristy. Nice to look, bad to chow. West End, Hillsboro, et al. are near Music row and the ‘nicer’ bohemian places with college kids and people that run and stuff.
A local chain that I LOVE is Calipso Cafe. Good vegiatarian and healthy food. There are 5 or so locations, one of which is off of West End, near the Parthenon and Cumberland Transit (local outdoor store). You need to try this place at least once. Get the muffins. Splendid. They have other locations in Berry Hill and Cool Springs.
Word, all of those places are good. The PB and G wrap at Grins is awesome, and pretty much anything at Fido’s is good. While you’re around there you can check out Bike Pedlar if you’re in the mood to see some sexy Pegoretti’s, Colnago’s and Time bikes. It’s next to Vandyland, across from Cumberland Transit. You can’t miss it.