Most Famous person you have met

Not just a handshake but at the minimum a conversation. Also excluding people you went to HS or college with.

Not just a handshake but at the minimum a conversation. Also excluding people you went to HS or college with.

…and for that reason, I am out.

Josh Brolin (friend of friend).

Paul Walker
Spencer Pratt
Josh Holloway

Spent many hours training Jiu jitsu with them.

Went high school with Chris Schiflett

Airmiles andy

Kofi anan

I used to work in a bank branch in the early 90s, met both Sumner Redstone and Yo Yo Ma through there.

Met Larry Bird in a bar once when he was still playing with the Celtics, same with Bill Walton

Ted Turner&
Jane Fonda ( long story]
Henry Kissinger (Airport)
Ben Jones (baseball game)
Evander Holyfield ( shot pool )
Usher ( did some work for him)

Not just a handshake but at the minimum a conversation. Also excluding people you went to HS or college with.

…and for that reason, I am out.

You have no one else?

Magic Johnson

Went to high school with Larry Page.

Met Robert Redford and Diana Ross in the 80s. (Both much more wrinkly in person than on screen.)

Helped teach Brooke Shields to scuba dive for a movie. (Not wrinkly at all)

Drank in the same pub as a few England rugby players in the 90s (Will Carling et al) and shared a few beers with them.

Not just a handshake but at the minimum a conversation. Also excluding people you went to HS or college with.

…and for that reason, I am out.

You went to High School with someone from Shark Tank?

Of the top of my head, Denny Hastert when he was SOTH. One of my best friends was in Congress for a good while so I’ve met a lot of national politicians. I probably talked to him solo for 15 minutes and walked away thinking “I can’t believe that guy is SOTH, he seems like a real dumbass.” Turns out I was pretty correct.

I had lunch dinner with Phil Knight. had a chance to date Jamie Lee Curtis and Mckenzie Phillips once. Hung out with Bruce Dern for a couple weeks. Was friends with Eric Heiden superficially. Had meals with Diana Nyaid, Marty Liquori, Greg Myer, Arthur Ash. Got in trouble once when Pam Anderson hit on me in front of my girlfriend. Met all the early ladies of Baywatch, had many lunches with them over many years, The Hoff too.

Most recently had a couple hour surf session with Tom Carroll. Of course I’m discounting all the famous people you all know from the history of the sport, just assume I met and befriended most of them.

There are a bunch more, but my memory has slipped a bit, would need some old friends and a few barrels of really good beer to bring back a lot of those memories…Fun thread…

//I had lunch dinner with Phil Knight. had a chance to date Jamie Lee Curtis and Mckenzie Phillips once. Hung out with Bruce Dern for a couple weeks. Was friends with Eric Heiden superficially. Had meals with Diana Nyaid, Marty Liquori, Greg Myer, Arthur Ash. Got in trouble once when Pam Anderson hit on me in front of my girlfriend. Met all the early ladies of Baywatch, had many lunches with them over many years, The Hoff too.

Most recently had a couple hour surf session with Tom Carroll. Of course I’m discounting all the famous people you all know from the history of the sport, just assume I met and befriended most of them.

There are a bunch more, but my memory has slipped a bit, would need some old friends and a few barrels of really good beer to bring back a lot of those memories…Fun thread… //

Well, that makes you the most famous person I’ve ever met. Not that you’d remember meeting a commoner like myself (you know how you people are).

I’ve shared a few before

Also, my cousin used to live next door to George Plimpton

His step-dad had some connections in the music business at the time , and had people coming & going through the apartment. In fact, he produced the album Cher made during her time with Gene Simmons, and did some work with Bruce Johnston of The Beach Boys

Paul Shaffer played piano at my cousin’s funeral

Robin Williams
Carrie Underwood
Willie Mays
George Brett
Barry Bonds (I was at ASU w/him so doesn’t count)
Dierks Bentley
Chris Isaak
Eddie Money
Dancing With the Stars Maks Chemerkofsky
PK Subban, Shea Weber and all of the Nashville Predators of the last 5 seasons
Pierre McGuirre
Lots more musicians - I do live in Nashville

no, just used the phrase from the show.

I used to party with the Black Crows back in the early 90s. They were friends with one of my wife’s best friends. That was fun. They were really down to earth good guys off stage.

Lachlan Murdoch
Blanche Lincoln
Carly Simon
Alan Dershowitz
Kurt Vonnegut

Well, that makes you the most famous person I’ve ever met. Not that you’d remember meeting a commoner like myself (you know how you people are). //

Of the more than 2000 people that have stayed with me at my house over the years, I would say that I have more interaction with you than any of the others, so you are special… (-; I cannot believe we have not had lunch or a beer though, since we live rock throwing distance from each other now!! And I’m going to move this summer too!!

Former Prime Ministers of Canada - Joe Clark and John Turner.