Mother of 8 sentenced to 5 years for peaceful protest

Let’s go with “shitty things to do to your kids” for 500 Alex.

“At 12:30 I’ll be sentenced,” she wrote. “I’m trying to have hope but my heart is breaking right now.”

Video from the melee showed the mother of eight in a distinct pink hat joining a mob that was pushing against bike rack barriers authorities were using to keep the crowd at bay. Later, she climbed through a broken window into the Capitol.

After she emerged, footage captured her shouting through a bullhorn for other rioters to “coordinate together” if they wanted to “take this building.” She relayed detailed instructions about the layout of the room she’d seen, including the glass floor that could be broken to gain further access to the building.

The footage and photos from the scene earned Powell the monikers “pink hat lady” and “bullhorn lady.” She’d gone armed with an ice ax that she used to try to break a window before switching to a large pipe alongside other rioters.

There’s a guy at my company whose sister is awaiting trial for her part in the January 6th “protests” and I half wondered if this was her.

To hear him tell it, she’s claiming that she just got caught up in it all and was telling people not to go in (before going in herself). I try not to engage with him or anyone at work about politics because all of my coworkers are self-proclaimed “Hardcore MAGAs,” but I get impression that he’s realized what a dumbshit she is.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

As someone who’s on more than a few occasions been caught up in the moment and did something regrettable, illegal, and destructive… I get it.

I was also teens, early 20s, and to the extent possible, made amends for what I recognized in clearer moments was inappropriate, wrong, and indefensible.

Age 39 with 8 children, grow up, make better choices. Fly your Let’s Go Brandon flag and keep it between the rails, the 8 little people you made are depending on you to do better.

38 and 8 kids…

5 yr’s in jail might be a nice vacation, just saying.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Nah I am just tired of these dumb fucks. They all weep and moan during sentencing and beg for leniency then proclaim their innocence after.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Nah I am just tired of these dumb fucks. They all weep and moan during sentencing and beg for leniency then proclaim their innocence after.

Exactly. FAFO.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Fuck that, he’s right - and I’m having a beer at the moment. Grown-ass woman makes her own dumbass decisions and has to live with the consequences? Sounds about right. I do feel for the kids (all 8 of them?!), but mostly because half of their genes came from their mom.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Nah I am just tired of these dumb fucks. They all weep and moan during sentencing and beg for leniency then proclaim their innocence after.

My daughter is an assistant federal probation officer dealing with these people (she writes sentencing guidelines), you should hear the stories. She got to read Peter Navarro’s file came across her desk the other day.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Fuck that, he’s right - and I’m having a beer at the moment. Grown-ass woman makes her own dumbass decisions and has to live with the consequences? Sounds about right. I do feel for the kids (all 8 of them?!), but mostly because half of their genes came from their mom.

I was referring less to this specific case, and more to the fact that BLeP seems to be saying “fuck that guy” or “fuck this shit” or “your country is fucked” a lot lately, and maybe just needs a positive mental health day.

Judge Lamberth has been one of the toughest sentencers for J6 defendants.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Fuck that, he’s right - and I’m having a beer at the moment. Grown-ass woman makes her own dumbass decisions and has to live with the consequences? Sounds about right. I do feel for the kids (all 8 of them?!), but mostly because half of their genes came from their mom.

I was referring less to this specific case, and more to the fact that BLeP seems to be saying “fuck that guy” or “fuck this shit” or “your country is fucked” a lot lately, and maybe just needs a positive mental health day.

Fair enough. As an aficionado of the word ‘fuck’ in all its forms, I can appreciate the verbiage, but it does seem like alot of negativity. Perhaps he could cheer the fuck up a bit.

Fair enough. As an aficionado of the word ‘fuck’ in all its forms, I can appreciate the verbiage, but it does seem like alot of negativity. Perhaps he could cheer the fuck up a bit.

Thanks to George Carlin I am in love with the word:

Judge Lamberth has been one of the toughest sentencers for J6 defendants.

The gives the Steelers fan in me hope.

At 38 that’s well past the age when the “just say no” part of the brain has fully matured, not to mention women are so much more unlikely to do stupid shit. Although with 8 kids, not sure we can rule out brain damage of some sort.

Fascinating article. Along this topic, Alexandra Pelosi, who has made a series of gut wrenching political short documentaries, has just come out with a new one, ‘The Insurrectionist Next Door’. Just saw it on hbo. It is a jaw-dropper.

Pelosi has said that the disease of the Jan Sixers is a reflection of a ‘broken america’. Unfortunately, l agree.


Fascinating article. Along this topic, Alexandra Pelosi, who has made a series of gut wrenching political short documentaries, has just come out with a new one, ‘The Insurrectionist Next Door’. Just saw it on hbo. It is a jaw-dropper.

Pelosi has said that the disease of the Jan Sixers is a reflection of a ‘broken america’. Unfortunately, l agree.


Has anyone involved in JAN 6 been given the death penalty yet? Are they being convicted of Treason and attempting to overthrow the government as the formal charges? Isn’t the death penalty one of the official charges that can be brought in this situation?

Seems five years ( of which she will probably serve two maybe) is getting off kind of easy for treason and overthrow of country.

Fuck this stupid woman.

Rot in jail you ignorant slut.

I think we can add BLeP to the list of people who might need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and maybe have a beer or something.

Fuck that, he’s right - and I’m having a beer at the moment. Grown-ass woman makes her own dumbass decisions and has to live with the consequences? Sounds about right. I do feel for the kids (all 8 of them?!), but mostly because half of their genes came from their mom.

I was referring less to this specific case, and more to the fact that BLeP seems to be saying “fuck that guy” or “fuck this shit” or “your country is fucked” a lot lately, and maybe just needs a positive mental health day.

I am good. And your country is fucked. Ours is going down the same shit-infused tube as well.

Seems five years ( of which she will probably serve two maybe) is getting off kind of easy for treason and overthrow of country.

Federal time is minimum 85% of the sentence. 57 months x .85 = 48.45 months.

Federal time is not like state/local time where people often serve 1/3 to 1/2 their sentence.