Micro and macro Games we play

I’m a 51 year old male mid pack age grouper who wants to be doing these Ironman events until I’m old (70+).

My “macro” game is to commit to 1 full IM in every age group into my 70s.

35-39 = IMTexas 2012 (12:30:xx)
40-44 = IMTexas 2013 (11:53:xx)
45-49 = IMFlorida 2018 (Haines City - 12:48:xx) & IMFlorida 2021 (12:47:xx)
50-54 = ??? IMItaly 2024 (60 days from today)

My motivator: diabetes (MODY)
My motto/theme: “I’m here doing what I do (training) so that I can delay or eliminate complications later in life.”

Does anyone else play this specific game (1 full IM / age group)?
What games do you play (whether micro games or macro games) to remain motivated?

I like this!

It’s not really my approach, but I have pretty much done a similar thing.

Why I like this approach is although it totally requires mental focus on the here and now, it also keeps in mind the athlete of the future (which is you in 5, 10, 20 years).

The big picture, methinks is train but treat your body well so you can keep doing this for a long long time.

I look at it the opposite way

Put in the workouts and the times will fall where they will.

I aim to run 10k “sub x @ x”. I.e. when 42 years old I should (at least once that yeat) run a 10k sub 42 minutes, when 58 years old sub 58 minutes… I did my first at 39, hope to keep going until… death of age. As of now, just below 50 years old, I guess it is the “easiest” period, achievable times but not yet too much affected by age.

Hope to keep this up to 80+ and more 🙂

The big picture, methinks is train but treat your body well so you can keep doing this for a long long time.

Yes, that is my goal. Stay active enough during my off years so that I can achieve a full IM in each age group.
I have a strong desire to keep doing this and not burn out.
I have a buddy that is my age (but born the October before my February birthday) where we are each committing ourselves to this same goal.

I just do what I find fun. I find racing fun, so I raced almost 50 times in 9 seasons. I don’t find long slogs fun, so I’ve only done 6 middle distance races and zero 140.6s. I love to plan out a season, return to locations I’ve raced in and see if I can improve, race in new locations and hunt for the age group podium in small races (I.e., come 4th).

Your decision to commit is certainly worthy of appreciation. I for one dread the thought of treating triathlon as a “commitment” I would be obliged to keep (even if only internally).

That being said, I intend to stay in triathlon for as long as I am able to. It’s only been 9 years so far and I’m not even 45.