Morning Habits - Age Group FT Job

Hello guys

Ive been feeling lately that I need to warm up much more in my morning training, just cant get the numbers with the “15 min easy run” or “20 mins easy ride”, when I was youngersit was completely different, age is hitting hard haha.

Since Ive a full time job, I cant just get a longer warm up segment, I was thinking about having a stretching or some routine at home when I wake up.

Anyone has experience on it that can share in this topic, I would appreciate it.


In my 60’s now I can relate. If I start slow and easy, hoping I’ll warm up in a timely manner… it can be a couple miles and tons of wasted time. For me, the remedy has been a few 30 second to a minute hard, but not injurious strides… enough to spike my heart rate and get me breathing hard. A few of those with easy recoveries, and I’m ready to go.

I’ve done strides in a warm up with good results.

I can bring a normal 30 min warm up down to 15 min.

For running at least, I’ll use resistance band exercises to warm up the muscles and jump rope for a couple of minutes to get the heart rate up a bit and loosen the calves.

Percussion massagers for a few minutes pre run/ride have helped me significantly in shortening the needed warm up

Do you monitor HR and that’s lower in the morning, or is it that you feel it’s harder to hit your pace?

I’m 60 and I do 10 minutes of mini hurdle drills and I’m good to go. I have 8 hurdles in my garage so it really takes no time to set up.

My warm ups in every sport usually have a small amount of quality in them.

Swim: maybe it’s 4k total w./ 2k-3k broken up @ T. I’ll do a 1k warm up w./ 600 choice, 12 x 25 (1 build/1 fast/1 ez), 100 choice
Bike: 10:00-30:00 ez into 15:00 build (3:00 @ Z2-Z4 progressive) into main set
Run: 10:00-20:00 ez into 400 tempo + 4 x 100 strides

I find that spinning on the bike for 10 minutes helps prepare me for runs better than actually running to warm up for the runs.

I remember talking with a runner back in the 1980s who was in his late 50s and still running 2:30 marathons that used a stationary bike to spin on before his runs for the same reason.

I can relate - I do all my training (often 2 sessions) in the morning before work. Two things that have worked for me. On swim days, I always swim first and then bike/run after. I find it much easier to get going in the pool than biking/running from a warm-up POV. On other days, I always try to include some sort of progressive warm-up, e.g., on the bike, it might be 10 min easy, 6 min IM Pace, 3 min threshold, 5-10 min easy, and then start the main set - realize that ends up being close to a 30 min warm-up so may not work for folks only doing 60-minute sessions.

Longer warm up times are also associated with increasing fitness.

One question I’d ask is why worry about it? Unless you have intervals that day who cares?

Could you post a picture and/or link to these? This sounds cool.

  1. Program Alexa to read the top 5 news briefs to you while still in bed.
  2. Make bed, get coffee & oatmeal or organic toast with fruit jam.
  3. Put on some music and dance (I’m not a good dancer but do it just for the warm up & it makes me feel happy because I’m laughing at how ridiculous I probably look)…while drinking a bottle of water or Infinit dressed for run, or bike.
  4. If swimming do the same warm up you’d do for run/bike except freestyle, back & breastroke in the mirror for proper form & visualize while doing it…take about 5 min.
  5. Start workout–feel great, plenty of warmup & some nutrition as well to get you through the workout.
    FWIW that’s what I do anyhow–it works great.

I do 10 minutes of mini hurdle drills and I’m good to go. I have 8 hurdles in my garage so it really takes no time to set up.

Could you post a picture and/or link to these? This sounds cool.

Are those the little ones that literally look like homeless handlebars?

Foam roll or other self massage tools pre workout?

Keep your workout gear on a different floor than where you sleep, preferably in the basement

Going up & down the steps a few times always worked for me (‘oh, wait … wrong shirt; gotta go back’)

Percussion massagers for a few minutes pre run/ride have helped me significantly in shortening the needed warm up


I actually remember seeing Eric Lagerstrom post a brick video where he’s rolling to get the muscles activated/warmed up and ready to go before his run. He’s several years younger than me. I’ve incorporated similar and appreciate a slow burn leading into my main workout…