Motley Crue is once again...and all is right in the world

Saw them play last night on the Spike TV Video Game awards show. Vince looks like a Jimmy Buffett wannabe, and Mick looks like a mime, but Nikki and Tommy are definitely still 100% metal. I went to bed grinning like Christmas arrived early.

How does this pertain to triathlon? Well, playing my Too Fast For Love tape (yes, tape) increased my power output by approximately 20 watts in today’s computrainer sesh, so there. Metal will always beat carbon this and aero that.

I was at a Crue concert in Detroit quite a number of years ago. They absolutely rocked. Absolutely. They were totally sick. They make Metallica look like girl scouts.

Tommy Lee is absolutely rocking out during one song- full on. Some dimwit in the crowd launches a bottle rocket at him. It hits him in the head and explodes right in front of his face. He was so wired on whatever that he didn’t flinch. Nikki Sixx just stops playing, clubs the guy in the pit over the head with his bass: Instant riot. Huge fight. The show just keeps on going. Insane. Vince Neil was unaffected.

The guy in the pit or one of his A-hole buddies who launched the bottle rocket actually grabbed the body of Sixx’s guitar when he clubbed him. He pulled the guitar into the crowd, probably hoping to pull Sixx in there too. Bouncers appear from everywhere. The music goes on. Sixx calmly walks back stage for another guitar. Bouncers have now retrieved the original guitar and are beating the down south shit out of the guy who grabbed the guitar as they drag him up on the stage then back stage and out of the arena, probably after getting a few more licks in.

The song ends and Vince Neil makes no mention of it. It is as though it was just a typical night for these guys. Which it was. I lost a shoe and got a black eye at that concert. It was absolutely outstanding.

Hooligans Holiday and Kick Start My Heart!

Ever had a lap dance to “Girls, Girls Girls…”? This is one of few bands that actually writes music for topless dancers.

My respect for you grew with every word of your message. Rock on, brother.

Have you read their autobiography? If not, you will be receiving it from me as a Christmas present (so choose your answer carefully).

I wasn’t even aware they could read.

I once snatched the microphone from the hand of Jello Biafra at a Dead Kennedys concert. The Cult used our amplifiers once at a show. I was nearly amazing.

"Ever had a lap dance to “Girls, Girls Girls…”? "

Too many times to count.


The Dirt : Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band
by Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx, Neil Strauss

Curl up next to the fire with this one. Should be at your shop’s door in 3-5 days. Merry Christmas.

I have a few tix for the Crue concert here in Reno in March and I am psyched. Might have to break out the animal print spandex, old frilly leather jacket and mullet wig for that bad boy.

Saw Tesla and the Scorpians last week. I think I am still high from the second hand weed smoke. Actually saw one of Reno’s finest women there in a tube top - priceless.

Last show I saw was Dokken. They absolutely rule. “Into the fire…”

Hearing this makes me sad that the greatest metal band, GNR, can not get their shit together. Velvet Revolver is okay, but most of their songs sound like old STP songs. That is why I have switched devotion to Godsmack. I would have to agree with the other posters that metal makes you perform. I know several people in my spin class have said that it helps over the stupid pop shit the other instructors play. I think a good helping of Bush, Nirvana, GNR, Motley, Godsmack, and Metallica does a body good. Keep on rocking!

Hearing this makes me sad that the greatest metal band, GNR…
That’s like saying that Trek makes the best frames. Are you kidding me? GNR = retail.

“They make Metallica look like girl scouts.”

Blasphemy, Demerly! Say a penance or two for that!

The Crue rocked back in the day… but they washed up on the shore like bloated glam rock whales years ago…A couple of good albums and then…well…nothing.

"Have you read their autobiography? "

That book was awsome. I’m now regretting not including it in the “Books that define you” thread. Crue is truly awesome in concert. What a blast. I was still way more freaked out at a Pantera/White Zombie show though.

Seeing Ministry was a near-life experience for me. A defining moment of my youth.

I know my trek tt is the best frame out there! Appetite for Destruction is one of the greatest albums out there. It was truly one the albums that changed rock forever.

People can’t seriously be praising Motley Crue and dissing Metallica and GNR in the same breath, can they?

What’s the world coming to?

Vince lives in Vegas and you occassionally see him around town (at the Palms, especially). He looks like a bloated puffy version of his big hair glory. I think they are going to play a show at House of Blues. I’m there dude!

The Crue rocks … I can’t imagine 8th grade without ‘Girls Girls Girls’. Few things matched a middle schoolers libido like a Crue album.

““How does this pertain to triathlon? Well, playing my Too Fast For Love tape (yes, tape) increased my power output by approximately 20 watts in today’s computrainer sesh, so there. Metal will always beat carbon this and aero that.””

I think that “Mis-ter Annn-der-sonn” would agree with you. From what I understand, he’s a big fan of the heavy stuff - Nile, Opeth, Meshuggah, to name a few. And you can’t argue with the watts he turns over!

White Zombie rules.