Meanwhile in El Salvador

Yes. There is the drawback the gov’t is rather authoritarian. But for the average citizen a huge improvement

Trump occupies too much space in your mind. For me I was reading an article about El Salvador

I went to Colombia in nov 23 and feb 2024. First week Bogota and surround and second week Pereira and surrounds. Stayed second week at a family farm that is converting their 500 hectare farm which is half forest and half pasture into more and more forest supported by tourism mainly birdwatching. It goes 2000 ft up a mountain . At the top you can see the failed avocado farms on the surrounding hillsides. I was quite impressed and have committed to paying them 150 dollars a year to allow another hectare to turn into forest. I will be back to pay for stay and support the enterprise. Colombia finally managed a relatively peaceful transition. On top of it all I made some new friends.

The El Salvadorians were handed a bad deal through little fault of their own. Somebody is doing something to improve things. That is good. Whether or not it ends up like Venezuela or not I guess we will see. Since their is no mention of mass executions etc it is entirely possible that latter on gang members may be integrated into society once some stability is achieved. How would you have fixed things?

Minor quibble. Longer history here than Reagan. Try the Dulles boys, Sullivan & Cromwell , the United Fruit Company and Ike.

NYTimes did a good deep dive on this last week as well -The High Price of Safety in El Salvador for some additional perspective.

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Excellent article, thank you.

Just like the Phillipines, it appears that this is all a charade. Sadly, bread and circuses.