Narrow Stance Pedals

Besides Speedplay and Issi are there any pedals with a 50mm stance width?

Keywin has a similar range to speedplay

for 3mm of inboard movement, you can just move the shoe on the cleat that amount with Speedplay. without going to a custom spindle.
Also, I think the 50mm spindle with Speedplay is Ti$$$ but I’d have to doublecheck that.

Thanks Anne!
You can get stainless in the 50mm for speedplay. I’ve had a few clients recently with very narrow feet and stance. For most the Zeros have too strong of a spring so I’ve been using the light actions with the lateral slammed. The Issi seem to work well also but have a bit less adjustment then the speedplay.

Ideally I would love to see an aftermarket spring clip for the Zeros that had about 25% less tension.