Multiple Coaches with proven track record

Since our company is growing rapidly, I am looking for 2-3 coaches to come on board. We refer athletes across to you under our branding and will take a small percentage of the revenue. We have athletes all over the world.
There is also the possibility to bring 2-3 full-time coaches into the business. Coaches need a proven track record of at least ten years of coaching triathletes, runners and cyclists. Sports science and knowledge in biomechanics is necessary.


Hi Graeme,

The link is not currently working.


Ah seems I misspelled the domain. Will fix now thanks.

Hi Graeme!

Would you be interested in working with a performance mindset coach?

Here’s some more information about me and how I work:

I’m a mindset coach for athletes and teach them how to achieve extraordinary performance. I use a combination of mindset techniques and Brain Endurance Training (BET) software to train athletes to become faster and more resilient. I’ve helped athletes knock up to 40 minutes off their competition times, including three times Norseman winner Allan Hovda and the US Paraclimbing team.

With my BET service, I use cognitive load in the form of scientifically-backed technology-based drills (iPhone and iPad only) to increase an athlete’s mental capacity, so they can handle greater physical load for longer periods of time, so they can outthink, out-last and out-perform their competition. BET is used by Tour De France cyclists, CrossFitters, Olympians, Footballers, Special Forces and more.

I’d love to find out more about SportsCoaching, as it looks brilliant, and explore opportunities of working together.

All the best,
