Originally published at: More Color on the Women’s Races in Kona and Nice - Slowtwitch News
We’ll hear from Leisha Woolwine below, who I recruited out of our Reader Forum because of her thoughtful responses there (It’s true! Thoughtfulness exists there!). Leisha participated in Kona last year and just recently Nice – both IRONMAN World Championships and both womens-only races. I was eager to hear how she felt about each and how they compared to each other.

Leisha raced Kona last year on what she called “a roll roll roll down slot – in the batch they sent out in July to fill the race.” It was her first time racing in Kona, but she’d been there spectating previously. Leisha stayed at the Courtyard King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel, known by us all as the “King Kam,” where the race starts and finishes. In Nice she stayed at the Anatara hotel, “which was right at the Expo and Transition; very central location.”
Kona is an easier trip for her as she lives in the Bay Area and flies from SFO. For Nice, her itinerary was SFO to Charles De Gaulle (Paris), and then south. Also worth noting is Leisha’s throttled-back ambition for this race due to injury. “Multiple fractures in my toe in my qualifying race so I had no idea if I was going to finish the run. I went by feel and enjoyed every moment, which maybe unless you are going to win your AG is the right way to race.”

Here is Leisha’s comparative analysis of the two events.
What Kona did better:
1. Practice swims every day with bag check. In Nice you could swim anywhere there was not a centralized place. In Kona you just ran into everyone at the swim – that was fun.
2. Gear check in. In Kona it is a big deal, at Nice more like regular IRONMAN and this was a bit disappointing but I was also disappointed last year when no vendors showed up to gear check in. Pre-Covid you got free stuff if you had the vendors gear.
3. Post finish line experience. In Kona there were tons of people just hanging out. In Nice it was pretty empty. Maybe it was my later finish time.
4. In T1 and T2 Kona had volunteers. I am pretty much self-sufficient so this is really a push for me, but Kona had water and wet towels. This was really nice. Nice should have had a least water in T1 and T2.
5. Sponsor parties. PH had a house at Nice, but not sure of any other sponsors who had houses or events.
What Nice did better:
1. The swim is a push – but I’ll take Nice (open exposed swim) over Kona. I would have preferred no wetsuit.
2. The bike – hands down hard and fun and technical – Kona is just plain boring.
3. The run is also a push – 4 laps is hard – but other than going into and out of the Energy Lab at sunset Kona is not pretty and is boring; Nice is gorgeous in the day and the night.
4. You are in Nice – work kept us from staying longer, but we did pop into Monaco for dinner one night and saw a UAE rider on the way – not to mention George Hincapie was staying at my hotel. Next time we would probably stay longer and explore more of the Cote D’Azur.
And also…
“The expo: Kona’s might have been bigger – but Nice was fine – and Nice had better finisher gear on Monday which I thought was interesting, though it could have been a reaction to poor supply at Kona.

“What I was not expecting in Nice were large amounts of tourists still around and clueless to the race. I don’t view this as a plus or minus – just was not expecting that. But I did like that we did not take over the town and we could blend in. There was a race vibe near the race, and then it was just being in Nice away from the venue. There was also a very high level of security anywhere near the venue; bags were always checked going into the expo. There was also high security getting into T1 on race morning.
“Kona or Nice: If I could only do one I would pick Nice every time, and am planning on going back in 2026 It is just cooler. I can’t explain it and I know it will take time to weaken the hold Kona has, but I would hope that true triathletes would want the best WC course that the World has to offer. I think there is a place for Kona, but for the sport to flourish IRONMAN has to look beyond Kona as the sole WC location.
“On the Women/Men split: I love having my own day. As a FOP swimmer, racing with men is just not fun. But I do think that IM should try to get us on the same continent.
“Finally, one thing stands out to me regarding my comments above: Kona has a lot of ‘experience’ in putting on a WC and Nice is in the beginning stages. Perhaps IRONMAN lost money on the women’s race in Nice, but change is not going to happen overnight. I do hope that IRONMAN gives Nice the time to shine for the women.”
If you wonder about Leisha’s tri background, “first tri was Escape from Alcatraz in 1997.” She was a short-courser until IRONMAN Canada in 2006 and since then mostly all 70.3s and Fulls except for Escape from Alcatraz annually if not injured. Nice was her 12th IRONMAN.