Messick on how they train. OMG

Messick did himself zero favors.

In fact he proved what most of us thought about Ironman.

But wow.

Jack was pretty chill and to the point. If you are going to act like a dick, then why bother going on the podcast at all!? Like you said, did himself zero favours. Will be interesting to see what others think…

Cliff notes? Link?

I cannot find an interview with Andrew Messick on how they train. Am I missing something? I hope not!

I am conflict-averse to the point where I find listening to heated debate quite stressful, I’m not sure I can listen to this! Could someone summarize the main points?

Cliff notes? Link?

Paid subscription currently but I’m sure he will release it in a few weeks.

But wow

OK Thanks. Been listening for a while did not realise there was a paywall on some of the podcasts - but I do now!!

He has a subscription through Patreon. It’s on there if you want to listen.

Messick did himself zero favors.

In fact he proved what most of us thought about Ironman.

But wow.

Can you please give us a summary of the interview? Key points here? Otherwise, this feels like click-bate

And also how he said Elon Musk is taking Ironman under Tesla brand… so crazy.

Or maybe somebody post what was actually said?

And also how he said Elon Musk is taking Ironman under Tesla brand… so crazy.

Or maybe somebody post what was actually said?

Or did Elon Musk make it into the Exec challenge and got a slot to Kona…racing with the women this year? And riding an electric bike? lol

(above should be pink)

Meh. This is more fun.

Nothing here, wasted my time.

And also how he said Elon Musk is taking Ironman under Tesla brand… so crazy.

Or maybe somebody post what was actually said?

Or did Elon Musk make it into the Exec challenge and got a slot to Kona…racing with the women this year? And riding an electric bike? lol

(above should be pink)

How do we know?

Messick did himself zero favors.

In fact he proved what most of us thought about Ironman.

But wow.

so how does he train… give a week.

I have this one friend from high school who I essentially lost touch with and who never posts on Facebook anymore. She is a stay at home mom and I assume is pretty busy with her three kids. Now periodically, she will make some random post about selling teeth whitening toothpaste, and within ten minutes, over a dozen people from different parts of the U.S. will comment saying “oh wow, that worked so well for my family” or “we need more, will send you an order”. This thread has that vibe so far. :smiley:

This thread: OMG CWOT.

I am conflict-averse to the point where I find listening to heated debate quite stressful, I’m not sure I can listen to this! Could someone summarize the main points?
no, we’re not going to tell you how much we makepro long course triathletes only exist because of the ironman brandthe pros can fuck off. we’re not paying them more money60+ ladies are hugely important and will always have a place at world championships. we’re not shrinking the field.women and men will never race on the same day in different locations for world championships
I knew nothing about Messick going into this, but I can’t understand why anyone here would like the guy at all. He’s very much the CEO of a private company interested in maximizing profits and couldn’t care less about the sport. He doesn’t give a shit about pros or even the most competitive people around here and he’d rather maximize the number of age groupers he can get to each and every race.

I am conflict-averse to the point where I find listening to heated debate quite stressful, I’m not sure I can listen to this! Could someone summarize the main points?
no, we’re not going to tell you how much we makepro long course triathletes only exist because of the ironman brandthe pros can fuck off. we’re not paying them more money60+ ladies are hugely important and will always have a place at world championships. we’re not shrinking the field.women and men will never race on the same day in different locations for world championships
I knew nothing about Messick going into this, but I can’t understand why anyone here would like the guy at all. He’s very much the CEO of a private company interested in maximizing profits and couldn’t care less about the sport. He doesn’t give a shit about pros or even the most competitive people around here and he’d rather maximize the number of age groupers he can get to each and every race.

And there is the issue.
Ironman is a business. But if they actually wanted to maximize the business, they would have started growing the sport, not the business, in 2007. (2007 is when they started setting up the current situation we’re in)

Being a big fish in a small pond is always a bad idea in the long term.

I don’t want to spoil the podcast by summarizing it and hope everyone gives it a listen, it’s interesting (“It’s not a popularity contest, it’s about what’s best overall for Ironman.” - Messick from the interview).

Andrew Messick comes off extremely aggressive and disrespectful to Jack (he is eating in the middle of the podcast lol). I really don’t understand why he went on the podcast as he comes off awful. Seemed completely unwilling to listen to what Jack was trying to say/ask.