My broken wrist

I got the cast off on Friday (after only 3 1/2 weeks vs the 12 they originally told me). The hand/wrist specialist said he didn’t think it was a complete break, just a fracture that’s started to heal. So I’m still wearing a brace that keeps me from moving it. The doc said the brace was mostly for support incase I fell, bumped it etc… so it wouldn’t completely break.

He told me I could take the brace off when I shower, sleep (I’ve been wearing it when I sleep, just a bit loser, since I rolled over and twisted it and it hurt and woke me up).

I’ve noticed that I don’t have full range of motion. I can bend/stretch my hand back about as far as my right hand, but moving it forward hurts. The pain is actually on the outside of my wrist, not near the scaphoid. I have a call in to my doc, but I’m guessing it’s because the muscles, tendons, ligaments are tight because they haven’t been moved/used in over 3 weeks.

And I’m guessing that this range of motion thing is something I’ll work on with a PT? Should I ask to see a PT now, or wait. I have a follow up (more xrays) in 3 weeks, but if the bone isn’t completely broken, can I start now?

You can always ask for a referral to a PT now - it never hurts to ask.
Yes, PTs help with ROM exercises. But you’ve got to be careful if it’s still healing!

That is a question for a PT, your ortho fellow or an OT (occupational therapist). They can give you a qualified assessment.

I can only send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery- and I do. :slight_smile:

Hincapie rode the whole stage 5?6? in the ToC with a freshly broken wrist this past week.

Hincapie rode the whole stage 5?6? in the ToC with a freshly broken wrist this past week.
After I broke it, I got back on the bike and finished my workout, insisting to everyone “it’s not broken, I’ll fine”. By that night, I was in soooo much pain I knew it had to be broken, and off to the ER I went. I’m just as tough at Hincapie!!!

Did you ever figure out the bruises?

Nope, but they went away. My dr said it’s not unusual for runners who are significantly ramping up the amount the run to get the, and it’s just little blood vessels in the legs breaking. he said if it happens again to go back in for some tests.

What bone?

I had a scaphoid fracture that was a total pole separation (what ever that means). I was in a thumb spika (sp) cast for less than 3 weeks. I have a theory here (I know someone will blast me).

My right scaphoid has a fracture and a vascular necrosis (it is still broken). I was terrified that I would have the same thing in my left when I broke that. I guess there is very limited blood flow to the particular area…my idea…increase the blood flow I would many times a day swing my arm until the blood was pooling in my hand…then rest it and repeat. My Orthopod said that this action could in theory have sped up the healing process…

I had a similar injury a couple years ago. The specialists at Northwestern had some Physical Therapists at the office who gave a bunch of ROM exercies to do once I had the brace off.

They warned that if I was lazy and didn’t do them my recovery would be long, slow and painful.

I didn’t procrastinate and I was back to swimming and biking pretty quickly. It took a 18 mos. to get 100% strength and ROM back though…but they told me to expect that.

Good thing, if its not the scaphoid bone, then sounds like it ought to heal quickly… The stiffness is soft tissue (tight joint capsule, ligaments, etc.) that get stiff with immobilization…If you are not improving progressively, then get into some Physical Therapy for improving range of motion and strengthening…

it is the scaphoid, but the break wasn’t all the way through the bone. i’ve been swimming a lot and I think that has kept the blood flow up. but just not bending the wrist for almost 4 weekks has made the wrist very inflexible

Sorry I misunderstood, if just a incomplete fracture, again should do well, still go to PT, it should help…