Mortal Hydration Mixing at IMs needs more volunteers

It has always amazed me how a for-profit business makes it’s money on the backs of volunteers. IMLP and others have had a hard time getting enough volunteers since the pandemic, and
now they can’t even use a product that comes pre-bottled? !

Subject: Mortal Hydration Pre Mixing Station - FRIDAY, JULY 19 at 10:30am
Reply-To: Lake Placid Volunteer Director

As you may have heard, IRONMAN is partnering with Mortal Hydration and IRONMAN Lake Placid is the first race to be 100% Mortal Hydration out on the course!
Out on the bike course, all Mortal Hydration served to the athletes will be in water bottles, and to help our fellow bike course volunteers, we’re going to pre mix as much of their Mortal Hydration as possible!
We’re looking for ~30 volunteers to help out on Friday, July 19 starting at 10:30am at the Lake Placid Horse Show Grounds to pre mix Mortal Hydration. We will have everything set up when you arrive, in stations, and will work to open the water, open the single serve packets, pour, mix, close, and repeat. We will provide drinks and snacks!
If you’re available, even for an hour or so, sign up here: Mortal Hydration Mixing Station
Lets set the bar HIGH for races to follow :slight_smile:
As always, thank you for all you do!! I know we ask and ask, and you always show up. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate each and every one of you!
Bethany Valenze
IMLP Volunteer Director

This email says they have to open single serve packets to mix up each bottle, seems pretty wasteful, Mortal couldn’t be bothered to make bulk containers for this purpose?

This email says they have to open single serve packets to mix up each bottle, seems pretty wasteful, Mortal couldn’t be bothered to make bulk containers for this purpose?

Ya, but having volunteers dipping a teaspoon into a 5 gallon bucket 4000 times feels like a great way to make a huge mess and have more room for contamination.

Example with Gatorade Endurance was that it was mixed at a 5:1 ratio to give you six gallons of stuff.

So, you could probably have done the same thing with Mortal, whereby there’s enough powder for a six gallon cooler, and then you just mix / serve into whatever it is you’re putting out there.

Although, in this fun instance, they’re just using regular sport-top single use plastics, so it’s just another pre-packaging issue that you’d have on top of this.

Either way – uh, pay these people, specifically, if having this stuff is mission critical on course.

I’d be curious to see, after all this effort, how many bottles are actually taken.

not racing this year, but I am hearing of many people doing a highly concentrated bottle of their favorite, having one in special needs and supplementing with water from ASs

I’m just chuckling a bit about it, because when the mortal news broke I asked them about bulk containers for purchase and either the feed or mortal told me they had them for the ironman events, but from the email snippet I guess that didn’t come to fruition.

I would be interested in hearing from someone more knowledgeable than myself on this one BUT wouldn’t the nutrition breakdown in the bottles before the athletes even get to it?

Mixing it on Friday for a Sunday race seems like whatever nutrition benefits would already have been broken down before the athletes got this syrup. I know with pre-workout supplements, they break down within a few hours of mixing them.

It’s a shame the GAT partnership went away; IM really messed up on this one.

To be fair to IM, it’s Gatorade that is pulling the plug on the Endurance product line, and support for most endurance athletes.

But you can now buy Gatorade Water at the supermarket!

The only nutrition of interest in that stuff is sodium, with a small amount of glucose. Nothing to break down. It’s unchanged until it starts to mold.

I’d be pretty surprised if pre-workout breaks down as well. It’s already dissolved, the water isn’t going to extra dissolve it

That is an incorrect statement; GAT is still fully involved with GAT Endurance. I may or may not have direct knowledge of this. GAT will also continue to support endurance events such as the major marathons, etc.

IM wanted a stupid sponsorship fee on top of free product for all of their events. The partnership was a complete wash for GAT financially when you consider the product and the cost to ship the product AND a 6-figure fee.

Mortal (via The Feed) got a sweetheart deal becuase GAT pulled out AND their operational costs are minimal when you are shipping packets as opposed to pallets of beverages.

It’d be news to me on Endurance not being pulled, as that was something cited by a lot of run race directors as an ongoing issue.

The partnership thing does not surprise me given the current push on Corp Dev / revenue generation outside of athletes, though.