Michigan football - sign stealing accusations?

I may have missed conversation on this, but I didn’t see any.

Anyone else read the accusations?

. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/michigans-alleged-sign-stealing-bad-010303466.html

Dummies. If you’re going to do something against the rules like this, you have to have someone do it who isn’t part of the staff.

As a side note, is football the most over coached sport in the world?

Not sure if it is in that article. Apparently he bought 2 tickets to the OSU/PSU game last week on each side of the stadium. And they went unused.

Not sure if it is in that article. Apparently he bought 2 tickets to the OSU/PSU game last week on each side of the stadium. And they went unused.

In his own name, not the greatest operation.

Not surprised that school up north has to cheat to win.

Not surprised that school up north has to cheat to win.

This is the correct take.

Dummies. If you’re going to do something against the rules like this, you have to have someone do it who isn’t part of the staff.

As a side note, is football the most over coached sport in the world?

The lack of sophistication of this, is what makes me believe this guy did this on his own. I have not heard how he paid for the tickets, out of pocket or reimbursed from school. That would be the killer, if the school reimbursed him for the tickets.

Dummies. If you’re going to do something against the rules like this, you have to have someone do it who isn’t part of the staff.

As a side note, is football the most over coached sport in the world?

The lack of sophistication of this, is what makes me believe this guy did this on his own. I have not heard how he paid for the tickets, out of pocket or reimbursed from school. That would be the killer, if the school reimbursed him for the tickets.

To what benefit, then? He’s going to steal the signs but not share the information with anyone?

But let’s say that he did it on his own. When he goes to the coaches and says “Hey. I know what all of their signs mean”. The coaches didn’t ask “How do you know this?”

And a guy who earns $55k a year can afford to pay for tickets and flights to 30 something games, and everything associated with getting to a game?

DavHamm is from that state up north. He might be biased.

Dummies. If you’re going to do something against the rules like this, you have to have someone do it who isn’t part of the staff.

As a side note, is football the most over coached sport in the world?

The lack of sophistication of this, is what makes me believe this guy did this on his own. I have not heard how he paid for the tickets, out of pocket or reimbursed from school. That would be the killer, if the school reimbursed him for the tickets.

To what benefit, then? He’s going to steal the signs but not share the information with anyone?

But let’s say that he did it on his own. When he goes to the coaches and says “Hey. I know what all of their signs mean”. The coaches didn’t ask “How do you know this?”

And a guy who earns $55k a year can afford to pay for tickets and flights to 30 something games, and everything associated with getting to a game?

The guy didn’t put his own butt in the seats at all these games - he recruited randos to sit there filming on a phone and then to send him the film. I wonder if they’ll wriggle out of this because he wasn’t the one actually ‘in-person scouting’.

I wonder if they’ll wriggle out of this because he wasn’t the one actually ‘in-person scouting’.

Head coaches are all about “accountability that starts at the top.”

Until a dumbass assistant coach gets caught doing something dumb, then it’s this super minor coach that everyone barely knew who was acting totally on his own. Definitely not part of the culture of the program.

I wonder if they’ll wriggle out of this because he wasn’t the one actually ‘in-person scouting’.

Head coaches are all about “accountability that starts at the top.”

Until a dumbass assistant coach gets caught doing something dumb, then it’s this super minor coach that everyone barely knew who was acting totally on his own. Definitely not part of the culture of the program.

He was just the coffee boy. I may have taken some pictures with him but I never met the guy.

DavHamm is from that state up north. He might be biased.

You don’t read much of the football threads do you.

I pay little attention to college football, I have said most this season Michigan has not looked good. (They finally showed up for the first quarter against MSU).

If anything, my bias is anti-UofM. Thinking about it, I would say I have more negative feelings towards UofM than OSU (well untill they add the THE in front)

For the record I went to Mich. Tech. Feel free to look up their football team. I know its still active cause I heard Grand Valley (#2 in the nation) plays them next week. I went to 1 or 2 games while there, cause wife was in the pep band. (the band plays Kazoo’s at the game)

Anyhow, Sorry to disappoint, but not a Arrogant Asshole slappy.

Dummies. If you’re going to do something against the rules like this, you have to have someone do it who isn’t part of the staff.

As a side note, is football the most over coached sport in the world?

The lack of sophistication of this, is what makes me believe this guy did this on his own. I have not heard how he paid for the tickets, out of pocket or reimbursed from school. That would be the killer, if the school reimbursed him for the tickets.

To what benefit, then? He’s going to steal the signs but not share the information with anyone?

But let’s say that he did it on his own. When he goes to the coaches and says “Hey. I know what all of their signs mean”. The coaches didn’t ask “How do you know this?”

And a guy who earns $55k a year can afford to pay for tickets and flights to 30 something games, and everything associated with getting to a game?

I have no clue, what this guys job was. I assumed there was someway he could integrate this information into all the other tendency and trend data, to make it usefull to the coaches or himself, but not obvious what he was doing.

You tell me he was third towel boy in charge of pregame water distribution, then it all seems odd.

I wonder if they’ll wriggle out of this because he wasn’t the one actually ‘in-person scouting’.

Head coaches are all about “accountability that starts at the top.”

Until a dumbass assistant coach gets caught doing something dumb, then it’s this super minor coach that everyone barely knew who was acting totally on his own. Definitely not part of the culture of the program.

The BUCK should stop at the top. Regardless of if the Head Coach knew about it or not, Its his program his job to know, and they should be held accountable.

Same thing should go for CEO or Presidents.

I wonder if they’ll wriggle out of this because he wasn’t the one actually ‘in-person scouting’.

Head coaches are all about “accountability that starts at the top.”

Until a dumbass assistant coach gets caught doing something dumb, then it’s this super minor coach that everyone barely knew who was acting totally on his own. Definitely not part of the culture of the program.

The BUCK should stop at the top. Regardless of if the Head Coach knew about it or not, Its his program his job to know, and they should be held accountable.

Same thing should go for CEO or Presidents.

There’s a UofM and OSU Buckeyes joke in there somewhere.

Tom Brady went to Michigan, no?

Not surprised that school up north has to cheat to win.

This is the correct take.

Harbaugh has never even met this man.


Not surprised that school up north has to cheat to win.

This is the correct take.

Harbaugh has never even met this man.


I follow some UM sites, it’s odd how much their fans parallel the MAGA crowd. He didn’t know about it, it’s a stupid rule, the NCAA is out to get him, everybody does it, the press hates him…

Not surprised that school up north has to cheat to win.

This is the correct take.

Harbaugh has never even met this man.


I follow some UM sites, it’s odd how much their fans parallel the MAGA crowd. He didn’t know about it, it’s a stupid rule, the NCAA is out to get him, everybody does it, the press hates him…

Seriously? Ann Arbor and UM is definitely lefties based on my experiences