Just got home from emergency Acute Appendicitis surgery. When I went to he hospital Sunday night, on a scale of 1-10, the pain was 12.
I guess I was lucky it had not burst.
So my race season is over. My training is now down to zero. Since I have always said one trick for me racing well was never getting hurt.
Well, I just violated that rule. Shall be interesting now if I can be good when I recover and restart exercising slowly so I do not get hurt
from something else.
I have trained all season long to race against Dan at Donner, and was only 1 week away to give it a shot. Just was not meant to be.
I am SO thankful I did not get into Chicago works, or sign up for Nationals.
Enjoy the journey since at time one does not have control over ones health.
Recover well Dave. I wouldn’t consider appendicitis to be “getting hurt.” Glad it didn’t burst. Bummer about Donner, but I suspect you’ll be back training soon and will be good again.
Average recovery time for this should be about 4 weeks max…
Your life is not over.
Just got home from emergency Acute Appendicitis surgery. When I went to he hospital Sunday night, on a scale of 1-10, the pain was 12.
I guess I was lucky it had not burst.
So my race season is over. My training is now down to zero. Since I have always said one trick for me racing well was never getting hurt.
Well, I just violated that rule. Shall be interesting now if I can be good when I recover and restart exercising slowly so I do not get hurt
from something else.
I have trained all season long to race against Dan at Donner, and was only 1 week away to give it a shot. Just was not meant to be.
I am SO thankful I did not get into Chicago works, or sign up for Nationals.
Enjoy the journey since at time one does not have control over ones health.
Average recovery time for this should be about 4 weeks max…
Your life is not over.
This. No big deal dude. You’ll be on an indoor trainer and elliptical in 2 weeks. Back to training outside in 4. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR THOUGH. If there are complications or whatever, they will know best.
It could be worse. You could have 4 broken ribs and a broken clavicle like some of us.
The elliptical was my friend for sure. Just had the same thing done back in December. It really messed with my swim though as I came back to the pool and was basically swimming bent at the waist because I couldn’t stretch out my abdomen. At 25, i probably heal faster than the old fogies.
Even after that first month, any cycling/running/swimming of substantial effort put me in some pain. Ended up cramming in training for Oceanside and got sick a couple times in the months after the surgery. Race didn’t go to plan but it did help show that even a month of zero physical activity didn’t cause me to lose too much fitness.
Average recovery time for this should be about 4 weeks max…
Your life is not over.
This. No big deal dude. You’ll be on an indoor trainer and elliptical in 2 weeks. Back to training outside in 4. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR THOUGH. If there are complications or whatever, they will know best.
It could be worse. You could have 4 broken ribs and a broken clavicle like some of us.
Yup, was back at work within a week and lifting/moving things by week two. No reason to be away from races for more than 4-6 weeks.
Not buying it! You’ll be back in a flash. OK, maybe half a flash. Aaron Rogers had an appendectomy on a Monday and played that Sunday. And he doesn’t know anything about triathlon!
Had the same thing happen last spring. Mine didn’t burst, but it started hurting and ignored it for like 5 days so by the time I went to the ER the appendix had disintegrated and infection was spreading. Yeah, you read that right. 5. days. Took 5 days of not eating and my wife nagging me to go to the Dr. before I gave in and went. Thank god for her!
I think I was back on the stationary trainer a little under 2 weeks later. I was only riding back then, but I was back cycling hard in no time.
Not buying it! You’ll be back in a flash. OK, maybe half a flash. Aaron Rogers had an appendectomy on a Monday and played that Sunday. And he doesn’t know anything about triathlon!
At this rate Dave shoulld be ready to take on Dan at Donner. Certainly back and ready to rip for Tahoe IM or 70.3!!!
Average recovery time for this should be about 4 weeks max…
Your life is not over.
My appendectomy went like this: ‘holy crap get this guy up to the OR and I’ll be up in 5 minutes’. Fortunately it didn’t rupture, but I was back at everything I wanted to do in under 2 weeks. Worst part about it was the scar tissue in the abs was sore to stretch out b/c of the incision, but that is just a discomfort thing wasn’t like I couldn’t ride or run. Oddly swimming was the most uncomfortable If it’s a laparoscopic appendectomy it’s as little as a week. I kind of dig the battle scar though! Now for drama queens the recovery might be different so maybe the entire season IS over.
Feel for you, my season was similarly wiped out when I caught a dose of mono. 6 weeks on my arse and bye bye haemoglobin thanks to impaired liver function. So I feel your pain.
I was coming into PB run form and had entered some big races. What I’m trying to do now is view this as a chance to pull together a really good long term build into next year’s racing, really work my FTP and finally sort my swim. Also took it as an opportunity to branch out and try something new this summer, so bought me a hardtail MTB and am enjoying that.