Men 45+, do you color your hair

Hey all, I have the body of a 25 year old* . But grey** hair is letting the side down. Mainly around the temples. I am currently feeling kind of two-tone, like a raccoon or a badly drawn zebra.

What are people’s thoughts about artificial hair color for M45+?

*in my basement.
** who am I kidding, it’s white

No. Embrace it. You’ve earned it.


Then again I’ve lost most of my hair and I keep it very very short.

No, I don’t but my wife wants me to start adding a little color back. She says my grey/white/silver hair makes me look like I’m bald in certain spots. Personally, I never really thought about it, or cared, but I look at recent pics of us and I look about ten years older than her (we are only a year apart). So, I’m still deciding if I will try it or not

I started going grey at 10/11, I’m 49 no colour

Daughter is 9 she has the occasional grey / no pigment hair. So far no colour

men coloring their hair is akin to wearing a toupee.

Not much love for the idea so far. I thought triathletes were meant to be a vain, narcissitic bunch and might find some support for the idea. And ideally, tips about how to do it. DIY or salon?

I’m not even sure it’s the white that bothers me. It’s the fact that the sides are white, but the top front and back are brown. It’s as if someone loaded my head into Windows Paint, clicked “fill” and then the computer crashed half way.

Just let it go dude, let nature take its course. Of course this is coming from a guy with only about half his hair left.

Honestly, I have some gray on the sides and my beard is riddled with gray. Thankfully Mrs. mck414 likes it, at least that’s what she tells me.

Hey all, I have the body of a 25 year old* . But grey** hair is letting the side down. Mainly around the temples. I am currently feeling kind of two-tone, like a raccoon or a badly drawn zebra.

What are people’s thoughts about artificial hair color for M45+?

*in my basement.
** who am I kidding, it’s white

If you do it, go for the jet black look so it looks perfectly natural.

If you want to try it, go for it. Maybe you like it. Maybe you don’t. At least you won’t dye wondering. I’ve done it several times in the past. At other times I’ve rocked the salt & pepper. Decided two days ago to go way back and buzz with a #3. Surprisingly my hair looks darker! Another guy in my team used colour on again, off again.

Haters gonna hate. Let them be damned. They’re probably hanging onto their youth in other vain ways, driving fast cars, wearing clothes too young for them. Whitening teeth. Dating much younger people.

I will warn you though. Be careful with spillage or you’ll look like the Don. Vaseline or liberal doses of moisturiser around hair lines to help clean up over applications.

You guys still have hair??

I’m cheap, so DIY.
I think those against coloring are just jealous of those of us who still have hair to color.

men coloring their hair is akin to wearing a toupee.

This. It’s usually so obvious that it looks goofy.

Not much love for the idea so far. I thought triathletes were meant to be a vain, narcissitic bunch and might find some support for the idea.


See, this is the problem. You are assuming that we are triathletes in this room.

We’re mostly people who either failed at or moved on from triathlon.

So maybe take this shit to the tri forum.

If you want to do it, just try it. I suggest some Just for Men comb in product, that way you could do it little by little and see if you like it. Or some L’Oreal Magic Root spray.

Start with a color a little lighter than your hair. And I also highly suggest using a bit of Vaseline or Chapstick on your skin.

I’m 52. I don’t even comb my hair, so the thought of coloring it has never occurred to me. But what I have left is mostly a pretty consistent salt / pepper, some lighter sections, but nothing glaring. Its more salt than pepper now.

Hey all, I have the body of a 25 year old* . But grey** hair is letting the side down. Mainly around the temples. I am currently feeling kind of two-tone, like a raccoon or a badly drawn zebra.

What are people’s thoughts about artificial hair color for M45+?

*in my basement.
** who am I kidding, it’s white

I have a similar color pattern with parts almost all grey and parts still dark. I’m not a dude- but I color it. I go a few shades lighter and get compliments on my highlights. I used to go darker- but that makes any growth way more noticeable and high maintenance. The might look weird on shorter hair though.

No. Fortunate to have zero thinning or hair loss. But I just roll with letting it go gray.

No. In the (unlikely) event that I pass someone on the bike, I want them to feel the shame of an old guy dropping them.

I have a similar color pattern with parts almost all grey and parts still dark.

Throw in some light brown

When I get my hair cut, the floor looks like someone ran over a rabbit with a lawnmower