Morro Bay 70.3 discontinued

Seemed inevitable I guess, what with the swim options be swim/hike or endless pool in a flood tide.

There’s always the landlord on the other side of the rock

The landlord on the other side of the rock?


Aka the man in the grey suit

It’s a great host city, an amazing location, and was a really fun race both years. I would have been there again next year, but alas, IM prematurely pulled the plug.

Article from local news linked -

In a statement to KSBY, Ironman said: “While we worked to find solutions to improve the race experience for 2025, based on the swim course options for this event and recognizing the variability of challenging conditions, we do not feel it is in the best interest to continue this event.”

What’s premature about it? Water is very cold and this year also had the current situation. Odds are registration numbers were going to be awful for year three.

A year remaining on the 3 year agreement is premature, is it not?

I thought you meant prematurely in the more figurative knee-jerk reaction sense.

and amazingly, morro bay triathlon seems to be able to continue providing a 1K swim course (albeit, two loops headed towards the harbor entrance as opposed to the back). Seems the inability to provide a swim course may be a bit of a feint.

Bummer. I did it the first year and had a good time.

Aka the man in the grey suit

Cue Bobby Darin…