More Fishes news, this time Dressel

I just saw on my FB feed that Caleb just swam a 1;32+ in some yards meet in Florida. Not a big meet really, so probably not super rested. It is his PR going back to old college days by a good amount, so really stoked for him to be finally approaching his old self.

I really want the dude to make this comeback after his meltdown, he is just such a talent and seems like a really nice guy. And he really helps solidify so many of our relays too, and if he can get individual medals too, all the better.

Now that yard time is pretty good for in season and he hasn’t swam yards since he left college. But it is right there with the best in NCAA right now, article said it is one ahead of Marchand and around 11th or so in the nation. So this and his former 50 fly he did a few months ago, seems like he is now in striking distance of that top step he left vacant. Just so many have stepped up since then, but his old times are still some of the best ever, so fingers crossed he is coming back new and improved???

Would be interesting to see if he has lost his edge for the 50 if he picked up another event like the 200IM where he could really do some damage.

Ya since Phelps and Lochte have left that event, and Michael Andrew hasn’t figured out how to swim the last 50, that event seems more wide open than it has in a couple decades. Except for Marchand of course, pretty much writing in his gold medals there and everyone is swimming for the rest…

It makes it interesting but I am wondering whether his 100 fly is his best shot at a podium in Paris in the individuals.

Even with a PR in the 200 yards the under water contribution doesn’t give a true picture of what he can do on top of the water at the moment in long course . But that said he must be in some hard work right now

The redemption arc I am following is cam mcevoy. Weight of expectation in 16 and the best swimmer in the world. But wasn’t able to do a really great swim in the 100 final. And he is now doing some things in the 50 free

Edit. Best swimmer in the world in his event

Yea I have been watching Cam along with Dressel, it could be them both together in the middle of the pool in the finals!! And the thing with Dressel is that the 200 is not his event, although I always thought it could have been. He just has so many events he could do, remember him going 50 flat in the 100 breast un tapered! And I think he did hold the NCAA record in the 200IM until Marchand came along, so you are right to think he may be going that direction.

But yes, his 100 fly is still probably his best event in the world against who is there at the moment. And his 50 suggests he still has that speed, and his recent 200 says he has some endurance back. I think technically his fly stroke is much better than his free, you can see guys between the walls always catching him, but only after he crushes them on the start and turns. Free he hangs on, fly he continues to move forward.

So that could put him on the 400 medley relay, good shot at the 4x100free, and even the 4x200 if they take 6 guys for that. Then you have the mixed, just have to figure if a guy is swimming fly on it first. 100 free is going to be brutal as is the 50, but back in form he should be able to make the finals at least. Saw some meets awhile back where he did not make the finals, then did a time in the B final that would have podiumed in a couple events. That’s probably just being rusty still…

You guys are going to really have some crushing free relays in the games, could actually be favorites in some come game time. Mixed too…Just have to get Sam Short to be able to break 1;45 in that 200 on his distance training. Sun Yang did it back in the day, no reason he couldn’t too.