Men's 4 x 100m relay

Suck it, bitches and ignorant sluts.

Between the arrogance of the US mens’ sprinters and the poor structure of US Athletics that doesn’t have a set relay team that practices on a regular basis (like most countries do), it’s not surprising that the US men haven’t medaled in the 4 x 100 relay in 20 years. Carl Lewis also said they should just have subbed in a different runner in place of Noah Lyles in the anchor spot, so that all the other handovers would be unchanged. Instead, they changed a few of the athletes’ order and Kenny Bednareck ended up starting way too early for the first handover.

They’d better get it sorted before 2028 to avoid further embarrassment.

Suck it, bitches and ignorant sluts.

amazing race from the outside lane. Congrats well deserved win.

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Christian Coleman might be banned again?!

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg
Everyone in that race was juiced.

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg

There’s no way he was juicing. That is just the result of modern training methods.

Between the arrogance of the US mens’ sprinters and the poor structure of US Athletics that doesn’t have a set relay team that practices on a regular basis (like most countries do), it’s not surprising that the US men haven’t medaled in the 4 x 100 relay in 20 years. Carl Lewis also said they should just have subbed in a different runner in place of Noah Lyles in the anchor spot, so that all the other handovers would be unchanged. Instead, they changed a few of the athletes’ order and Kenny Bednareck ended up starting way too early for the first handover.

They’d better get it sorted before 2028 to avoid further embarrassment.

holy cow, is that stat correct?

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg
Everyone in that race was juiced.

An old buddy of mine, who passed away a few years ago, wrote a book on it. I think Calvin Smith may have been clean.

Between the arrogance of the US mens’ sprinters and the poor structure of US Athletics that doesn’t have a set relay team that practices on a regular basis (like most countries do), it’s not surprising that the US men haven’t medaled in the 4 x 100 relay in 20 years. Carl Lewis also said they should just have subbed in a different runner in place of Noah Lyles in the anchor spot, so that all the other handovers would be unchanged. Instead, they changed a few of the athletes’ order and Kenny Bednareck ended up starting way too early for the first handover.

They’d better get it sorted before 2028 to avoid further embarrassment.

Carl is 100% correct.

You also have the issue that several of the team hardly went to college, which is where relay running skills were honed in the past. Bednareck, for example, went to one year of junior college before turning Pro.

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg
Everyone in that race was juiced.

An old buddy of mine, who passed away a few years ago, wrote a book on it. I think Calvin Smith may have been clean.

as a junior i did a track camp with a guy who’s been a team canada coach at seoul. i believe he said (back in the '90s, which was rather scandalous) that 7/8 runners in that final were doping.

Sure is. Even Japan has 2 medals since then (US took a silver in 2004, since then 0)

Let’s wait until the drug tests come back…
What?!? Canada never cheats at the Olympics!

Maybe you can celebrate for longer than 24 hours this time?!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/iaaf-investigation-previous-scandals.jpg
Everyone in that race was juiced.

An old buddy of mine, who passed away a few years ago, wrote a book on it. I think Calvin Smith may have been clean.

as a junior i did a track camp with a guy who’s been a team canada coach at seoul. i believe he said (back in the '90s, which was rather scandalous) that 7/8 runners in that final were doping.


It is funny to see Linford Christie so skinny in that pic. My roommate ran in the Stuttgart World Championship in 1993 and he got me a coaches pass. I was underneath the stadium in the tunnels and the UK 4 x 100 team came jogging by after their race. John Regis and Christie looked like bodybuilders. It was freakish to see up close.

An old buddy of mine, who passed away a few years ago, wrote a book on it.

Name of book please - that sounds like something I’d like to read.

Give the 4x1 to Carl and let him whip them into stick passing shape.

Between the arrogance of the US mens’ sprinters…

Every time the Olympics roll around, I’m re-surprised by the level of arrogance on display generally by a lot of track and field athletes. For athletes in what really is a niche sport as far as the general public is concerned, making generally not a lot of money, getting generally not a lot of TV time, there sure are a lot of peacocks strutting around out there.

Maybe it’s different in other countries, like for cycling or soccer, and these athletes are more well known to the public there.

Between the arrogance of the US mens’ sprinters…

Every time the Olympics roll around, I’m re-surprised by the level of arrogance on display generally by a lot of track and field athletes. For athletes in what really is a niche sport as far as the general public is concerned, making generally not a lot of money, getting generally not a lot of TV time, there sure are a lot of peacocks strutting around out there.

Maybe it’s different in other countries, like for cycling or soccer, and these athletes are more well known to the public there.

They’re literally the fastest humans on the planet…that buys some ego…now if it was race walkers doing it…

Sure is. Even Japan has 2 medals since then (US took a silver in 2004, since then 0)

Meh. I’m more of a big picture guy, so I’m not terribly concerned about this one event.

So let’s take a look at the current medal count. The US has 111 medals including 33 gold. Canada has 23 total, 7 gold. Hmmm.

If Canada finishes really strong, they might crack top-10.

Sure is. Even Japan has 2 medals since then (US took a silver in 2004, since then 0)

Meh. I’m more of a big picture guy, so I’m not terribly concerned about this one event.

So let’s take a look at the current medal count. The US has 111 medals including 33 gold.** Canada has 23 total, 7 gold.** Hmmm.

If Canada finishes really strong, they might crack top-10.

3 of those golds belong to one person (Summer McIntosh).