Morgan Pearson Qualifies for Team USA (in running)

Just want to shoutout Morgan Pearson. He raced an indoor 3k/mile on the track last weekend & then raced the USA Cross Country Championships yesterday. He was one of the main aggressors in the race, making moves at the front of the race late in the race. He broke away with the eventual winner, was caught by two others, but was still rewarded with a 4th place finish. That qualifies him for the World XC Champs in Serbia at the end of March. Would be fun to see him race there!

Race recap.

Just want to shoutout Morgan Pearson. He raced an indoor 3k/mile on the track last weekend & then raced the USA Cross Country Championships yesterday. He was one of the main aggressors in the race, making moves at the front of the race late in the race. He broke away with the eventual winner, was caught by two others, but was still rewarded with a 4th place finish. That qualifies him for the World XC Champs in Serbia at the end of March. Would be fun to see him race there!

Race recap.

The dude can run…but, apparently, he’s turned down the World slot. That’s according to the Letsrun Message board. (Which we all know is about as credible as FN.)

Abu Dhabi has been moved 1 weekend later in March (now 2nd weekend of March) and has an MTR race. I think USAT is going to use that event as sorta a figuring out the MTR roster. So I’m guessing Pearson, Knibb, Spivey and Rider will be the “A” team there and likley putting a lot into figuring that out with relay orders.

i’m sure someone will come along soon enough to try to pooh-pooh it, but hats off to him. that’s badass, and anyway you have to be in it to win it. he raced who showed up and he earned his slot (whether he takes it or not).

on the UK side, hugo milner’s just done the same thing. triathlon representing well!

Brooks, what’s your take on Pearson’s shot at a medal? Hayden keeps talking him up as having a shot if he’s still in the mix at T2 and with a run performance line this I can see why.

Morgan is a darkhorse medal favorite. I say a dark horse because he 100% has the goods. But I think where Morgan struggles- he lacks consistency. His “bad” results are really bad and his “great” results are generally T5 results. So it kinda turns into a “which Morgan will show up”. And I dont mean that as a disrespect. But in order to be a darkhorse / outside shot you gotta have the goods and I think he does (and the WTCS guys know that). Again that’s not meant as a disrespect, as a federation you want someone who has the goods to win a medal- Pearson has that. McElroy doens’t have the run anymore imo (which is why I dont think he’ll make the team because he wont AQ in Yoko). It’s just a matter of sorta doing it at this point now. But imo this is the venue for him to do it. He can sorta “hide” in the bike pack, save the legs, wait for T2 and unleash it.

Pearson has Alex Yee and Hayden Wilde level talent. Thus far he is missing one piece of the puzzle. I am not sure if it is mental, coaching or something else, but itu triathlon is a sport that allows for no weaknesses at the very top. He could win Gold on the perfect day, but I just think there are too many others right now who will still get it done under less then perfect circumstances, which is part of the game in a sport as complex is triathlon.

Who is his coach?

I believe Ryan Bolton and he swims in OB’s group there in Boulder (Knibb’s old coach). He likely may do run stuff with Tinman’s elite run squad, as he knows most of those guys.

So a little bit of background.

Morgan is sorta among the USAT’s last generation of “CRP” athletes. Collegiate Recruitment Program- which takes D1 studs and turns them into world class athletes. GJ, KZ, Rapp, Matt McEroy, Morgan, Maloy among the most famous. So one of the unique situations in those relationships is that they are essentially “hired guns” so to speak. There may or may not be the “love” for the sport that others who “grew up” in the sport have. That’s not to say that in a negative way, but just to showcase the mindset that athletes may have about said “job” and not necessarily a “passion project”. GJ imo ha that same mindset with the sport imo- she very much hated most things about the grind but it was her only pathway to winning a medal. Interesting enough the 1st chance she had at leaving tri she did for the sport she likely loves more- running.

Thanks for dropping the knowledge Brooks. I really appreciate your insight on this sort of stuff. I’d have never have known any of that without you posting.

Thanks and a note on the CPR pathway…it’s becoming slightly outdated (but still a semi pathway) because of the usat junior draft legal pipeline that is now mature enough to put out athletes from the junior to senior ranks. Darr Smith, Seth Rider on the men’s side are coming through that pathway and so it’s becoming somewhat less and less of finding a sub 13:30 5k runner who can do tri and be success. Even the women now are finding it harder and harder to show up late in development of itu and be successful. ITU if you aren’t developed by age 20-22 in the sport, your not going to show up at age 22 and “learn” the sport and win medals. It’s just become too specialzed now that the sport truly is becoming cemented as an olympic sport (Paris will be only 7th generation of race).

So McElroy, Pearson, Kasper, KZ, Rapp are pretty much aging out of itu from the semi very successful CRP pathway. I don’t think any of them will be around for LA Games.

Most post grad D1 stud athletes are likely going to follow the pathway of the Ari Klau/ Trevor Foley pathway- if you truly can’t pick up itu in 6 months, just move on to LC non-draft.

Morgan Pearson’s 1st WC event, he came out front pack swim, so very early on he was destined to be pretty good at it in addition to his studly run.

GB’s Hugo Milner won the Birtish cross country champs last weekend after coming in 4th in the European XC championships last month. That’s a string of good results from him following that World Cup win at Miyazaki late last year. Trail ultrarunner Tom Evans, who’s Sophie Coldwell’s husband, went second to Milner.

And then swam 5500 that evening, right? Hugo knows what he needs to do to have the chance to use that run at the top level. As big as he is it seems like he might have a shot at getting a “good enough” swim to be in the chase pack. Maybe by LA?

Brooks, my dream scenario is that Morgan keeps at it one more cycle and becomes a consistent performer and goes into LA as a poster boy. Leo Bergere consistency.

I have to assume he is still developing somewhat in the water and on the bike and with race execution. Just needs to keep building that experience and execute.

We can dream, right?

Thanks and a note on the CPR pathway…it’s becoming slightly outdated (but still a semi pathway) because of the usat junior draft legal pipeline that is now mature enough to put out athletes from the junior to senior ranks. Darr Smith, Seth Rider on the men’s side are coming through that pathway and so it’s becoming somewhat less and less of finding a sub 13:30 5k runner who can do tri and be success. Even the women now are finding it harder and harder to show up late in development of itu and be successful. ITU if you aren’t developed by age 20-22 in the sport, your not going to show up at age 22 and “learn” the sport and win medals. It’s just become too specialzed now that the sport truly is becoming cemented as an olympic sport (Paris will be only 7th generation of race).

So McElroy, Pearson, Kasper, KZ, Rapp are pretty much aging out of itu from the semi very successful CRP pathway. I don’t think any of them will be around for LA Games.

Most post grad D1 stud athletes are likely going to follow the pathway of the Ari Klau/ Trevor Foley pathway- if you truly can’t pick up itu in 6 months, just move on to LC non-draft.

Morgan Pearson’s 1st WC event, he came out front pack swim, so very early on he was destined to be pretty good at it in addition to his studly run.

Definitely agree he’s a dark horse favorite to the spectators, but as you noted his competitors know he’s a real threat. I was surprised to see his run fall apart at Pontevedra after taking the lead for a bit. He definitely has an all or nothing approach to his racing.

Watching his bike and run split in the relay in Tokyo was pretty epic. If anyone hasn’t watched that race go take a look.

He could go 1 more cycle I guess. I just wonder how motivated he’ll be. He’ll be 35 by then so not out of question. And if he wins a medal this year he could sorta be the motivated vet assuming he keeps racing strong within itu.

ETA: I should also add, Morgan is pretty much going to be the only WTCS T10 type of athlete for the US post Paris, so maybe by default and support from USAT, he may end up staying through LA. Outside of Knibb and Pearson, the US pipeline has almost no real threats to podium.

Even the women now are finding it harder and harder to show up late in development of itu and be successful. ITU if you aren’t developed by age 20-22 in the sport, your not going to show up at age 22 and “learn” the sport and win medals. It’s just become too specialized nowPotter is the current stand out example who has “shown up” which means it’s not “you’re not” but rather “it’s harder and harder”. Like Pearson she was an excellent swimmer before going all in on the 10000m so had a great foundation when she came to short course.
In this respect triathlon (short course) has an unfortunate filter for a sport which should weight each sport equally. Unless you’re a fish or have the potential (foundation) to be one, don’t bother with draft legal (and kiss any Olympic dream goodbye). Look at all the mediocre runners in WTCS: imagine if the current slower running half just wouldn’t get a start and excellent runners with, to start with, a sub-par swim were allowed a career?Watching his bike and run split in the relay in Tokyo was pretty epic. If anyone hasn’t watched that race go take a look.Pearson’s leg that day was so strong for silver to finish off Zaferes’ McDowell’s and Knibb’s powerful legs.

I believe Ryan Bolton and he swims in OB’s group there in Boulder (Knibb’s old coach). He likely may do run stuff with Tinman’s elite run squad, as he knows most of those guys.

That’s reassuring. I had the impression from some YouTube videos or social media posts that he might be going it alone, but that sounds like a good setup.

Does anyone know what Hugo Milner’s swim background is?
He has aspirations to prove Brook,(?) Wrong.
Seems to be very good at cross country.
Ran a wicked World cup (triathlon)too

Pearson’s leg that day was so strong for silver to finish off Zaferes’ McElroy’s and Knibb’s powerful legs.

McDowell was on that relay not McElroy- as McElroy has no chance of racing MTR unless he AQ’’s at Yoko May Wtcs (top 3 or bust for him and be top American obviously). That pick turned out to be very good, McDowell I think finished 5th and won silver medal being picked over the higher ranked at the time (and still highest ranked American) McElroy.

McDowell came through the junior ranks w/ former junior world champion Lukas Verzbicas (who left the sport after a bad bike crash that nearly killed him and never could fully comeback from).